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Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 39
  1. samcayman
    12-04-2012 02:27 AM - permalink
    I was wondering how to update my prl on omj's ics 3.3. Please help!
  2. sheperd101
    11-22-2011 11:51 AM - permalink
    OMJ I like your roms omj deodexed 4.6 is the only rom I use, the feature mostly i like is the drop down screen with gps, flashlight, sound/vibrate, 4g or sync..wifi..I have been having trouble flashing 4.6 on GB 2.3.3.I'm starting to assume that it won't work it needs to be updated to new OTA..
    I do hope in your updates for gingerbread 2.3.3 that you included this feature....
  3. *king*
    07-30-2011 09:11 AM - permalink
    if you take paypal id like to purchase the EVO
  4. mr5353
    04-30-2011 09:12 AM - permalink
    What happened to the ginger rom??¿ Is there a new one on the way¿?¿
  5. GirlGoneGeek
    04-16-2011 01:40 PM - permalink
    You da man
  6. evousr1205
    01-31-2011 04:28 PM - permalink
    Thanks for taking time to creat these roms and for helping us noobs.
  7. leapfrogii
    01-17-2011 03:35 PM - permalink
    Hi there. Your ROM is great! I have a question of I may. What is the best kernel to use with your ROM for battery life?
  8. ZepticVillager
    01-16-2011 12:44 AM - permalink
    Your EVO 2.2 FroYo v.4.4 rom was the first I ever flashed, and I honestly don't have any desire to flash any others. I'm a newbie to this scene, but 100% convinced thanks to you. You'll get a donation very soon... thanks so much for making this phone operate the way it should!
  9. vin255764
    01-09-2011 06:55 PM - permalink
    Im familiar with your work since HTC Vogue days.Great job,man.
    Now I can bug you with EVO cooking questions lol
  10. rstoyguy
    12-25-2010 12:20 AM - permalink
    Happy B-Day!

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