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  #31 (permalink)  
Old 06-04-2010, 09:58 PM
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Re: What can the TP2 do that iPhone or Droid can't?

Originally Posted by Arterion View Post
It can SOD.


Take THAT android!!!

Wait which side am I on...
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  #32 (permalink)  
Old 06-04-2010, 10:22 PM
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Re: What can the TP2 do that iPhone or Droid can't?

Having just recently made the jump there aren't very many things left. The things that are left are just software differences (like lack of a SlingBox App).

I think the stock Android interface is much better than anything Windows Mobile or Iphone OS offer in terms of modifications. Sense does wonderful things for windows mobile, but the freedom of being able to use widgets makes android UI pretty interesting and highly customizable.

Android doesnt have a world phone yet either (CDMA + GSM).

I think the resistive screen on the TP2 was much more accurate. Somethings are more responsive and fluid on my Capacitive Android device, but Resistive is certainly more accurate.
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  #33 (permalink)  
Old 06-04-2010, 11:47 PM
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Re: What can the TP2 do that iPhone or Droid can't?

Originally Posted by redd214 View Post
multitouch ftw, cant be done on resistive. i agree more accurate, ive used a toothpick on my tp2 but honestly i would sacrifice that for multitouch. honestly never thought it was that big of a deal before but it does make a lot of things easier and faster
Yes multitouch is great, but outside of browsing and picture viewing, I don't see many benefits. I prefer accuracy any day, especially with a phone that doesn't have a hard keyboard option (or at least, a GOOD hardware keyboard)

agreed, however there are android phones coming with a similar kb to the tp2:
Just trying to keep this friendly, but we were talking about the droid and iphone, not future phones.

plus dictating an email entirely by voice without any mistakes is pretty good too
That is a good point, but it still has limitations. Dictating e-mails and SMS in public isn't really an option.

how does the marketplace make winmo easier to navigate? last i heard there were a couple thousand apps in there. which ones in there make winmo easier for the avg person? my mom got an imagio and trust me, the marketplace couldnt help her get around that phone and shes been in IT for almost 30 years, shes no dummy! sense does make basic functions easier to find though i agree.
It simplifies finding and installing apps. And you still have the choice of whether you want it on your hardware or memory card.

droid does, with root (i get the voids you warranty part, no need to mention it but the functionality is avail. nonetheless) and can tether via usb without root.
Okay, agreed there. I guess I can't knock off points for rooting/jailbreaking since it's such an advantageous thing to do on a phone.
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  #34 (permalink)  
Old 06-04-2010, 11:49 PM
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Re: What can the TP2 do that iPhone or Droid can't?

I have gone android. I have had 3 TP2's in the last two weeks. The last one froze on me 15 times in one day. I took the battery right out and rebooted and then it still froze after loading. I bought the LG Ally after a little doubt of it freezing and didnt want to do Incredible for lack of keyboard but so far I love it.

The on screen keyboard with the ally is impressive I have missed one letter all night at normal text finger speed. Impressed with the apps as well, especially the Bruce from Family Guy soundboard...."Oooooh Noooo"
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  #35 (permalink)  
Old 06-04-2010, 11:51 PM
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Re: What can the TP2 do that iPhone or Droid can't?

Originally Posted by Arterion View Post
It can SOD.


Originally Posted by Kliptik View Post
Take THAT android!!!

Wait which side am I on...
Oh man.... And just when we thought we had one on droid... looks like "Droid Does"


PS: Thanks Wes for the link...
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  #36 (permalink)  
Old 06-04-2010, 11:54 PM
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Re: What can the TP2 do that iPhone or Droid can't?

Originally Posted by Kliptik View Post
Oh man.... And just when we thought we had one on droid... looks like "Droid Does"


PS: Thanks Wes for the link...
NP I about fell out of my chair laughing when I read that about it having SOD issues and less than a day old lol.
Stock and Rooted

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  #37 (permalink)  
Old 06-05-2010, 12:06 AM
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Re: What can the TP2 do that iPhone or Droid can't?

Originally Posted by Wesley762 View Post
NP I about fell out of my chair laughing when I read that about it having SOD issues and less than a day old lol.
LOL! Should we tell them it's related to the SD card?

EDIT* Sorry I couldnt resist... In all reality I do hope that everyone that jumped ship to the EVO is enjoyng their new toys! makes me almost jealous to a certain degree... Ive learned that just cuz its new and cool doesnt mean its the best out there... then again im sure ill be buying a WP7 device as soon as they drop...

Last edited by Kliptik; 06-05-2010 at 12:17 AM.
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  #38 (permalink)  
Old 06-05-2010, 01:57 AM
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Re: What can the TP2 do that iPhone or Droid can't?

many overlay options (SPB Shell, Sense, WM Today, etc.)

much more customizable software (and can update software without buying new device)

5 row keyboard (best keyboard i've ever used)

it's more like an extension of your computer
Moved on to Motorola Droid 3 and XDA...ya'll kids have fun
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  #39 (permalink)  
Old 06-05-2010, 02:09 AM
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Re: What can the TP2 do that iPhone or Droid can't?

Originally Posted by solarflarex View Post
dual boot wm6.5.3 and droid. run linux. run a custom rom like bigad's maxsense 6/3 6.5.3 rom.. omg.. stereo mics. stereo speakers. turn screen off automatically when i put the phone in the pocket. Run several different browsers. Run youtube in skyfire w/o an app. Run my phone as an access point with unlimited? connections... have all kinds of software not apps... the list goes on....
Well said!

I love nothing more than booting over to Android when people start smack talking WinMo. If that doesn't please them, then Ubuntu usually does.

But I will also state that with all this tweaking comes a lot of fixing. I have a class 2, 2GB SD card and I have to underclock Android in order to run it successfully. If not, I end up corrupting my SD card. Although that's what happens when you run software on a device that it's not intended to run.

On the other hand, all these features come with consequences. While most of the issues I have with my Touch Pro 2 is centered around Sense, there are a few WinMo problems here and there.

Honestly, I really am unsure as to where I want to go right now. Just today I was scoping out the Android Marketplace on my father's Droid and wasn't impressed. I skimmed through all the utility and tool applications and there was nothing worthwhile.
Though I'm sure the Android community could supply me with worthwhile software.

Here are my only questions.
- I'm running a stock Windows Mobile 6.5 Sprint ROM, is there any other stabler 6.5 ROMs out there?
- Is running a 6.1 ROM with Sense 2.5 missing anything?
- And last but not least. As well as the Android issue, my music always pauses because of my SD card. Can anyone suggest a better media player than Sense's and WM player?
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  #40 (permalink)  
Old 06-05-2010, 02:14 AM
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Re: What can the TP2 do that iPhone or Droid can't?

ill agree dual boot usually shuts up any doubters..

doesnt stop them from making jokes while its taking 5minutes to boot Xandroid though...

any phone that you can power on and make a call in less than a minimum 2min boot time though beats out TP2 LOL
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