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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 05-09-2011, 09:49 PM
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Evo or Epic

Ok, so it looks like Oct 2010 this topic was last discussed here and not to my specific questions so here's my story...

I got two upgrades that I'm considering holding on to right now. I need to get two phones now but I'm not about to lock into a 2 year contract for what's out there right now. So I'm thinking of getting one of these 2 phones based off of some criteria that I would like some help sorting out.

I really don't think hardware is that relevant with these two phones at the minute, mainly because I don't think either phone being pushed to it's limits right now, I know on paper the Epic has faster hardware, but it also seems to be buggier overall then the EVO is.

So what I'm thinking of doing is buying 2 phones now ~$300 w/o contract each, use them until I see what the Evo3D, Galaxy S2 or whatever's left hits this fall and then use my upgrades and sell the two phones I just got to recoup some of my losses. I just can't justify the Nexus S because they ACTUALLY want $549.99 for last years GSM's model. Plus I'm kind of waiting to see what Sprint is going to do with WiMax vs. LTE.


Easiest to root
Gingerbread support
Higher resale value for fall 2011 sale
Better community support
Properly working hardware
Better likelihood of Netflix support
Free Wifi Hotspot
NFC support (if possible)

I'm also curious if anyone sees any flaws in my logic, I got two phones right now that are more then 3 years old. I just can't wait any longer...

Last edited by testacon; 05-10-2011 at 09:13 AM. Reason: Forgot to add some wants...
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 05-09-2011, 10:21 PM
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Re: Evo or Epic

Originally Posted by testacon View Post
Ok, so it looks like Oct 2010 this topic was last discussed here and not to my specific questions so here's my story...

I got two upgrades that I'm considering holding on to right now. I need to get two phones now but I'm not about to lock into a 2 year contract for what's out there right now. So I'm thinking of getting one of these 2 phones based off of some criteria that I would like some help sorting out.

I really don't think hardware is that relevant with these two phones at the minute, mainly because I don't think either phone being pushed to it's limits right now, I know on paper the Epic has faster hardware, but it also seems to be buggier overall then the EVO is.
umm..Epic is one of the most stable devices there is even stock...(not saying there is no issues but it runs fairly smoothly, probably the smoothest stock android device out in US..and will run even faster once gingerbread comes with hummingbird optimizations). The performance increase is not something on paper..you actually can feel it being smooth. (don't take my word for it, go to the store and play with it)

IF you play games you will notice it even more..such as Dungeon Defender...there are gonna be a bunch of games comming out this year such as this game that monetizes the GPU and hardware acceleration..."on paper" the GPU in the Epic is on par with the dual core phones.


Easiest to root

Gingerbread support
Both phones will get gingerbread support around same time the rumor goes..

Higher resale value for fall 2011 sale
Thats a tough one..I expect both devices to become quite obsolete as manufacturers have promised a quad-core phone by end of year...with dual cores out and quad-cores on the horizon its a tough call...The Epic "might" be able to win if Sprint does not release any more kb phones..it also depends how many Evos go on ebay once Evo 3d comes out...

Better community support
Evo has better community support hands down...we might see a surge in the next few weeks for the Epic depending on what can be ported from the Nexus S 4G which is similar to the Epic...right now its too early to tell..but I doubt it will match the Evo overall...

Properly working hardware
Be a bit more specific...both phones have flaws..what exactly do you need working 100%?

I'm also curious if anyone sees any flaws in my logic, I got two phones right now that are more then 3 years old. I just can't wait any longer...
Well why not just get one new phone and save upgrade of 2nd one for later? You can also attempt to make use of the 30 day rule to try to be eligible for an Evo 3d within the 30 day cycle...

Edit:Just realized you said off contract...nvm on the 30 day thing then...
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Last edited by gTen; 05-09-2011 at 11:31 PM.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 05-10-2011, 09:52 AM
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Re: Evo or Epic

Originally Posted by gTen View Post

Be a bit more specific...both phones have flaws..what exactly do you need working 100%?

Well why not just get one new phone and save upgrade of 2nd one for later? You can also attempt to make use of the 30 day rule to try to be eligible for an Evo 3d within the 30 day cycle...

Edit:Just realized you said off contract...nvm on the 30 day thing then...
Thanks for the response gTen...

Please note that I added a few things to the wants list. Was too sleepy when I wrote this post.

Additions include:

What's likely to include Netflix support, and Free Wifi Hotspot, I'll pay for the app if I must, not the service though.

The reason I say the Epic is more buggier then the Evo is that it seems that Samsung just can't drop a reliable update. I mean look how long it took for them to drop Froyo officially, only to be pulled right after, I actually stopped following the Epic development after that eff up. I guess the better question is did Froyo finally drop officially? How bad is it, can you point me to a bug list anywhere? While I don't mind flashing my phone, I already have a full time job, I don't need two of them. I just don't feel like making this a daily/weekly adventure, every few months is fine, but once I move into a phone, I really hate starting over, and over again.

Recent rumor mill suggests that the Evo 3d isn't dropping in June, it could be July/August. That's why I figured just buy 2 phones now out of pocket and use the upgrades later--if I even decide to stay with Sprint I'm still only in my 7th year, no gold for me. I pay about $160 month for two phones, I'm not getting any great deals that I couldn't get from Verizon, if I decided to jump ship for a better released phone or service (although the latter one isn't likely). Verizon is still unlimited right--for now?

If Sprint and Verizon would only release a playbook for all phone between now and the end of the year, this would all be a piece of cake, but unfortunately, "the cake is a lie".
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 05-10-2011, 10:59 AM
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Re: Evo or Epic

Originally Posted by testacon View Post
Better likelihood of Netflix support
its a mixed bag..so far netflix has declared that onyl certain type of CPUs can use it..so idk..Epic comes pre-built with DRM which is compatible with M$ DRM but I don't know if its enough for Netflix...

Best option for now is this: http://www.engadget.com/2011/02/17/p...-hulu-for-all/

Free Wifi Hotspot
Both can do this with rooting...

NFC support (if possible)
Nope, first device with NFC is Nexus S...unless you maybe buy an external NFC device maybe :/

Originally Posted by testacon View Post
The reason I say the Epic is more buggier then the Evo is that it seems that Samsung just can't drop a reliable update. I mean look how long it took for them to drop Froyo officially, only to be pulled right after, I actually stopped following the Epic development after that eff up.
The issues with the updates were not the roms...it was OTAs not working right...I personally have an Epic and an Intercept and both had been pulled...the Intercept was bricking phone via OTA, I updated via update.zip (which is you download the OTA and install manually) and no issues...in Epics case you just had to do a hard reset and it worked fine...

I guess the better question is did Froyo finally drop officially?
yes it did...

How bad is it, can you point me to a bug list anywhere?
Its not that bad...biggest bugs are:

1) keyboard misses keys for fast typer (fixed by community)
2) GPS works fine for most now..but some have long lock times...(fixed via app similar to QuickGPS and/or fixed by community)
3) TWS bug (fixed by community)
4) Default browser checker-boarding (fixed by community)
5) May have lag when tilting the phone (fixed by recalibrating sensor)
6) improper sound driver (it still works better then most other phones but its not using its max potential as Epic has one of the best audio chipsets...either way fixed by community)

Thats the major ones..and there are fixes for them..and neither of them is anything major...like freezes or etc...

While I don't mind flashing my phone, I already have a full time job, I don't need two of them. I just don't feel like making this a daily/weekly adventure, every few months is fine, but once I move into a phone, I really hate starting over, and over again.
Well the Epic community is not as big as the Evo..so you usually get a major update once a month from the community..that said we really don't have any issues that are major..most of those have been fixed so the community is working on things like:

Unlocking 3.5mm tv-out and usb->hdmi
under-clocking components for better battery life

I mean most stuff work out of box so what can I say :/..

I mean go visit a sprint store and play with both...thats all I can suggest >.>

Last edited by gTen; 05-10-2011 at 11:05 AM.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 05-10-2011, 02:21 PM
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Re: Evo or Epic

I've played with the phone a few times before so I get the gist of the interface, what file system are you using? Last time I was looking around the EXT4 debate was going on, who won that argument?

Do you know off the top of your head what SDHC card came with the phone? I know that a 16GB was offered but I was wondering what class and brand they were since usually getting a refurb doesn't have one with it, and I'll be off to eBay or Newegg for a purchase...

So what are YOU actually running on your phone right now, or better yet what do you recommend? I definitely need a wifi hotspot so I assume rooting the phone is a requirement but what is the apk needed to do this or is there instructions somewhere?

Again TIA...
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 05-10-2011, 02:36 PM
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Re: Evo or Epic

Originally Posted by testacon View Post
I've played with the phone a few times before so I get the gist of the interface, what file system are you using? Last time I was looking around the EXT4 debate was going on, who won that argument?
No one...there wasn't enough evidence for or against it..but as far as community wise it seems to have embraced EXT4..aka most new roms support it.

Do you know off the top of your head what SDHC card came with the phone? I know that a 16GB was offered but I was wondering what class and brand they were since usually getting a refurb doesn't have one with it, and I'll be off to eBay or Newegg for a purchase...
Class 2, obviously Samsung branded (as they make sd cards too) lol

So what are YOU actually running on your phone right now, or better yet what do you recommend? I definitely need a wifi hotspot so I assume rooting the phone is a requirement but what is the apk needed to do this or is there instructions somewhere?
I suggest running ACS/midnight rom with Genocide Kernel..ATM I am running a brick lol (I installed a very risky kernel which underclocked CPU, ram and the screen)..otherwise Epic is "almost" impossible to brick..

For wireless ad-hic tether is Android-Wifi-Tether..its available on the Android Market..unless you want infrastructure tethering..that requires 3..0 version but its a little unstable at times..
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 05-10-2011, 03:03 PM
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Re: Evo or Epic

Originally Posted by gTen View Post
No one...there wasn't enough evidence for or against it..but as far as community wise it seems to have embraced EXT4..aka most new roms support it.

Class 2, obviously Samsung branded (as they make sd cards too) lol

I suggest running ACS/midnight rom with Genocide Kernel..ATM I am running a brick lol (I installed a very risky kernel which underclocked CPU, ram and the screen)..otherwise Epic is "almost" impossible to brick..

For wireless ad-hic tether is Android-Wifi-Tether..its available on the Android Market..unless you want infrastructure tethering..that requires 3..0 version but its a little unstable at times..
I'm pretty sure that I'll need infrastructure tethering if I want to use it with the iPad2. I really don't plan to use it that much just when I need to manage a server here and there through RDP. This generic app keeps your usage on the DL--right???
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 05-10-2011, 03:35 PM
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Re: Evo or Epic

Originally Posted by testacon View Post
I'm pretty sure that I'll need infrastructure tethering if I want to use it with the iPad2. I really don't plan to use it that much just when I need to manage a server here and there through RDP. This generic app keeps your usage on the DL--right???
Personally I found it easier to manage a server on an Epic with a hardware keyboard then a tablet...but thats just me..

What do you mean by "on the DL"? Also its jsut called Android-Wifi-Tether...its not generic, its an open source project...
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 05-11-2011, 01:24 AM
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Re: Evo or Epic

Originally Posted by gTen View Post
Personally I found it easier to manage a server on an Epic with a hardware keyboard then a tablet...but thats just me..

What do you mean by "on the DL"? Also its jsut called Android-Wifi-Tether...its not generic, its an open source project...
Down-low: Keeping an act, action or some other piece of information a secret. I just meant undetected tethering...

How do you manage servers with the keyboard, most of the time, I'm doing things with Active Directory Users and Computers to unlock accounts or Sites and Services to force replications between sites, using the GUI? Is there a better way that I'm overlooking? I'm always down for exchanging ideas and such...
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 05-11-2011, 09:41 AM
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Re: Evo or Epic

Originally Posted by testacon View Post
Down-low: Keeping an act, action or some other piece of information a secret. I just meant undetected tethering...
Oh I read DL as Download >.> lol...generally speaking its never been a problem with sprint...other networks like Telus it charged people for it. But if you feel worried you can download a rom with Carrier IQ removed...

How do you manage servers with the keyboard, most of the time, I'm doing things with Active Directory Users and Computers to unlock accounts or Sites and Services to force replications between sites, using the GUI? Is there a better way that I'm overlooking? I'm always down for exchanging ideas and such...
Well it depends..in my case usually I do a few things here and there then need to write a short script to fix things or use powershell/ command prompt and etc to execute commands. so in that way a keyboard helps a lot.

I mean I hate it when an onscreen keyboard takes up half the screen >.>..kinda counter productive..
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