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  #71 (permalink)  
Old 03-19-2009, 11:38 PM
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Re: iPhone 3.0... Whatcha think?

Originally Posted by x10guy View Post
Negrito, I admire your attempt to inform the masses, but I believe you are fighting a losing battle on this forum. Most PPCgeeks will dismiss the iphone without actually knowing how it works or actually ever using one.

They simply focus on one of two shortcomings of the iphone (yes there are plenty) and just go with it.

Look it's not a perfect smartphone... and certainly the appeal of it may be limited among PPCgeeks since most of us like to unlock, reflash and tweak our devices to no end. BUt most consumers are not like us. They like a phone a smart phone that generally is easy to use and works right out of the box. (how many of us love our WinMo device straight out of the box?) In other words that are totally non-geeks.

But to say that the iphone is crap and only a product of marketing is just total ignorance.
couldnt have said it better myself.... deserves a thanks for this statement

im no apple fanboy, and i have had already 3 different winmo devices but i can easily admit that the iphone is a greeat product, maybe not the appeal of most users here but that doesnt make it any less of a good product, its enough to say that its not our type of device, thats all

its pointless to spend all your time trying to convince that the iphone is better or vice versa cuz no device is perfect for EVERYBODY, so just choose your poison and stick with it

people of both parties that gets a nerve hit when an iphone is mentioned or winmo in an apple forum are only baised, ignorant, or insecure about their platform if they get upset or fustrated if someone likes or prefers the other party, i love winmo as well as iphone, and i know that both have their flaws and strenghts but thats reality, theres no perfect device just preference

back to the main topic, im glad that this upgrade finally surfaced, its long overdue but here nevertheless, i just hope that wm7 steps up their game cuz 6.5 wasnt impressive imo
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  #72 (permalink)  
Old 03-20-2009, 04:13 PM
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Re: iPhone 3.0... Whatcha think?

Originally Posted by Negrito View Post
Just a quick question to those that dont like the iPhone, mind you i do not care to hear your reasons for not liking it, unless of course ... Have you ever used one? And i dont mean watching your friend text. I mean like sat down with one for a few minutes or more, and actually tried it out?
I had one of the 1st gens for about 27 to 28 days and took it back. True the Iphone interface is good, and for all it can do it is an ok device. But the deal breakers of it lacking in so many areas that it should have had to begin with killed it for me, I might give it another shot sometime in the future but untill it gets to a point that my SEP is beaten by a carrier that has it I will stick to my WinM. devices. I still love picking on my friends that carry them tho!
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  #73 (permalink)  
Old 03-20-2009, 04:22 PM
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Re: iPhone 3.0... Whatcha think?

Originally Posted by elmerfudpucker View Post
I had one of the 1st gens for about 27 to 28 days and took it back. True the Iphone interface is good, and for all it can do it is an ok device. But the deal breakers of it lacking in so many areas that it should have had to begin with killed it for me, I might give it another shot sometime in the future but untill it gets to a point that my SEP is beaten by a carrier that has it I will stick to my WinM. devices. I still love picking on my friends that carry them tho!

Hopefully they will refresh the iphone later in the year, just as they did last year. with this 3.0 update they are getting really close to having the ultimate device. well once jailbroken i mean.
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  #74 (permalink)  
Old 03-21-2009, 04:16 PM
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Re: iPhone 3.0... Whatcha think?

two words buy iphone no but serious this phone needs more attention here?
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  #75 (permalink)  
Old 03-21-2009, 04:26 PM
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Re: iPhone OS 3.0....

Originally Posted by popdog54 View Post
Now with copy and paste. Welcome to 1993...

haha LMAO....

as advanced as ppl say the iphone is....that is just hilarious...

its simple when someone asks y WM is better...i copy and paste...lol...guess now ill just have to take a video and send it to someone now lol....
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  #76 (permalink)  
Old 03-21-2009, 07:57 PM
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Re: iPhone OS 3.0....

Originally Posted by Negrito
Just a quick question to those that dont like the iPhone, mind you i do not care to hear your reasons for not liking it, unless of course ... Have you ever used one? And i dont mean watching your friend text. I mean like sat down with one for a few minutes or more, and actually tried it out?
I "used" an iPhone 3G for about 5 miniutes at the in-store display at my local Wal-Mart. The main reason I don't like it personally is primarily 2 factors: 1. No hardware keyboard; 2. It feels like a toy. Yes, I thought the accelerometer enabled browser and media player was pretty cool, (somebody should do this for Opera Mobile or Iris Browser), but other then that, I didn't see anything that I was envious of. Yes, the phone is thin; almost too thin. It just felt like that if I applied too much finger pressure on the phone, it might break. Personally, I like some bulk to my electronics, (but not too much). The size of the HTC 8925 is about right. The Motorola Q9h feels like I'm holding a brick. If the 8925 were a couple of milimeters narrower, and a couple of milimeters shorter, it would be the perfect form factor for what I want in a PPC.
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  #77 (permalink)  
Old 03-21-2009, 08:31 PM
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Re: iPhone OS 3.0....

Originally Posted by k_semler View Post
I "used" an iPhone 3G for about 5 miniutes at the in-store display at my local Wal-Mart...
Wow you must be an expert on the iphone.

Again, I think we ALL prefer WinMo phones (otherwise we wouldn't be here) but 5 minutes is not a long time.
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  #78 (permalink)  
Old 03-21-2009, 08:56 PM
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Re: iPhone 3.0... Whatcha think?

Iphone is starting to do a little bit too much with there phones.Good they have copy and paste coming but some of those other apps are not needed.
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  #79 (permalink)  
Old 03-21-2009, 11:54 PM
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Re: iPhone OS 3.0....

Originally Posted by k_semler View Post
I "used" an iPhone 3G for about 5 miniutes at the in-store display at my local Wal-Mart. The main reason I don't like it personally is primarily 2 factors: 1. No hardware keyboard; 2. It feels like a toy. Yes, I thought the accelerometer enabled browser and media player was pretty cool, (somebody should do this for Opera Mobile or Iris Browser), but other then that, I didn't see anything that I was envious of. Yes, the phone is thin; almost too thin. It just felt like that if I applied too much finger pressure on the phone, it might break. Personally, I like some bulk to my electronics, (but not too much). The size of the HTC 8925 is about right. The Motorola Q9h feels like I'm holding a brick. If the 8925 were a couple of milimeters narrower, and a couple of milimeters shorter, it would be the perfect form factor for what I want in a PPC.
the 3.0 update, adds a landscape keyboard. with the huge screen its an amazing keyboard, plus the t9, and auto-correct is incredibly better!

Now playing on iTunes: Big Boi Ft. Mary J. Blige - Sumthing's Gotta Give via FoxyTunes
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  #80 (permalink)  
Old 03-22-2009, 04:39 AM
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Re: iPhone OS 3.0....

Originally Posted by orionsbuckle View Post
haha LMAO....

as advanced as ppl say the iphone is....that is just hilarious...

its simple when someone asks y WM is better...i copy and paste...lol...guess now ill just have to take a video and send it to someone now lol....

How many times a day do you have to copy and paste? Don"t say some crazy number like 85 times a day. Just be honest. Now how many times do you think the average Joe have to copy and paste?
All it takes is one click to say THANKS!

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