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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 07-25-2008, 02:18 PM
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Uneasy about the 700wx

I am interested in the 700wx, but have had less than pleasant experiences in the past with Windows Mobile. I would like to order a 700wx today assuming that I can have a stable device. Is the 700wx reliable and stable? I found that my problems were associated with third party applications. There are only two I intend on adding: Google Maps, and Opera Mini or Mobile (I am undecided and will use a Java Environment for Mini or straight install Mobile). If I stick to these two applications and keep the device stock otherwise, can I expect a stable and enjoyable 700wx? I would be using it on the Sprint Network.

Thank you.

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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 07-25-2008, 02:30 PM
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Re: Uneasy about the 700wx

Originally Posted by Billbeme View Post
I am interested in the 700wx, but have had less than pleasant experiences in the past with Windows Mobile. I would like to order a 700wx today assuming that I can have a stable device. Is the 700wx reliable and stable? I found that my problems were associated with third party applications. There are only two I intend on adding: Google Maps, and Opera Mini or Mobile (I am undecided and will use a Java Environment for Mini or straight install Mobile). If I stick to these two applications and keep the device stock otherwise, can I expect a stable and enjoyable 700wx? I would be using it on the Sprint Network.

Thank you.

The treo 700wx is the most stable pocket PC i've ever owned. Google maps works very well but keep in mind that the 700wx does not have GPS. As for opera mini/mobile... I am using it on my treo and It works perfect.

great phone, I'm sure there are better phones out this will meet your expectations. good luck.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 07-25-2008, 05:09 PM
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Re: Uneasy about the 700wx

Thank you for your quick reply! I see that you have the Sprint SERO 500 plan. I was glad to hear that you are also a Sprint users because I believe a users experience can vary greatly on the same device from carrier to carrier.

If I may, how are you running Opera Mini. I realize that you are utilizing a Java Environment. I my Motorola Q9c I am using a JBed but I have never run Opera Mini on Windows Mobile Professional. If you would tell me what Java Environment you are using and where I might find it I would greatly appreciate it.

Also, if anyone else would like to give their thoughts on the 700wx I would greatly appreciate it.

Thank you,
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 07-25-2008, 07:16 PM
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Re: Uneasy about the 700wx

I've had mine for nearly a year and have had zero problems with the device itself. My only problem has been trying to sync it. I have a Vista powered laptop, and as such, have to use WMDC. I have yet to be able to sync my Treo. There's been a slew of threads on this issue. Hope you're using an XP based machine, as you'll use ActiveSync. All that aside, it's a great device on many levels. As Mokash stated, it's very stable. The combination of WM and the 128MB of RAM make this a great platform, as it allows you to run multiple programs at once and not worry about freezes (they do happen, but rarely..easily fixed w/ a soft reset). Another nice thing is the abundance of good third party apps that are out there. I tried Opera Mobile, but it ate up WAY too much memory for my liking. In addition to the software you're going to install, I would STRONGLY suggest a backup program such as SPB Backup, Sprite, or Resco Backup.

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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 07-26-2008, 10:41 AM
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Re: Uneasy about the 700wx


I believe i'm also using Jbed to get my opera running

you can find it below ... i posted it for you

Directions on how to do it, if you have a hard time!
Attached Files
File Type: zip JBED.zip (633.2 KB, 9 views) Click for barcode!

Last edited by mokash34; 07-26-2008 at 10:57 AM.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 07-26-2008, 02:10 PM
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Re: Uneasy about the 700wx

I've had mine for nearly a year and have had zero problems with the device itself. My only problem has been trying to sync it. I have a Vista powered laptop, and as such, have to use WMDC. I have yet to be able to sync my Treo. There's been a slew of threads on this issue. Hope you're using an XP based machine, as you'll use ActiveSync. All that aside, it's a great device on many levels. As Mokash stated, it's very stable. The combination of WM and the 128MB of RAM make this a great platform, as it allows you to run multiple programs at once and not worry about freezes (they do happen, but rarely..easily fixed w/ a soft reset). Another nice thing is the abundance of good third party apps that are out there. I tried Opera Mobile, but it ate up WAY too much memory for my liking. In addition to the software you're going to install, I would STRONGLY suggest a backup program such as SPB Backup, Sprite, or Resco Backup.
Thank you very much for the insight! I am sorry to hear of your syncing issues. I have heard that Windows Mobile and Vista are not getting along in the least. I will be sure to use a backup program. If you look on Palm's website (www.palm.com) under the "Support and Downloads" section, Palm provides a free copy of Sprite backup for all Palm users. A great offer of which to take advantage.


I believe i'm also using Jbed to get my opera running

you can find it below ... i posted it for you

Directions on how to do it, if you have a hard time!
I have been really pleased with the way the Esmertec JBed has performed on my Windows Mobile Standard Q9c and while I acknowledge that it isn't the same platform exactly, it sounds as though the version you provided has proved useful and stable on the Widows Mobile Professional Platform as well. I will be happy to give it a try. Opera Mini married with Google Maps as my only two third-party applications will yield what I believe to be a stable and feature-rich device. Thank you both for the solid recommendations.

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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 07-26-2008, 02:46 PM
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Re: Uneasy about the 700wx

I also have had a wx for about 2 years without any complaints, it is a very capable, strong device. The one thing I have wondered while reading this thread is that it sounds like your a Sprint user, and if you are....get the 800w!!!! From all reviews it is just as good, and better on a lot of points, well worth the extra $!!!!

If your serious about wanting a PPC, and like the wx, the 800 offers GPS, wi-fi, 320x320 resolution screen, double the memory, and faster speeds!!!!

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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 07-27-2008, 02:06 PM
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Re: Uneasy about the 700wx

+1 for the 700wx!! And I second what syrguy1969 said!

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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 07-27-2008, 02:54 PM
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Re: Uneasy about the 700wx

i was gonna saythe same thing, but i'll have to agree with both coz and syrguy on this. plus i thought about getting one heavily, and it is very stable for something that has a 312 MHz processor.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 07-27-2008, 10:20 PM
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Re: Uneasy about the 700wx

i just got a wx and the day i got it i put on ebags WM6 trimmed ver. I have used both the 6700 and the mogul since the day they both came out and would say that the wx running wm6 is the best thing i have ever used. I have had it for 2 weeks and only did one soft reboot and with the 6700 and mogul i have to do it 5x a day at least. I also put a lot of programs from spb on it to see if they work and they all run with no problem. It also plays movies, and i am using sMMS with 0 problems. I would like the 800 but it's not worth it yet for me. I got my wx for under $80.00 and can get a wifi card for $30.00. what more is the 800 then that. I also travel and use my laptop with MS streets and Trips for GPS. so that feature I would not use.
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