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Old 06-05-2010, 02:27 AM
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Re: What can the TP2 do that iPhone or Droid can't?

Originally Posted by joe50000 View Post
Yes multitouch is great, but outside of browsing and picture viewing, I don't see many benefits. I prefer accuracy any day, especially with a phone that doesn't have a hard keyboard option (or at least, a GOOD hardware keyboard)
really just a preference thing, both have good and bad. i did picked up a stylus for my incredible though. has a pretty thin tip (not as thin as a winmo stylus of course) but is very accurate even on the capacitive screen

Originally Posted by joe50000 View Post
Just trying to keep this friendly, but we were talking about the droid and iphone, not future phones.
look at the nature of most answers. people are talking about android in general, no one is refering specifically to the motorola droid (i know i said "droid does" but i likewise meant android in general)

Originally Posted by joe50000 View Post
That is a good point, but it still has limitations. Dictating e-mails and SMS in public isn't really an option.
true, but it aint like the kb's are completely unusable. i will say that i can still type faster on the kb then on the sip but i am getting faster everyday! dictating in public is really no different then making a phone call in public. but if dealing with sensitive info i can see where you are coming from

Originally Posted by joe50000 View Post
It simplifies finding and installing apps. And you still have the choice of whether you want it on your hardware or memory card.
i could agree if there were a decent number of useful apps in there but there isnt. of the probably hundreds of thousands of winmo programs only a couple thousand are in the marketplace. looking at my tp2 of the 50 or so programs ive installed only 4 ive gotten from the marketplace and 3 of those are games. majoirty of the stuff, and all of the stuff that makes the phone easier to use comes from here and xda. most people arent gonna sift thru forums to find stuff. i agree its "easier" but the paltry selection doesnt help matters

with root theres apps2sd for android as well and froyo will bring that functionality without the need to root
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