Re: Prices Skyrocketing As Early as Next Year?????
That's $50 million per carrier this year, $200 Million per carrier next year, and $500 million per carrier by 2011. So it would actually be $2,000,000,000.00 in fees to the big 4 carriers alone. Not to mention, Virgin, Cricket, Metro, etc. How many carriers are there? 20? 30? More? And each one will be required to fork out half a Billion dollars each year to keep their spectrum. Assuming 30 carriers, you are talking $15,000,000,000 in fees alone, on top of what is already paid. This will kill all of the smaller carriers, and probably Sprint and T-Mobile as well. Are you ready for a $75-$100 increase in your bill?
WM 6.5 Taskbars | GadgetROM for Touch Diamond Donations are always strictly voluntary and completely appreciated. Thank you! Last edited by gadgetfreak; 02-27-2009 at 12:18 PM. |
Re: Prices Skyrocketing As Early as Next Year?????
Just the raw math. I hope I'm wrong. Just like I hope this dies in a committee up on Capitol Hill, but I don't think I am.
Re: Prices Skyrocketing As Early as Next Year?????
500 million for each carrier per year. On sprint, figure they have 50 million subscribers. So thats about $10/year per person. A little less on ATT/VZW because they have more subscribers to spread it across. I dont see where you get $75-100 hike...youre talking, as said earlier, maybe $1/month.
Re: Prices Skyrocketing As Early as Next Year?????
Thank you Obama. I wonder why he didn't include this fee (tax) as part of his "stimulus package" and have Privet Reserve print it out of thin air to cover this amount.
Oh yeah, it really is not about giving, just taking. Stay tuned, for the next episode of the Obama show, from the people who brought you The Bush Administration. |
Re: Prices Skyrocketing As Early as Next Year?????
My thing is that my wife and I are already paying something like 14-15% of our monthly bill as fees and taxes. That seems like a lot to me as it is now. |
Re: Prices Skyrocketing As Early as Next Year?????
At some point, something has to give. I bet that every major carrier has a room full of guys in white coats that calculate the best way for a company to proceed (e.g. they balance the increase in costs, against customer losses).
Across a base of millions of customers more than a $5-10/month increase will probably affect a lot of people. I don't think it'll be more dramatic than that. |
Re: Prices Skyrocketing As Early as Next Year?????
If most ppl knew the real backend pricing for running the networks it would be shocking. however...I doubt that raising bills $5-10 bucks monthly will effect most of the idiots who come in my store with that same $9.99 ringtone pack they never used and have been paying for the last three years. Most ppl dont even look at the bills. 60% of ppl right now prob pay $20 - $30 buck a month more than they should because they dont pay attention to what they are paying for.
Re: Prices Skyrocketing As Early as Next Year?????