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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 03-19-2008, 02:49 PM
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Wink Couple Of Crazy Questions..

Okay ppl.. i did use the search button, but i found nothing..
I googled, and it gave me yeses, but no proof!.. So i apologize if these are n00b questions to some of yous!

1. Can the phone receive wifi? If so how? ( speaking of wifi internet in ur house, not sprint pcs internet.)

2. I know phone can be used as a modem, but can it be used as a wireless router?? ( means cable will not be needed for laptop to connect)

3. I was reading thru the TODAY SCREEN stuff, and loved a couple of ppls screen... Esp. the vista look.. I wanted tat one badly. But is there an exe or cab for it somewhere.. Like everything is already compiled, or do i have to google and dload each one individually.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 03-19-2008, 03:14 PM
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Re: Couple Of Crazy Questions..

Originally Posted by Romeo5k View Post
Okay ppl.. i did use the search button, but i found nothing..
I googled, and it gave me yeses, but no proof!.. So i apologize if these are n00b questions to some of yous!

1. Can the phone receive wifi? If so how? ( speaking of wifi internet in ur house, not sprint pcs internet.)
You need a wifi card to do so.

Originally Posted by Romeo5k View Post
2. I know phone can be used as a modem, but can it be used as a wireless router?? ( means cable will not be needed for laptop to connect)
hmmmm...I don't think so...but smarter people than me may know a better answer. You might be able to use a BlueTooth connection...but I don't know if that will allow you to use the 700wx as the router. Besides, if your laptop is wireless ready, why are you trying to use your phone as the router?

Originally Posted by Romeo5k View Post
3. I was reading thru the TODAY SCREEN stuff, and loved a couple of ppls screen... Esp. the vista look.. I wanted tat one badly. But is there an exe or cab for it somewhere.. Like everything is already compiled, or do i have to google and dload each one individually.
Search the Themes Forum for it...it's probably in there somewhere. Is there a specific Today Screen that you're refering to?

"I don't want to spend my life explaining myself. Either you get it or you don't." Frank Zappa

Last edited by CozBoogie; 03-19-2008 at 03:44 PM.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 03-19-2008, 03:42 PM
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Re: Couple Of Crazy Questions..

Originally Posted by Romeo5k View Post

3. I was reading thru the TODAY SCREEN stuff, and loved a couple of ppls screen... Esp. the vista look.. I wanted tat one badly. But is there an exe or cab for it somewhere.. Like everything is already compiled, or do i have to google and dload each one individually.

Coz covered 1 and 2 as well as I could have (OK....probably better), but I think for this one, the best and easiest way would be to use Wisbar: http://www.lakeridgesoftware.com/pro...WisBarAdvance/

You can find a lot of great skins here:

You will find many Vista styled skins, here one post for one:http://www.lakeridgesoftware.com/for...ad.php?t=12057

The app itself is only $10, and well worth it, you can make your PPC look any way you like, and the skins are free. (If you get good enough, you can always create/modify one for yourself as well)

Good luck, Today screen modifications is an addicting but fun habit!!!!

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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 03-19-2008, 03:43 PM
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Re: Couple Of Crazy Questions..

Nice follow up 1969!
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 03-19-2008, 03:47 PM
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Re: Couple Of Crazy Questions..

Originally Posted by cozboogie View Post
Nice follow up 1969!
Sometimes I can actually sound like I know what I am talking about...can't I? LOL
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 03-19-2008, 03:49 PM
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Re: Couple Of Crazy Questions..

Yes...but let's not let it go to our collective heads, now shall we.

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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 03-19-2008, 04:48 PM
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Re: Couple Of Crazy Questions..

Originally Posted by Romeo5k View Post
I know phone can be used as a modem, but can it be used as a wireless router?? ( means cable will not be needed for laptop to connect)
If you have a wireless SD card, take a look at this software... it does what you ask if your device has wifi...


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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 03-21-2008, 11:14 AM
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Re: Couple Of Crazy Questions..

as far as the wireless goes.. I didn't know u needed a wireless card... I thought it was like those other phones that could do so...
why use as router... well I'm on the road more than I'm at home. some motels have wireless internet amd some don't. when I want to connect my laptop to the internet.. it would be nice to connect wireless to my phone because its me and my cousin.. two laptops no internet... ill look into that link in a min wen I get to a pc..I'm on the phone atm.
As far as which vista theme I was talking about... crap I forgot.... but I saw it towards the ending and it looked beautiful...
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 03-21-2008, 11:30 AM
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Re: Couple Of Crazy Questions..

Originally Posted by Romeo5k View Post
as far as the wireless goes.. I didn't know u needed a wireless card... I thought it was like those other phones that could do so...
why use as router... well I'm on the road more than I'm at home. some motels have wireless internet amd some don't. when I want to connect my laptop to the internet.. it would be nice to connect wireless to my phone because its me and my cousin.. two laptops no internet... ill look into that link in a min wen I get to a pc..I'm on the phone atm.
As far as which vista theme I was talking about... crap I forgot.... but I saw it towards the ending and it looked beautiful...
OK....I would suggest two things after reading this:

1-If all your looking for in a router is for the scenario you described, I think it would be easier and possibly even cheaper to just purchase a wireless laptop card for your laptop (starting at about $30 at Best Buy) rather than jumping through hoops to do it from your phone!!

2- When you find the Vista theme you like, either post a pic here, or direct us to where you saw it, I bet one of us will be able to tell you how to get it!!
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 03-21-2008, 12:17 PM
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Re: Couple Of Crazy Questions..



those are the two I was looking at.... they are so pretty
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