Originally Posted by x10guy
Negrito, I admire your attempt to inform the masses, but I believe you are fighting a losing battle on this forum. Most PPCgeeks will dismiss the iphone without actually knowing how it works or actually ever using one.
They simply focus on one of two shortcomings of the iphone (yes there are plenty) and just go with it.
Look it's not a perfect smartphone... and certainly the appeal of it may be limited among PPCgeeks since most of us like to unlock, reflash and tweak our devices to no end. BUt most consumers are not like us. They like a phone a smart phone that generally is easy to use and works right out of the box. (how many of us love our WinMo device straight out of the box?) In other words that are totally non-geeks.
But to say that the iphone is crap and only a product of marketing is just total ignorance.
couldnt have said it better myself.... deserves a thanks for this statement
im no apple fanboy, and i have had already 3 different winmo devices but i can easily admit that the iphone is a greeat product, maybe not the appeal of most users here but that doesnt make it any less of a good product, its enough to say that its not our type of device, thats all
its pointless to spend all your time trying to convince that the iphone is better or vice versa cuz no device is perfect for EVERYBODY, so just choose your poison and stick with it
people of both parties that gets a nerve hit when an iphone is mentioned or winmo in an apple forum are only baised, ignorant, or insecure about their platform if they get upset or fustrated if someone likes or prefers the other party, i love winmo as well as iphone, and i know that both have their flaws and strenghts but thats reality, theres no perfect device just preference
back to the main topic, im glad that this upgrade finally surfaced, its long overdue but here nevertheless, i just hope that wm7 steps up their game cuz 6.5 wasnt impressive imo