Originally Posted by testacon
Can you point to me the thread that has the latest STAPLE version of this ROM please?
After this is installed I can always ODIN back to stock if I wish--correct? If you don't mind me asking what did you do to brick your phone? I thought it was next to impossible to do...
First you gotta flash the custom recovery, if you want the most popular thats EXT 4 roms.
I do suggest playing with stock first so that you can compare..
This is custom recovery: (3.0 is ofr EXT4, 2.55 is RFS)..it'll also root your phone
- ACS:
Flash this to enable journaling:
- Midnight:
Genocide .. one sec let me find it..
As for what I did to brick..there was a kernel called VisionKernel 1.2..something didnt play well and when I turned off my phone it never turned on again...people are guessing its the undervolting of the ram..but we got no official word yet to the cause.