Originally Posted by k_semler
I "used" an iPhone 3G for about 5 miniutes at the in-store display at my local Wal-Mart. The main reason I don't like it personally is primarily 2 factors: 1. No hardware keyboard; 2. It feels like a toy. Yes, I thought the accelerometer enabled browser and media player was pretty cool, (somebody should do this for Opera Mobile or Iris Browser), but other then that, I didn't see anything that I was envious of. Yes, the phone is thin; almost too thin. It just felt like that if I applied too much finger pressure on the phone, it might break. Personally, I like some bulk to my electronics, (but not too much). The size of the HTC 8925 is about right. The Motorola Q9h feels like I'm holding a brick. If the 8925 were a couple of milimeters narrower, and a couple of milimeters shorter, it would be the perfect form factor for what I want in a PPC.
the 3.0 update, adds a landscape keyboard. with the huge screen its an amazing keyboard, plus the t9, and auto-correct is incredibly better!
Now playing on iTunes:
Big Boi Ft. Mary J. Blige - Sumthing's Gotta Give via