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  #41 (permalink)  
Old 06-05-2010, 02:21 AM
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Re: What can the TP2 do that iPhone or Droid can't?

Originally Posted by Kliptik View Post
LOL! Should we tell them it's related to the SD card?

EDIT* Sorry I couldnt resist... In all reality I do hope that everyone that jumped ship to the EVO is enjoyng their new toys! makes me almost jealous to a certain degree... Ive learned that just cuz its new and cool doesnt mean its the best out there... then again im sure ill be buying a WP7 device as soon as they drop...
They fixed the SD card issue, but it's incompatible if you root your EVO.

To your EDIT*
I feel the same. I just don't want to pay $200 on an EVO then want the next Android/WinPhone that comes out.

Keeping up with the Jones is trying, expensive and never ending.

Originally Posted by kern417 View Post
many overlay options (SPB Shell, Sense, WM Today, etc.)

much more customizable software (and can update software without buying new device)

5 row keyboard (best keyboard i've ever used)

it's more like an extension of your computer
That's why I love my TP2 so much. It just feels like I'm using my netbook, although I'm sure Android could give you the same mobile PC vibe.
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  #42 (permalink)  
Old 06-05-2010, 02:27 AM
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Re: What can the TP2 do that iPhone or Droid can't?

Originally Posted by joe50000 View Post
Yes multitouch is great, but outside of browsing and picture viewing, I don't see many benefits. I prefer accuracy any day, especially with a phone that doesn't have a hard keyboard option (or at least, a GOOD hardware keyboard)
really just a preference thing, both have good and bad. i did picked up a stylus for my incredible though. has a pretty thin tip (not as thin as a winmo stylus of course) but is very accurate even on the capacitive screen

Originally Posted by joe50000 View Post
Just trying to keep this friendly, but we were talking about the droid and iphone, not future phones.
look at the nature of most answers. people are talking about android in general, no one is refering specifically to the motorola droid (i know i said "droid does" but i likewise meant android in general)

Originally Posted by joe50000 View Post
That is a good point, but it still has limitations. Dictating e-mails and SMS in public isn't really an option.
true, but it aint like the kb's are completely unusable. i will say that i can still type faster on the kb then on the sip but i am getting faster everyday! dictating in public is really no different then making a phone call in public. but if dealing with sensitive info i can see where you are coming from

Originally Posted by joe50000 View Post
It simplifies finding and installing apps. And you still have the choice of whether you want it on your hardware or memory card.
i could agree if there were a decent number of useful apps in there but there isnt. of the probably hundreds of thousands of winmo programs only a couple thousand are in the marketplace. looking at my tp2 of the 50 or so programs ive installed only 4 ive gotten from the marketplace and 3 of those are games. majoirty of the stuff, and all of the stuff that makes the phone easier to use comes from here and xda. most people arent gonna sift thru forums to find stuff. i agree its "easier" but the paltry selection doesnt help matters

with root theres apps2sd for android as well and froyo will bring that functionality without the need to root
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  #43 (permalink)  
Old 06-05-2010, 03:10 AM
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Re: What can the TP2 do that iPhone or Droid can't?

sorry but I caught this on the evo forum and thought while it doesnt mention the tp2
it covers android and iphone....
The Android Phone is For Pron and no its not x rated, just funny

and uhhhh... the evo does rock, i have 2 tp2 and the hero as well, and havent touched the tp2's for 4 months since getting the hero
But the tp2 has the best phone clarity, and speaker phone ive ever used, but who here actually makes calls on there phone, ohh and sorry for being a part of the reason for the network lags and crashes today
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  #44 (permalink)  
Old 06-05-2010, 03:22 AM
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Re: What can the TP2 do that iPhone or Droid can't?

Originally Posted by redd214 View Post
plus dictating an email entirely by voice without any mistakes is pretty good too
How can the TP2 do this? I'd be very interested in adding this capability!
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  #45 (permalink)  
Old 06-05-2010, 03:23 AM
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Re: What can the TP2 do that iPhone or Droid can't?

Like others said earlier... the TP2 saves me about $1000 a year.

Iphone: There's No App for that
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  #46 (permalink)  
Old 06-05-2010, 04:02 AM
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Re: What can the TP2 do that iPhone or Droid can't?


thanks for all the replies. i've only had my TP2 for a few months and now have some new ideas on how to use my phone. time to dust off the slingbox!

like many of you i have friends and family with Droids and iPhones. unfortunately, i don't have much experience with either to fully compare.

when i first got my verizon TP2, it was pretty bad (constant battery drain, slow, lock ups, etc). but after i loaded MR on it, it was much better at everything. still have a couple of small bugs like the screen not changing when going into comm manager and turning on wifi. but that's normally fixed with just going into landscape mode and back. Or the occasional battery drain after a long gaming session that need a soft reset to clear.

One of the main reasons i chose the TP2 was for it's keyboard. coming from a sidekick, i really wanted a descent keyboard to work with. still not as good as the sidekick, but way better than a motorola droid.

i'm also saving $100s of dollars a year with the TP2.

This forum has been awesome in getting my phone just the way i like it with all the tweak/mod .cabs.

but i especially like the posts that call me a troll.

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  #47 (permalink)  
Old 06-05-2010, 04:16 AM
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Re: What can the TP2 do that iPhone or Droid can't?

Well, I WAS a dedicated WinMo fanboy. I swore by it even when all my WinMo phones were locking up left and right as all the iPhone users were laughing at me. But I defended it to the end. Told them they were all fools to own a phone that was so controlled. I refused to give in and get an iPhone. Then came the Android. I waited and watched to see if it would deliver. And I waited just the perfect amount of time. I got the EVO and I will tell you one thing the TP2 did for me that this EVO doesn't... and that is.... piss me off.

This EVO stomps everything. It just works... period! No locks, no issues with PUSH... no problems period. And it BLOWS the iPhones out of the water!
[ edufur ]
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  #48 (permalink)  
Old 06-05-2010, 07:05 AM
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Re: What can the TP2 do that iPhone or Droid can't?

my phone takes 80 seconds to boot. I agree the iphone is faster to boot, but data don't come cheap on the new at&t data plans:

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  #49 (permalink)  
Old 06-05-2010, 07:37 AM
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Re: What can the TP2 do that iPhone or Droid can't?

Originally Posted by WhiteBlazer01 View Post
How can the TP2 do this? I'd be very interested in adding this capability!
it doesnt, its an android thing. the speech recognition is very accurate. once it learns your voice and diction it makes very few mistakes

Last edited by redd214; 06-05-2010 at 07:52 AM.
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  #50 (permalink)  
Old 06-05-2010, 10:01 AM
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Re: What can the TP2 do that iPhone or Droid can't?

Originally Posted by redd214 View Post
it doesnt, its an android thing. the speech recognition is very accurate. once it learns your voice and diction it makes very few mistakes

There's several ways to do voice to text with TP2, TELLME software is one, Voice On the Go is another.
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