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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 07-30-2008, 10:28 AM
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Re: Uneasy about the 700wx

I also have had a wx for about 2 years without any complaints, it is a very capable, strong device. The one thing I have wondered while reading this thread is that it sounds like your a Sprint user, and if you are....get the 800w!!!! From all reviews it is just as good, and better on a lot of points, well worth the extra $!!!!

If your serious about wanting a PPC, and like the wx, the 800 offers GPS, wi-fi, 320x320 resolution screen, double the memory, and faster speeds!!!!
+1 for the 700wx!! And I second what syrguy1969 said!

i was gonna saythe same thing, but i'll have to agree with both coz and syrguy on this. plus i thought about getting one heavily, and it is very stable for something that has a 312 MHz processor.
While I am a Sprint users, and while the 800w seems tempting I am not due for a subsidized device for another 18 months. Also, I think that the 700wx will suit my needs nicely. The 800w is in its infancy and has some issues yet to be addressed. The benefit of the 700wx is in fact its age. Palm has already addressed the issues with texting to other networks and various other stability issues.

i just got a wx and the day i got it i put on ebags WM6 trimmed ver. I have used both the 6700 and the mogul since the day they both came out and would say that the wx running wm6 is the best thing i have ever used. I have had it for 2 weeks and only did one soft reboot and with the 6700 and mogul i have to do it 5x a day at least. I also put a lot of programs from spb on it to see if they work and they all run with no problem. It also plays movies, and i am using sMMS with 0 problems. I would like the 800 but it's not worth it yet for me. I got my wx for under $80.00 and can get a wifi card for $30.00. what more is the 800 then that. I also travel and use my laptop with MS streets and Trips for GPS. so that feature I would not use.
I am with GRobl on this. I have used 11 different device to date and haven't been completely satisfied with any of them. Perhaps satisfaction must come from within, however I was also having a lot of trouble with the devices I had purchased. I, too, have owned the 6700 and the Mogul in addition to the i730, a Treo 650, Treo 755p...and the list goes on. Whenever requesting thoughts on a device I have never had the positive feedback and reassurance that has been provided in this thread. I have purchased a New In Box 700wx from eBay and expect it to arrive soon. I am very excited to have the device I have been looking for.

I think what sets the 700wx aside from others besides the stability is the form factor and Palm add-ons. Compared to the 6700, Mogul, or any other slider keyboard design we all know that even placing a call is a nightmare. Having the full keyboard on the face of the 700wx when married with the phone plug-ins on the Today screen as added by Palm makes for a truly enjoyable user experience. Tack a good web browser on (www.opera.com) and you are in great standing.

I would like to thank everyone again for the replies. I greatly appreciate the reassurance. If anyone else has anything to add please don't hesitate to do so. I will take all the validation of my actions I can receive.

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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 07-30-2008, 12:52 PM
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Re: Uneasy about the 700wx

cheers, enjoy your new phone
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 08-03-2008, 11:15 PM
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Re: Uneasy about the 700wx

I was wondering what version of Google Maps you put on your 700wx and if it makes any difference in stability? Thanks!

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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 08-04-2008, 02:05 AM
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Re: Uneasy about the 700wx

Originally Posted by Billbeme View Post
I was wondering what version of Google Maps you put on your 700wx and if it makes any difference in stability? Thanks!


honestly i just went to THIS LINK and typed in my phone number and it sent me a link and i just followed along. stability isn't an issue. remember gps won't work with any version because the 700wx isn't gps capable.

good luck
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 08-04-2008, 09:12 AM
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Re: Uneasy about the 700wx

Thank you my friend! I appreciate the help. I was trying to emulate your stable 700wx experience and should have known that any version of Google Maps would prove stable.

On another note: I have received my 700wx, installed the JBed you provided me and I haven't enjoyed any device, of which this is my 11th, as much as I am enjoying this one. It is stable, feature filled, and easy to use. Thanks for the reassurance gang!

Bill : )
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 08-04-2008, 09:44 AM
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Re: Uneasy about the 700wx

I had a 700W/X with Alltel for about a year... I had several problems with my phone. From what I understood that was an exception... However when Alltel gave 7 replacement phones, I still had problems. I didn't run a lot of 3rd party apps, primarily Google Maps. I used PIE, since I was unaware of how sweet Opera Mini was. Some of my problems were: No caller id, no caller id on call waiting, several times would stick on handsfree - Meaning that if I wanted to go from the headset back to the handset I couldn't hear anyone in the earpiece. Those problems were consistent with all 7 phones. I eventually made them switch me to a HTC 6800 and have never looked back. This has been the best phone I've ever owned! With the Palm I would have to soft reset a few times throughout the day, with the 6800 only once a day. I wake up in the morning and before I get in the shower I soft reset and I'm good all day long. I also found that there are more customizations you can do with the 6800 vs the Palm. GPS was a nice feature. If I go on trips to foreign cities I can pull up Google Maps and have instant directions, and know exactly where I am.

I'm not trying to bash the Palm I know alot of people that have had great success with theirs... I on the other hand did not.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old 08-05-2008, 11:12 AM
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Re: Uneasy about the 700wx

Originally Posted by Billbeme View Post
Thank you my friend! I appreciate the help. I was trying to emulate your stable 700wx experience and should have known that any version of Google Maps would prove stable.

On another note: I have received my 700wx, installed the JBed you provided me and I haven't enjoyed any device, of which this is my 11th, as much as I am enjoying this one. It is stable, feature filled, and easy to use. Thanks for the reassurance gang!

Bill : )

glad it all worked out
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  PPCGeeks > Windows Mobile > General Windows Mobile Discussions > Legacy WM Devices > Palm Treo 700W/WX

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