Originally Posted by Billbeme
I am interested in the 700wx, but have had less than pleasant experiences in the past with Windows Mobile. I would like to order a 700wx today assuming that I can have a stable device. Is the 700wx reliable and stable? I found that my problems were associated with third party applications. There are only two I intend on adding: Google Maps, and Opera Mini or Mobile (I am undecided and will use a Java Environment for Mini or straight install Mobile). If I stick to these two applications and keep the device stock otherwise, can I expect a stable and enjoyable 700wx? I would be using it on the Sprint Network.
Thank you.
The treo 700wx is the most stable pocket PC i've ever owned. Google maps works very well but keep in mind that the 700wx does not have GPS. As for opera mini/mobile... I am using it on my treo and It works perfect.
great phone, I'm sure there are better phones out this will meet your expectations. good luck.