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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 03-17-2009, 03:43 PM
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iPhone 3.0... Whatcha think?

Your thoughts, and opinions. Not just on the iPhone itself, but also how it will affect other devices, such as our WM phones, or even Anrdriod based smartphones.

Double tap on text, and it automatically selects it -- then puts grab points at the end of the selection, with a cut/copy/paste bubble above it.

Full article here

Now playing on iTunes: Usher - Superstar via FoxyTunes
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Old 03-17-2009, 03:48 PM
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iPhone OS 3.0....

Now with copy and paste. Welcome to 1993...

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Old 03-21-2009, 04:26 PM
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Re: iPhone OS 3.0....

Originally Posted by popdog54 View Post
Now with copy and paste. Welcome to 1993...

haha LMAO....

as advanced as ppl say the iphone is....that is just hilarious...

its simple when someone asks y WM is better...i copy and paste...lol...guess now ill just have to take a video and send it to someone now lol....
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Old 03-21-2009, 07:57 PM
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Re: iPhone OS 3.0....

Originally Posted by Negrito
Just a quick question to those that dont like the iPhone, mind you i do not care to hear your reasons for not liking it, unless of course ... Have you ever used one? And i dont mean watching your friend text. I mean like sat down with one for a few minutes or more, and actually tried it out?
I "used" an iPhone 3G for about 5 miniutes at the in-store display at my local Wal-Mart. The main reason I don't like it personally is primarily 2 factors: 1. No hardware keyboard; 2. It feels like a toy. Yes, I thought the accelerometer enabled browser and media player was pretty cool, (somebody should do this for Opera Mobile or Iris Browser), but other then that, I didn't see anything that I was envious of. Yes, the phone is thin; almost too thin. It just felt like that if I applied too much finger pressure on the phone, it might break. Personally, I like some bulk to my electronics, (but not too much). The size of the HTC 8925 is about right. The Motorola Q9h feels like I'm holding a brick. If the 8925 were a couple of milimeters narrower, and a couple of milimeters shorter, it would be the perfect form factor for what I want in a PPC.
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Old 03-21-2009, 08:31 PM
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Re: iPhone OS 3.0....

Originally Posted by k_semler View Post
I "used" an iPhone 3G for about 5 miniutes at the in-store display at my local Wal-Mart...
Wow you must be an expert on the iphone.

Again, I think we ALL prefer WinMo phones (otherwise we wouldn't be here) but 5 minutes is not a long time.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 03-21-2009, 11:54 PM
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Re: iPhone OS 3.0....

Originally Posted by k_semler View Post
I "used" an iPhone 3G for about 5 miniutes at the in-store display at my local Wal-Mart. The main reason I don't like it personally is primarily 2 factors: 1. No hardware keyboard; 2. It feels like a toy. Yes, I thought the accelerometer enabled browser and media player was pretty cool, (somebody should do this for Opera Mobile or Iris Browser), but other then that, I didn't see anything that I was envious of. Yes, the phone is thin; almost too thin. It just felt like that if I applied too much finger pressure on the phone, it might break. Personally, I like some bulk to my electronics, (but not too much). The size of the HTC 8925 is about right. The Motorola Q9h feels like I'm holding a brick. If the 8925 were a couple of milimeters narrower, and a couple of milimeters shorter, it would be the perfect form factor for what I want in a PPC.
the 3.0 update, adds a landscape keyboard. with the huge screen its an amazing keyboard, plus the t9, and auto-correct is incredibly better!

Now playing on iTunes: Big Boi Ft. Mary J. Blige - Sumthing's Gotta Give via FoxyTunes
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Old 03-22-2009, 04:39 AM
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Re: iPhone OS 3.0....

Originally Posted by orionsbuckle View Post
haha LMAO....

as advanced as ppl say the iphone is....that is just hilarious...

its simple when someone asks y WM is better...i copy and paste...lol...guess now ill just have to take a video and send it to someone now lol....

How many times a day do you have to copy and paste? Don"t say some crazy number like 85 times a day. Just be honest. Now how many times do you think the average Joe have to copy and paste?
All it takes is one click to say THANKS!

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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 03-22-2009, 10:02 AM
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Re: iPhone 3.0... Whatcha think?

just to make a quick clarification, I owned both an ipod touch (32 gb) and iphone (1 gen 2g). The ipod touch did stay a bit longer in my care than the iphone 2g. And when I had the device, I was still dancing with the xv6700.
That said, I was bored with the iphone. Even after the jailbreak, even after the cydia app launcher, after everything I was bored. There was nothing more I could personally do with it, and even with cydia I was stuck. And my xv6700 was a clunker, heavy, battery drained fast, I had to perpetually carry a charger everywhere I went, but it was a great and stable device that I can fully unlock and tap to its full potential.

With any device, my primary question is this - can I hack this beyond recognition and I have it do what I want to do on the fly? The iphone has several apps, actually too many apps to the point that there are a lot of apps (simpler apps) that just aren't offered. I could give a flying flip about an app. My primary concern wasn't met and it won't be for several iterations down the line.

Am I saying its a good device? that's an opinion because again when I had my apple iphone/ipod touch I was bored with it. Whee look at my scroll. After 5 minutes, you do get bored with the iphone because there isn't much to do because it doesn't meet the needs of an end user. In this case, I was a premed student in my final semester where I needed notes on demand, constantly downloading lectures, pdfs etc etc etc. Apple couldn't do that or keep up with my life style. Re reading notes was a nightmare on the device, while there is pdf support, back then it wasn't lack luster, I couldn't get used to the "ultimate" keyboard and so on.

I have no issue with any brand loyal apple fanboys being on this forum. I don't care, but also understand my point of view. This device (to me) is not all that because it didn't meet my needs as a user. And windows mobile does. That's what defines a device for me. Knock WM but it does allow me to fulfill my needs quite nicely. And truthfully we all love our touch pros...
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Old 03-17-2009, 04:04 PM
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Re: iPhone 3.0... Whatcha think?

threads merged.

They're just slowly rolling out a few "new" features each year to ensure that people will upgrade to the latest iphone. Maybe 4.0 or 5.0 will finally offer the ability to take video.

"I don't want to spend my life explaining myself. Either you get it or you don't." Frank Zappa

Last edited by CozBoogie; 03-17-2009 at 04:09 PM.
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Old 03-17-2009, 04:15 PM
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Re: iPhone 3.0... Whatcha think?

Originally Posted by cozboogie View Post
They're just slowly rolling out a few "new" features each year to ensure that people will upgrade to the latest iphone. Maybe 4.0 or 5.0 will finally offer the ability to take video.
LOL, yeah, except UNLIKE MS, you can install this on your version 1.0 iPhone, free. And your iPod Touch.

Think outside the Redmond

I think this just keeps the iPhone well ahead of the pack for mindshare.
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