Re: What can the TP2 do that iPhone or Droid can't?
Well, I WAS a dedicated WinMo fanboy. I swore by it even when all my WinMo phones were locking up left and right as all the iPhone users were laughing at me. But I defended it to the end. Told them they were all fools to own a phone that was so controlled. I refused to give in and get an iPhone. Then came the Android. I waited and watched to see if it would deliver. And I waited just the perfect amount of time. I got the EVO and I will tell you one thing the TP2 did for me that this EVO doesn't... and that is.... piss me off.
This EVO stomps everything. It just works... period! No locks, no issues with PUSH... no problems period. And it BLOWS the iPhones out of the water!
[ edufur ]
Sprint EVO
I'm an Android convert, NEVER looking back!