Evo or Epic
Ok, so it looks like Oct 2010 this topic was last discussed here and not to my specific questions so here's my story...
I got two upgrades that I'm considering holding on to right now. I need to get two phones now but I'm not about to lock into a 2 year contract for what's out there right now. So I'm thinking of getting one of these 2 phones based off of some criteria that I would like some help sorting out.
I really don't think hardware is that relevant with these two phones at the minute, mainly because I don't think either phone being pushed to it's limits right now, I know on paper the Epic has faster hardware, but it also seems to be buggier overall then the EVO is.
So what I'm thinking of doing is buying 2 phones now ~$300 w/o contract each, use them until I see what the Evo3D, Galaxy S2 or whatever's left hits this fall and then use my upgrades and sell the two phones I just got to recoup some of my losses. I just can't justify the Nexus S because they ACTUALLY want $549.99 for last years GSM's model. Plus I'm kind of waiting to see what Sprint is going to do with WiMax vs. LTE.
Easiest to root
Gingerbread support
Higher resale value for fall 2011 sale
Better community support
Properly working hardware
Better likelihood of Netflix support
Free Wifi Hotspot
NFC support (if possible)
I'm also curious if anyone sees any flaws in my logic, I got two phones right now that are more then 3 years old. I just can't wait any longer...
Last edited by testacon; 05-10-2011 at 09:13 AM.
Reason: Forgot to add some wants...