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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 12-22-2011, 10:56 AM
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Receiving mms on AT&T network

Good morning everyone. I was led here by some of pizzaboy's posts while googling for a solution for my problem. I went through a number of the posts on this forum and did not see a solution to my problem, although I know very little about phones and so apologize in advance if it already has been answered.

I had an old AT&T slider phone from Samsung which still works but the screen seems to have blown (so I've pretty much lost everything on that phone unless I can get it repaired). I was due for an upgrade, but apparently now AT&T only offers garbage phones unless you get a data plan.

In the meanwhile, I was given an unlocked LG Fathom as a holiday present. I was able to switch it to gsm mode and installed the media net settings cab (which I believe I got from a pizzaboy post). I also installed the PHM registry editor, if that will help.

I have two issues with the phone:
1) Every time someone tries to send me a picture text, I get a "message not found" notification from my number. I can send picture texts no problem.
2) I was able to get my voicemail by changing the voicemail number from *86 to my cellphone number, but even after deleting the messages, I continue to receive the notification on the home screen about having (nonexistant) voicemail messages. Additionally, after checking my voicemail, I seem to be getting a blank text message from a symbol that looks like an elongated plus sign/cross.

I've already wasted so much time trying to solve these issues; if anyone can help me it would be so greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance. Happy holidays!
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 12-23-2011, 05:50 PM
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Re: Receiving mms on AT&T network

Glad to help,
I've done most of my work with converting the Fathom to GSM using a t-Mobile sim, but I'll try to help as best I can.
From what you're describing, you're not able to get messages for whatever reason. I am not sure if there are extra settings you need to get your Fathom to accept MMS, and my methods are still kinda sketchy as even I don't understand how half the stuff works.
As per the voicemail problems: are you saying that it tells you that you have either a number of voicemails of that there's an asterisk (*) sitting on the home screen? I haven't gotten far with that either, but there's always the option to just edit the registry and clear the number of voicemails.
The key is: HKCU\System\State\Messages\Voicemail\Unread
Set it to 0 and see what happens. You might also need to change the vmail key too

i'll look into the MMS issue, but in the mean time, check the AT&T TouchPro2 and other Windows Mobile forum sections here and XDA to see if you can find your issue.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 12-24-2011, 10:09 PM
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Re: Receiving mms on AT&T network

Thanks a lot!

With regard to the mms, which is the main issue, I can send and receive texts, and I can send picture texts, but I just can't receive them. When someone tries to send me a picture text, I just get a text message from my cell number saying "message not found."

I have seen posts from other people with the same problem, but so far it doesn't seem like anybody has found any solution.

With regard to the voicemail, for example, I had a voicemail on friday, which i listened to and deleted. However, the home screen still says 1 new voicemail, and when I bring the phone back from standby, there is a 1 next to the lock symbol. Thanks! Your registry suggestion worked in clearing it, but it would be nice if it worked properly so that I wouldn't have to manually edit it each time. Pulling out the battery and putting it back in also seems to fix the problem (and I will check next time to see whether turning off the phone solves it).
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 12-24-2011, 10:45 PM
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Re: Receiving mms on AT&T network


Does this thread help at all?
I have the http://www.htcmms.com.tw/cingular/Hermes-1.0.xml registry key in Profile in WspHeader.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 01-12-2012, 09:36 PM
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Make sure you have the proper connection selected in your mms settings. Under the gsm servers tab, select your at&t mms server, And set the connect via box to what is suggested. Should work then.

Sent from my HP Touchpad
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 01-14-2012, 10:22 PM
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Re: Receiving mms on AT&T network

I already have the AT&T network selected as my gms network, and the MEdia net settings selected as well. Is there something that I should change?
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