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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 06-10-2010, 02:14 AM
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Mms working with sec. Unlocked cdma tp2 on gsm network!!!

First off this is my first thread post and im very excited to share the findings with the big help of jhr. So a BIG thanks to him helping get this off the ground. Now, mods, i wasnt sure the best place to post this so please feel free to relocate to a spot that has the greatest chance for people who need this fix. THANKS!!

Second this is going to be a long post. im going to explain the steps i took in as much detail as i can to prevent misscomunication so that everything is as clear as possible. ALSO, there are still a few minor issues that i want to get cleared up and im hoping some senior members/mods read this and can help sort these out. So i want them to see what the steps were. So bear with me.

Alrighty, this fix is for everyone who is using a CDMA Touch Pro 2 that is SECURITY UNLOCKED on a GSM network. if your not sure this applies to you then do not ask. there are PLENTY of other threads that will explain that. If this does apply to you then im sure you are having problems getting ALL of the data services to work. ive seen threads with users saying no data is working, only internet works, or only/part of mms works. In my case i was able to get phone,text,internet, and SENDING an mms but never could recieve and mms. i would always get the notification "message not found" when trying to open the picture. if you are having this problem, then you are in the right thread my friend!!! so with all that said, here are the steps we took in getting this to work...

obviously first thing to do is sec. unlock, HSPL, and flash edited radio. GREAT now your able to insert sim and use GSM! i went through several roms trying to find one that i liked. NRG's standard sense was the best that suited my needs and worked great. flashed it and when it started, first thing it would say is "sim detected, phone will switch to global mode" so i would immediately change that to GSM ONLY. next is that his rom had the "autoconfig" app built in so i would run that and the phone would retreive all the settings from att automatically. after doing that, as i said before, everything worked except receiving mms. this bugged the hell out of me (as im sure it did others) so i tried all kinds of different att settings cabs and even manually putting them in and nothing seemed to work.

so about 5 days ago i noticed NRG's rom was having several glitches and i thought id try a new one. so i searched and searched and finally found EXPRESSYOURCELL'S XYC squeaky clean roms. i personally like to have a clean rom and to install all the apps that i know i will use and not have a bunch of others taking up space. and i wanted a 6.5 with the 235xx build because i love the finger freindlyness. well this rom had all those features so i thought id give it a try and i downloaded it.

at that time i remembered reading in the past about task29. so i looked it up and thought this would be a good idea to use at this time seeing as i have flashed several roms already and wanted a clean slate to start on. so i ran task29, and when it finished, i flashed squeakys rom. everything went smooth. i now set the network to GSM/UTMS ONLY. I then needed to apply my data settings but this rom doesnt come with autoconfig. what to do, what to do?

this is where i decided to finally try an idea i had contemplated since i got this sprint phone working on att with the mms problem. but i never tried it thinking i might brick it. my previous phone was an ATT TILT 1 (kaiser). i flashed a barebones titanium rom on it last year and no data worked either. but in the rom thread there was a fix that included an arcsoft cab and an att mms and internet settings cab. unfortunately i do not know which thread it was as it was a long time ago but it was on XDA's forum. installed those on the tilt and all was well. so i thought id give it a try on the TP2. acrsoft didnt install due to not enough permissions. so i then tried the att internet and mms settings cab and it did install but said "may not display propperly because it was designed for an older os" or something like that. so i tested interent and IT WORKS! tested sending mms and IT WORKS!! now for the real test, recieving an mms.....and..... low and behold IT WORKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

at this time jhr and i had been trying several diff things already so i PM'd him IMMEDIATELY and he did some testing and we have come to the conclusion that it at this point will only work on squeakys rom with my cab. he decompiled it and compared it to another settings cab and this is what he found (from a message he sent me).......

"it turns out (just like I suspected) that there is a thread in the registry that tells the network that it is a HTC8500...Hermes

<parm name="User-Agent" datatype="string" value="HTC-8500/1.2" />
<parm name="Profile" datatype="string" value="http://www.htcmms.com.tw/cingular/Hermes-1.0.xml" />

<parm name="Accept-Language" datatype="string" value="en" translation="filesystem" />

the other one <parm name="User-Agent" value="Vodafone/1.0/HTC_Kaiser/" datatype="string" /> <parm name="Accept-Charset" value="us-ascii,utf-8,iso-10646-ucs-2,ISO-8859-1" datatype="string" />

<parm name="Profile" value="http://www.htcmms.com.tw/cingular/Hermes-1.0.xml" datatype="string" />

see the other one says its VODAFONE....that is not on the USA Network.....,on the third strin it then has the same string that its hermes, but if you read above it reads HTC_Kairser. no model number

this is my conclusion that the ATT network gets confusted what device is it sending it to. Is it a Hermes the 8500 or the Kaiser (ATT Tilt 1)
so I remember that I asking is there a GSM cab out there that will fool the network that is only a GSM device and not a CDMA.

So the cab that you have tells ATT that it is a GSM Hermes and not a Vodafone Kaiser. "

that being said, this cab does not work on NRG's rom. we suspect it has to do with the arcsoft clients being used on either rom. so we think that if somehow my cab and squeakys version of arcsoft can be combined into ONE SINGLE cab that will overwrite an exsisting arcsoft on any other rom, that this should be a fix for anyone wanting to use another rom. so we are asking anyone who has the know how to help look into this and make this
happen. obviously it is possible to have all data working so i know there has got to be a way to do this.

but as of now you need squeakys rom ----> http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread...ht=xyc+squeaky


my cab is in the attachments...

and if you want to do task29 (although we are not poitive it is nessasarry) you can find it here -----> http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=116571

so there you go. sorry this was so long but i hope everyone is clear on everything that had happened to make this possible. GOOD LUCK!!
Attached Files
File Type: cab Att Internet n MMS settings.cab (10.9 KB, 144 views) Click for barcode!
RADIO: 2.32.00WU (Sprint stock edited)
HARDSPL: 1.00 by Olinex

Last edited by Luzboss; 07-29-2010 at 08:06 PM.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 06-10-2010, 02:45 AM
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Re: Mms working with sec. Unlocked cdma tp2 on gsm network!!!

ok here are a few issues i have noticed thus far...

1) Internet sharing seems to jack the settings up so dont try unless you are testing for a fix or you will probably have to hard reset and start all over

EDIT: found a solution to above problem. download attached ics and wmodem fix cab. this works for me using att. not sure about any other service providers though...

2) i used to use a reg cleaner that i never had a problem with in the past on previous devices but when i cleaned up the reg on the TP2, it also seemed to screw up the settings and required hard reset. so beware of using one.

3) For some reason PIE doesnt seem to want to connect. But the Opera 10 beta that is built in works just fine. so if someone could try and figure out as to why for PIE lovers (no pun intended), that would be great

4) Google maps functions. Loads maps, tracks GPS and searches just fine. But when i search for something, lets say a resturant, and i tap for options and click on "reviews" it says it cannot connect and to check my settings. it seems it wants to connect to a different server or something other than what it uses to download the maps... cant figure that one out either

other than that everything seems to work great. i will try and get a hold of expressyourcell and get him to chime in on this thread about his version of arcosoft.

i am more than willing to help and answer any quesions to anyone on here but be warned that i am very new to this and do not know much at all about roms, cabs, reg tweaks other than how to install them. so i will be of very little help there. im here to just let everyone know that i stumbled across this fix accidentally and i want to share it with everyone who has this same problem as a contribution to the community for all the help and great roms/hacks/tweaks that i have been provided.

oh and feel free to click thanks at the bottom.... hope to hear from everyone very soon!! im just as excited as you are!!!
Attached Files
File Type: cab ICS and WModem Fix.cab (84.8 KB, 31 views) Click for barcode!

Last edited by Luzboss; 09-14-2010 at 03:29 AM.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 07-11-2010, 09:58 PM
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Re: Mms working with sec. Unlocked cdma tp2 on gsm network!!!

GREAT work....

Seems to work confirmed on YXC rom ...More testing to come, as the TP2 is my wifes. It is a sprint phone on ATT...

Last edited by jdzppc; 07-11-2010 at 10:06 PM.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 07-29-2010, 04:25 PM
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Re: Mms working with sec. Unlocked cdma tp2 on gsm network!!!

Thank you so much for the cab you posted. I got my girlfriend a Sprint TP2 and she is on AT&T. I was having problems with internet after flashing to custom roms. Downloaded the cab and is working perfect! Thank you!!!
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 08-06-2010, 12:51 PM
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Re: Mms working with sec. Unlocked cdma tp2 on gsm network!!!

I have the standard rom... at least I haven't loaded another one. will this work for my unlocked verizon phone using at&t. sorry for asking a dumb question but I am new to this and really want to get my mms working.

If you go to all messages, menu, MMS options, GSM Servers - you will see Verizon Wireless is the only option you have here. The option to create new or set as default are greyed out. This is where I think the problem is but I can't figure out how to change it.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 08-06-2010, 09:57 PM
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Re: Mms working with sec. Unlocked cdma tp2 on gsm network!!!

Originally Posted by jstevenj View Post
I have the standard rom... at least I haven't loaded another one. will this work for my unlocked verizon phone using at&t. sorry for asking a dumb question but I am new to this and really want to get my mms working.

If you go to all messages, menu, MMS options, GSM Servers - you will see Verizon Wireless is the only option you have here. The option to create new or set as default are greyed out. This is where I think the problem is but I can't figure out how to change it.
by standard rom do you mean the stock verizon rom the phone came with when you got it? and if you only see the option for verizon in mms settings, then im almost positive you have the stock rom AND you havnt installed my CAB..... which also tells me you probably havnt read my post..... i know its a long post but like i said in the begining of it, i did it to be very explanitory so anyone could understand. if you actually read it, chances are you would understand how i got mms to work and that im not positvie on why or how it is. not trying to be an ass but i feel i typed a long enug post with very detailed info enuf for anyone to understand how i got it to work. i know your a noob and so am i but im not spoon feeding when i know for a fact that the answer to your question is clear as daylight in post #1. thats why the people in post #3 and 4 got theirs up and running with no questions asked....

but to be nice, i will tell you this much, as of now you will have to flash one of XYC's roms and install my cab or you are SOL...

Last edited by Luzboss; 08-12-2010 at 11:42 PM.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 12-13-2010, 04:44 PM
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Re: Mms working with sec. Unlocked cdma tp2 on gsm network!!!

Originally Posted by Luzboss View Post
by standard rom do you mean the stock verizon rom the phone came with when you got it? and if you only see the option for verizon in mms settings, then im almost positive you have the stock rom AND you havnt installed my CAB..... which also tells me you probably havnt read my post..... i know its a long post but like i said in the begining of it, i did it to be very explanitory so anyone could understand. if you actually read it, chances are you would understand how i got mms to work and that im not positvie on why or how it is. not trying to be an ass but i feel i typed a long enug post with very detailed info enuf for anyone to understand how i got it to work. i know your a noob and so am i but im not spoon feeding when i know for a fact that the answer to your question is clear as daylight in post #1. thats why the people in post #3 and 4 got theirs up and running with no questions asked....

but to be nice, i will tell you this much, as of now you will have to flash one of XYC's roms and install my cab or you are SOL...

what a jackass answer
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 12-13-2010, 07:33 PM
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Originally Posted by jstevenj
I have the standard rom... at least I haven't loaded another one. will this work for my unlocked verizon phone using at&t. sorry for asking a dumb question but I am new to this and really want to get my mms working.

If you go to all messages, menu, MMS options, GSM Servers - you will see Verizon Wireless is the only option you have here. The option to create new or set as default are greyed out. This is where I think the problem is but I can't figure out how to change it.
Basically, the answer to your question is No.

In order for this to work you need to SIM Unlock first.

Then you will need to HSPL Unlock.

Then flash one of the Worldphone Unlocked radios.

Then follow this threadstarters directions.
Trombone players do it in 7 positions!
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 05-18-2011, 04:25 PM
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Re: Mms working with sec. Unlocked cdma tp2 on gsm network!!!

I am having the same problem.. I have a US CELLULAR TP2... I am using the newest NRG rom (Energy.RHODCDMA.29020.Sense2.5.Cookie.2.0.May.15) ... I am using a small GSM provider in my part of the country (Airfire Mobile). My phone is unlocked and I have been using it for 1yr+ using an older NRG rom.... I was always able to send an MMS, but never receive (as others have had)... I flashed my rom this morning and went about setting it up.. Internet is working 100%, etc... But when I went to change the MMS settings, like described above, it shows Sprint (instead of VZW) but my ability to edit or add new is greyed out... I do not want to have to install another rom if I can avoid it.. I also do not need my phone set up for AT&T's settings.... Any advice? Thanks in advance
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 05-18-2011, 05:39 PM
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Re: Mms working with sec. Unlocked cdma tp2 on gsm network!!!

I solved my own problem.. I installed this file from Mr. NRG and then was able to add a new MMS setting.. and am able to send and receive.. thank you! This should work with ALL Sense 2.5 roms....
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