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  #1181 (permalink)  
Old 07-01-2009, 09:17 AM
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Re: Adrynalyne's 6.1 ROMs v. 1.7 Build 21051

Originally Posted by pureclutch View Post
I just upgraded to m2d and love it. Quick question about the music launcher. It's been searching for music for the last 14 hours or so. It has found every song I have on the phone, but still insists on searching. Is it a thing where it is constantly searching for new music?
It should stop after searching for a little bit. It should not search for 14 hours.
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  #1182 (permalink)  
Old 07-01-2009, 10:30 AM
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Re: Adrynalyne's 6.1 ROMs v. 1.7 Build 21051

I can live with it then. Like I said, it found all of my music and it let's me play them so I'm not worried about it. Also, can I use OEM themes for m2d, or are there specific themes for adrynalyne's rom? I am LOVING this rom by the way.
  #1183 (permalink)  
Old 07-04-2009, 09:33 PM
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Re: Adrynalyne's 6.1 ROMs v. 1.7 Build 21051

I am finally working up the nerve to flash my phone again, and I want to do it to this ROM. A couple of questions for Ad or whomever may be able to help:

-Are there any programs that are on the CC20 ROM that I wont be able to find to download, if they end up not being on the cooked ROM? Would I still be able to get my hands on smartreader, dice, all those things? I saw the 2nd post had a lot of programs, but I couldnt tell if they were all on there..

-Does the camera still have all the same features?

-Does S2U2 work on this particular ROM?

Thanks, Im happy with my phone right now, but you know how it is, you always want to see what you are missing, and knowing Adrynalyn, this ROM must be the bomb lol

EDIT: So sorry, I meant to point this in Adrynalyn's 6.5 ROM. Will repost over there.....

Last edited by Solange82200; 07-04-2009 at 10:12 PM.
  #1184 (permalink)  
Old 07-07-2009, 12:05 AM
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Re: Adrynalyne's 6.1 ROMs v. 1.7 Build 21051

Hello i have a verizon i910 and forgot to do a cc20 and update the rom to the adrian 6.5 now my phone stay at the samsung omnia screen and all i can do is take the battery out and it still stop at the same screen. Help how can i fix that
  #1185 (permalink)  
Old 07-07-2009, 12:07 AM
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Re: Adrynalyne's 6.1 ROMs v. 1.7 Build 21051

Originally Posted by eemmanuel2750 View Post
Hello i have a verizon i910 and forgot to do a cc20 and update the rom to the adrian 6.5 now my phone stay at the samsung omnia screen and all i can do is take the battery out and it still stop at the same screen. Help how can i fix that
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  #1186 (permalink)  
Old 07-07-2009, 12:15 AM
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Re: Adrynalyne's 6.1 ROMs v. 1.7 Build 21051

Originally Posted by eemmanuel2750 View Post
Hello i have a verizon i910 and forgot to do a cc20 and update the rom to the adrian 6.5 now my phone stay at the samsung omnia screen and all i can do is take the battery out and it still stop at the same screen. Help how can i fix that
Could always try flashing to the CC20 ROM then to Adrynalyne's ROM, but if it's a 6.5 ROM you should be in this thread if you have issues with the ROM itself.
  #1187 (permalink)  
Old 07-07-2009, 02:17 PM
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Re: Adrynalyne's 6.1 ROMs v. 1.7 Build 21051

I love the new ROM! But, I am having an issue with blue tooth and another silly one.

The issue I am having is that I am having with BT is that while I can pair my jawbone it will show as disconnected even tho it's connected, it'll drop the connection randomly during the day and when I do re-connect it via the blue tooth setting screen I get an error saying it failed to connect but it is re-connected. I've re-paired the earpiece a few times with no change.

The second issue is that if I "drop" the phone from any more than a half inch the phone will shut off. Is there a setting for this? Yeah, I know: Don't drop your phone! but this is just setting it down it'll shut off. I am thinking that maybe there is something with the accelerometer?

Any help?
  #1188 (permalink)  
Old 07-07-2009, 02:31 PM
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Re: Adrynalyne's 6.1 ROMs v. 1.7 Build 21051

You have a loose battery connection.
  #1189 (permalink)  
Old 07-08-2009, 12:03 PM
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Re: Adrynalyne's 6.1 ROMs v. 1.7 Build 21051

I can understand the lose battery lead for the shut off but not for the BT issue of connecting but getting the error message that pairing failed like in ver. 1.4. I tried enabling OBEX as recommended in the fix for BT problem in 1.4 but got no change, the BT connection still gives me the error message. Any guidance?
  #1190 (permalink)  
Old 07-08-2009, 01:04 PM
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Re: Adrynalyne's 6.1 ROMs v. 1.7 Build 21051

No, I dont have a suggestion, sadly. You are the first to mention any issue.
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