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  #31 (permalink)  
Old 07-23-2009, 03:35 AM
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Re: Toshiba TG01 Makes FCC .. as CDMA..

Oh I would take the Omnia 2 in a heartbeat, but I'm on Sprint. Until someone get's it ported to Sprint, I'm stuck with the TP2 or (hopefully) the TG01.
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  #32 (permalink)  
Old 07-23-2009, 05:30 AM
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Re: Toshiba TG01 Makes FCC .. as CDMA..

i'll take the tg01 over the tp2, i dont need a keyboard. im all about screen real estate.

if verizon gets it, im leaving sprint. simple as that.
truth is.. too many phones being released and rumored around, so i really dont know what i'd do.. i guess just stack my chips and wait.
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  #33 (permalink)  
Old 07-23-2009, 12:06 PM
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Re: Toshiba TG01 Makes FCC .. as CDMA..

We need a US carrier to adopt the same GSM frequencies as the Euro carriers so we can just buy euro/asia spec phones and run them. I would leave sprint for a kick *** GSM carrier (NO ATT and TMO this doesnt include you!)
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  #34 (permalink)  
Old 07-23-2009, 01:06 PM
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Re: Toshiba TG01 Makes FCC .. as CDMA..

Originally Posted by eehrhard View Post
We need a US carrier to adopt the same GSM frequencies as the Euro carriers so we can just buy euro/asia spec phones and run them. I would leave sprint for a kick *** GSM carrier (NO ATT and TMO this doesnt include you!)
I'm with you there. I'd have to be forced off SERO before I would make any kind of move though.
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  #35 (permalink)  
Old 07-23-2009, 02:26 PM
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Re: Toshiba TG01 Makes FCC .. as CDMA..

Originally Posted by eehrhard View Post
We need a US carrier to adopt the same GSM frequencies as the Euro carriers so we can just buy euro/asia spec phones and run them. I would leave sprint for a kick *** GSM carrier (NO ATT and TMO this doesnt include you!)
Agreed 100%, but they would need the good deals that Sprint has. I get 24% off of my bill each month and am NOT giving that up.
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  #36 (permalink)  
Old 07-23-2009, 02:32 PM
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Re: Toshiba TG01 Makes FCC .. as CDMA..

isnt the Omnia Pro, an Omnia 2 with a KB??? that might help some of you out there also..

and someone wanted a solarcharging feature, if it has a Snapdragon or Tegra chipset, charging wont really be a concern youll have as you get like 5days of batt life from a Snapdragon chip and like 3weeks from a Tegra chip..

but if u wanna know where solar tech is for phones-check out konarka, military already powers their equip in the field with this soloar tech
Sprints new slogan should be " Whether its a Early Upgrade or charges for nothing, We'll be there"
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  #37 (permalink)  
Old 07-23-2009, 06:41 PM
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Re: Toshiba TG01 Makes FCC .. as CDMA..

Originally Posted by eehrhard View Post
We need a US carrier to adopt the same GSM frequencies as the Euro carriers so we can just buy euro/asia spec phones and run them. I would leave sprint for a kick *** GSM carrier (NO ATT and TMO this doesnt include you!)
That is the exact reason why frequencies are setup like that. SO U can't just buy from other country and run it here. No carrier will even think about that. They will lose phone sales and they will lose contract sales which is their bread and butter. It's nice to think that way but it aight happening.
The great American CDMA technology will eventually die thou. But it's not gonna be replaced by GSM. It will just be transformed as CDMA2000 or LTE if i'm not mistaken.

Originally Posted by Torx View Post
i'll take the tg01 over the tp2, i dont need a keyboard. im all about screen real estate.

if verizon gets it, im leaving sprint. simple as that.
truth is.. too many phones being released and rumored around, so i really dont know what i'd do.. i guess just stack my chips and wait.
I have the same idea as you. Screen size for me comes first. I don't care where TG01 lands (Sprint or Verizon). I will make it work with sprint. isn't that what we're here for? To modify our devices and call it our own. Anyways, TG01's Update will have a physical KB thou. It will be called TG02 for obvious reasons. I think TG01 is the only phone worthy of a physical KB bcoz of its depth. Very slim. So TG01 with KB will prolly be slimmer than TP2. Now I don't care about people saying it's too big and it's gonna fit on their pocket. That's their problem if it didn't fit.. I don't put my phone in pocket anyways. LOL. My pocket is already crowded with my keys, lighter, Cigs, receipts and coins. I don't want my phone being scratched by those.
Not only that, They think TG01 has a gigantic screen? Wait till they hear the rumored HTC Leo, which will sport a 4.3" screen with specs even better than the TG01. I'm also looking forward to that. I carry my 7" UMPC almost everyday. So with the HTC Leo in my possesion, Bye bye UMPC. Not only for me but in general for sure.
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  #38 (permalink)  
Old 07-23-2009, 08:29 PM
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Re: Toshiba TG01 Makes FCC .. as CDMA..

Originally Posted by boredandtattooed View Post
isnt the Omnia Pro, an Omnia 2 with a KB??? that might help some of you out there also..

and someone wanted a solarcharging feature, if it has a Snapdragon or Tegra chipset, charging wont really be a concern youll have as you get like 5days of batt life from a Snapdragon chip and like 3weeks from a Tegra chip..

but if u wanna know where solar tech is for phones-check out konarka, military already powers their equip in the field with this soloar tech
I was particularly referring to the technology that makes OLED screens into solar panels.

I think one of the companies on Times Square has this thing where their screen uses 0 energy because it is charged with solar power.(I am not 100% sure though)

Also as for battery life, thats the battery life on the chip, but what about the radio and the screen and etc..thats uses up energy.

BTW..Touch Pro 2 has GSM functionality on it..even the CDMA version...it won't work on US GSM carriers...but maybe nothing a few tweaks cant fix...

Last edited by gTen; 04-14-2011 at 01:57 PM.
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