Re: Uneasy about the 700wx
i just got a wx and the day i got it i put on ebags WM6 trimmed ver. I have used both the 6700 and the mogul since the day they both came out and would say that the wx running wm6 is the best thing i have ever used. I have had it for 2 weeks and only did one soft reboot and with the 6700 and mogul i have to do it 5x a day at least. I also put a lot of programs from spb on it to see if they work and they all run with no problem. It also plays movies, and i am using sMMS with 0 problems. I would like the 800 but it's not worth it yet for me. I got my wx for under $80.00 and can get a wifi card for $30.00. what more is the 800 then that. I also travel and use my laptop with MS streets and Trips for GPS. so that feature I would not use.