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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 08-07-2011, 01:39 AM
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Re: Likes and Dislikes

Originally Posted by afbond03 View Post
I am coming from the Evo.

I like the rubber textured back, the grooves on the volume and camera keys are a very nice touch.
Screen for some reason just feels great to touch and type on, dunno, almost like it has a soft give to it or something.
Performance is amazing when opening and using apps.
Battery life has already kicked my Evo's ass that was running Cyanogen. I can actually use the phone and not watch my battery all day.
I love the cut off edges, the phone just overall feels great in your hand.
Overall, I have no gripes about this phone. I am glad I burned an upgrade on it.
I agree with all you said.

Originally Posted by gator352 View Post
Well it's all over the forums at android central that people are having to pull the battery to make and receive calls. It also craps out while in a call. I personally still will wait and see before I make any rash decisions.
That is not a widespread issue. I'm sorry but that sounds crazy. My Photon has been wonderful and gets a MUCH BETTER signal than my EVO 3D. There must be a software compatability issue that hasn't been pin-pointed yet. It's NOT the phone.

Originally Posted by trogdor1138 View Post
No problems here making and receiving calls. I'm coming from an EVO 3D (had it only briefly) and I'm very happy so far.
Same thing here. Ditched my EVO 3D because it gets terrible signal. The Photon pulls a stronger signal than any HTC EVO I have.

Originally Posted by CtDMonet View Post
I think the thing I like the best about my wife's 3D is the dedicated camera button/touch focus. How is the camera?
Camera is great. But you will need to learn how to use the auto focus or you will assume the camera is junk. Works great.

Is this basically the Atrix? NO! The Photon spanks the Atrix. Video out? Yes, the Photon has a seperate HDMI output that you can connect to an external HD TV. Can I let my daughter watch an hour of Dora without being plugged in? Don't see why not. On a full charge it will stream an entire Netflix movie no problem. The Photon has a pentile lcd screen that is more battery effecient than other lcd screens on other phones. It's one of the biggest advantages of that technology. Battery life on today's smartphones is very important.

Is there a seperate SD Card slot as well as the 16GB onboard? Yes. It's under the battery cover and you do not have to remove the battery to install a micro-sd memory card. One complaint I have heard from my friend with an Atrix is that, first the partition is small. With only 2GB for programs, you have to be consious of what and where you put things (same as any phone), however when you use an SD card, you have to "choose" what and when you use things. Causes some problems with playing music from SD Card when player is in storage memory
You will not have that problem with the Photon! There is 16GB built in memory and half of it is partitioned for the OS/system and the other is for user data such as apps, etc. Plus you can install as many apps as you desire on the remaining 8GB partition. Plus you can install apps on the micro-sd memory card. Believe me you have nothing to be concerned about with memory on the Photon. If you need more memory for apps then you don't need a smartphone, you need a laptop and headset with skype in you back pocket instead.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 08-07-2011, 09:22 PM
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Re: Likes and Dislikes

Originally Posted by gator352
Well it's all over the forums at [COLOR=blue !important][COLOR=blue !important]android[/COLOR][/COLOR] central that people are having to pull the battery to make and receive calls. It also craps out while in a call. I personally still will wait and see before I make any rash decisions.

I am having this problem as well.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 08-07-2011, 10:15 PM
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Re: Likes and Dislikes

I just traded my E3D for the Photon. It's rock solid and I love it! I can actually make a call!!
Just Brilliant, Quietly....
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 08-11-2011, 09:39 PM
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Re: Likes and Dislikes

Originally Posted by gator352 View Post
Well it's all over the forums at android central that people are having to pull the battery to make and receive calls. It also craps out while in a call. I personally still will wait and see before I make any rash decisions.

The Rep at the store told me the same thing...it hasn't happened to me once yet...I've had it two days...Battery life could be a shy better...But I had the Seidio 3500 Monster on my Evo and was used to that believe me...They have batteries slated to be out soon...Just run "Ultimate Juice" it really saves battery life I ran that on the Evo from day one...It was great...
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 08-11-2011, 09:41 PM
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Re: Likes and Dislikes

Originally Posted by gator352 View Post
I just traded my E3D for the Photon. It's rock solid and I love it! I can actually make a call!!

Same with me...couldn't make phone calls outta my apartment with the Evo...1 bar or less...Motorola Radios Rock and what a difference between the two phones...
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 08-14-2011, 12:26 AM
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Re: Likes and Dislikes

Phone has been solid for me. I have had a few hiccups (wifi did not pass traffice but was connected 2x, and market did not d/l an app once). Other than that phone is rock solid.

I am using the stock launcher as LP starting leaving residual pics on the doc from switching it. Plus i like the market in the app drawer.

Overall this phone actually makes me feel like the price to feature set is well worth it. Yeah no NFC, but as for now I still see that as a security risk I am not willing to take yet(this is my opinion only please don't bash).

Also supposedly people are getting this device for 99 bucks at radioshack.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old 08-14-2011, 03:08 PM
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Re: Likes and Dislikes

hate the lock screen. and pictures look dark , and if you trn it at a angle the screen goes all green
How to get a rooted stock 2.2 after 2.1 rollback *non OTA*
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old 08-14-2011, 05:25 PM
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Re: Likes and Dislikes

Originally Posted by Boo Boo View Post
hate the lock screen. and pictures look dark , and if you trn it at a angle the screen goes all green
I think your confusing the "green screen" with the E3D!! lol

Yeah pics are a little dark at a distance with not much light. Lock screen is fine for me. Stock is ok but I might just add my widget locker for fun.
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old 08-14-2011, 09:53 PM
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Re: Likes and Dislikes

Originally Posted by Boo Boo View Post
hate the lock screen. and pictures look dark , and if you trn it at a angle the screen goes all green
Get another Lock Screen theres plenty of them...
Widget Locker Rocks...
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old 08-17-2011, 04:09 AM
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Re: Likes and Dislikes

Originally Posted by Ronny71 View Post
Same with me...couldn't make phone calls outta my apartment with the Evo...1 bar or less...Motorola Radios Rock and what a difference between the two phones...
What's funny is that at my house wiht the EVO 4G (wife and daughter have one now) I'd get 4-5 bars and great reception. My Evo 3D would fluctuate 2-3 bars and when I walked into our living room, it would drop to roaming then back to 3 bars causing me to either break-up real bad or drop the call. That to me is unacceptable for an upgrade to the OG EVO. It did that everywhere, not just at my house. The photon however, I get 5-6 bars consistantly and is perfect wherever I go throughout the house. Eveywhere else, it's just as good as the OG Evo or better.

Ever noticed with the 3D when you make a call, the first 1 or 2 rings would start off real low, then get loud, and then sound like it's distorting (breaking up) until they answer? It did that on all 3 of the E3D's I had. The moPho has not done this once since I got it.

The only "real" gripe I have is with bluetooth functionality. I use a blueant q2 and was flawless with all the Evo's I had...including the 3D's, but with the moPho...not so much. It takes 2 or 3 button presses for it to connect to voice commands at first use in the morning. Then it will work for incoming and outgoing calls perfectly for a while then it will just-not-work causing me to reboot phone and/or toggle on/off on headset. Then the process of 2 to 3 button presses to connect to VC starts all over again. I tried my moto h12 for giggles and it was worse so it's not my blueant. I'm sure an update will fix this.....I hope.
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