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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 03-13-2010, 03:57 PM
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HELP|Imagio KITCHEN HELP|Custom ROM HELP|HSPL General Instructions|HELP

WhiteStone\Imagio is my first PPC. I have a lot of questions and by reading the existing threads it sounds like their are a lot of people out there that could use some help. I thought we could get a thread for general questions and hopefully get answers from the experts.


There are people that have never done this kind of stuff before and need help. "Why didn't you search," or, "RTFM" are not really replies to questions- so if you don't have a helpful answer or you don't want to be helpful- just move on.

But to the experts that like to be helpful- TIA!

Helpful Instructions

Unlock your phone before trying to use a custom rom.

The custom rom's do not unlock your phone. You must run the HSPL first. Sounds like a silly instruction- but I have read posts in which people thought the ROM included the HSPL. Here is a link to the "Unlocker". Make sure to donate!


The "re-locker" is now posted.


If something happens to your phone and you need to have it replaced- you must reflash a stock Rom and relock the phone. If you send your phone in unlocked or with a custom Rom you void your warranty. The relock link can be found towards teh bottom of the page (after you visit the above link).

Also dont forget to download the relocker as well because you have to remove hspl before you return unit..

How to reflash Stock/Shipped SPL: - STEP BY STEP - FOR WARRANTY REASONS ONLY!

0. please make sure you already flashed stock ROM and radio, because stock SPL flash is *always* the last step before sending the device in.
1. download the Whitestone Relocker by, extract the zip and run the EXE on your PC
2. if you wish to replace RUU_Signed.NBH that got extracted, feel free to do so, but not necessary (this Hard-SPL will only allow overwrite with a SPL made by us). the included one is the 0.39.0000 stock SPL.
3. flash
4. verify if it flashed by checking version in tricolour screen, it should say 0.39.0000, not 1.01.OliNex.

YouTube HSPL and ROM flash tutorial (thanks Dash and SmartPhoneJunkies).


HSPL not working for you? Some have reported...

...they could not HSPL their phone unless they had an active connection to the Internet while running the HSPL.

"I use my phone as a modem. I cannot be connected to the internet and active sync at the same time. Now what do I do?"

Well- there is a handy little app you can get called "Wifi Internet Sharing" that turns your phone into a mobile Wifi hot spot. It is free (the developer would appreciate your donation) and can be found here...


After installation- look in the Settings\Connections folder on your phone for "Wifi Internet Sharing". Run it. Connect wirelessly to your desktop. Open your desktop browser. Then plug in your USB cable for active sync. Should work (worked for me).

Could Be The Battery

Having problems flashing a Rom? Your phone battery needs to be charged up over 50%.

Now that I have down loaded a custom Rom- what do I do with this file?

In most cases the file you down load is very large, may contain multiple files, so it is "zipped" up and needs to be "unzipped". You can try right clicking on the file and "extract all". You may need a handy desktop program called 7-zip. It is free.


After you have downloaded the Rom and have extracted the files from the download- if there are multiple files in the folder- normally you want to double click "ROMUpdateUtility.exe". If you are flashing an Energy rom look for "Imagio_SoftwareUpgrade.exe".

How to perform a hard reset?

With the phone on...

To hard reset, just go to the Settings Tab, Menu, All Settings, System, Memory, and Clear Storage. Type in 1234 and press OK. FYI, you'll need to dial *228 and choose option 1 to activate your phone before you can use data/voice.

Hard reset if the phone is off

Just press and hold the send key, the end key, and the volume down button at the same time.

"My Data or Visual Voice Mail is not working?" Check your data settings...

You need to configure the user name and password for the #777 data connection (Start -> Settings -> Connections -> Connections -> Manage existing connections) ...yes data will work in some applications without it, but VVM will require it to be set manually. How to do this has been described many times in all the Imagio threads, but here are the specifics again:

User Name: [Your 10 digit mobile number]@vzw3g.com
Password: vzw

Click on Start->Settings->Connections and then click on the Connections Icon. Click on Advanced at the top and then select networks. In the first box it should already say Verizon Wireless, if it doesn't change it to that and then click on Edit. Change it to Verizon Wireless and click on Edit at the bottom. Click on Next. The next screen should have #777 there for the number - if it doesn't enter it and then click next.

Your username is

YOUR10DIGITPHONENUMBER@vzw3g.com (ie 1115551212@vzw3g.com)

and the password is


then click on finish and you should be able to connect.

If I have provided bogus information- forgive me- and nicely correct me. Thanks

Last edited by thepolishguy; 08-09-2010 at 01:19 PM. Reason: new kitchen release
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 03-13-2010, 04:04 PM
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Re: Custom ROM's\HSPL General Discusion\Requests\Instrucions

Originally Posted by maisonpulaski View Post
Moderators- please feel free to remove\delete\move if this is inappropriate\posted in the wrong place\ or just flat out stupid and noobie.

WhiteStone\Imagio is my first PPC. I have a lot of questions and by reading the existing threads it sounds like their are a lot of people out there that could use some help. I thought we could get a thread for general questions and hopefully get answers from the experts.

I also have a request for a custom ROM and thought others might like to post some ideas for the ROM chefs and then chefs can know what Imagio users are looking for.


I would love to have a custom ROM that is totally lite. No Sense UI. No TouchFlo3D. No Titanium (can you have no Titanium? Bc if you don't have to have Titanium- that can go too.) No Verizon bloat (Navigator, TV, etc.).

No offense to any chefs- but I read a post that said, "after I installed the custom ROM I had 80 free MB's". I have 100free MB's with the stock Sense and the stock ROM upgrade and all the Verizon bloat. I want my phone to be lightning fast. I have a light UI that I use and love. I would love to have a ROM that is like a blank piece of paper that I can then add the stuff I want to add to it.

So I am requesting "The Light ROM". If any one can help me, I would be willing to make a donation.
What you are asking for is called a "KITCHEN" . With a kitchen you cook your own individual ROM. You add what you want. There aren't any kitchens yet but they will pop up soon enough.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 03-13-2010, 04:35 PM
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Re: Custom ROM's\HSPL General Discusion\Requests\Instrucions

Originally Posted by jbh00jh View Post
What you are asking for is called a "KITCHEN" . With a kitchen you cook your own individual ROM. You add what you want. There aren't any kitchens yet but they will pop up soon enough.
Yes- a kitchen would be nice. Except I wouldn't know how to cook in it. But a couple of guys are already cooking. So i thought they could cook up "The Lite ROM". And actually- I don't want all my applications cooked in. I just want to add them with my .cabs because a lot of them get updated so much- if they were cooked in- i would be stuck with the old version until I could update my ROM. At least I think that is how it works?
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 03-13-2010, 06:58 PM
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Re: Custom ROM's\HSPL General Discusion\Requests\Instrucions

Originally Posted by maisonpulaski View Post
Yes- a kitchen would be nice. Except I wouldn't know how to cook in it. But a couple of guys are already cooking. So i thought they could cook up "The Lite ROM". And actually- I don't want all my applications cooked in. I just want to add them with my .cabs because a lot of them get updated so much- if they were cooked in- i would be stuck with the old version until I could update my ROM. At least I think that is how it works?
The kitchen would come with a base rom minus the carrier and 3rd party bloatware . You would add the cabs you want in the rom so it would be the way you want it, basically.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 03-13-2010, 07:26 PM
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Re: Custom ROM's\HSPL General Discusion\Requests\Instrucions

Thanks for starting this maison. Many of my questions are the same as yours. This unlocker will be my first excursion into unlockers and custom roms.

My question is how successful can I expect to be by grabbing roms made for other devices? What I'm ultimately after is a stock Sense 2.5 rom - no flashy customization: no custom dialers, no themes - like you (I think) I too want to do most of that myself and pick and choose a lttle from here and there.

So, what should I be looking for if I start browsing roms cooked for other devices - or should I steer clear of anything not Imagio specific?

Is there a stock WIN 6.5.3 (I think that's the most current) with a clean Sense 2.5.(whaterver) sitting somewhere that I don't know about? THX!
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 03-13-2010, 07:36 PM
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Re: Custom ROM's\HSPL General Discusion\Requests\Instrucions

Originally Posted by jeff_roey View Post
Thanks for starting this maison. Many of my questions are the same as yours. This unlocker will be my first excursion into unlockers and custom roms.

My question is how successful can I expect to be by grabbing roms made for other devices? What I'm ultimately after is a stock Sense 2.5 rom - no flashy customization: no custom dialers, no themes - like you (I think) I too want to do most of that myself and pick and choose a lttle from here and there.

So, what should I be looking for if I start browsing roms cooked for other devices - or should I steer clear of anything not Imagio specific?

Is there a stock WIN 6.5.3 (I think that's the most current) with a clean Sense 2.5.(whaterver) sitting somewhere that I don't know about? THX!
Definitely DO NOT flash a ROM not made for this phone, it will brick it! With that in mind, have some patients as the chefs will be making ROMS with plenty of choices...
It's OK Ma'am... I'm from the internetz...

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Old 03-13-2010, 07:42 PM
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Re: Custom ROM's\HSPL General Discusion\Requests\Instrucions

Originally Posted by maisonpulaski View Post
Moderators- please feel free to remove\delete\move if this is inappropriate\posted in the wrong place\ or just flat out stupid and noobie.

WhiteStone\Imagio is my first PPC. I have a lot of questions and by reading the existing threads it sounds like their are a lot of people out there that could use some help. I thought we could get a thread for general questions and hopefully get answers from the experts.

I also have a request for a custom ROM and thought others might like to post some ideas for the ROM chefs and then chefs can know what Imagio users are looking for.


I would love to have a custom ROM that is totally lite. No Sense UI. No TouchFlo3D. No Titanium (can you have no Titanium? Bc if you don't have to have Titanium- that can go too.) No Verizon bloat (Navigator, TV, etc.).

No offense to any chefs- but I read a post that said, "after I installed the custom ROM I had 80 free MB's". I have 100free MB's with the stock Sense and the stock ROM upgrade and all the Verizon bloat. I want my phone to be lightning fast. I have a lite weight UI that I use already and love. I would love to have a ROM that is like a blank piece of paper that I can then add the stuff I want to add to it.

So I am requesting "The Lite ROM". If any one can help me, I would be willing to make a donation.
Same as my love.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 03-13-2010, 07:52 PM
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Re: Custom ROM's\HSPL General Discusion\Requests\Instrucions

Wow, I'm feelin' rather noobie right outta the gate here. I D/L'd the hspl file and installed it on my desktop. So I plug in my imagio to sync. It syncs fine then I proceed to open the hspl file. Opens fine, but when I click on the application I get a very quick flash of the extracting box then it proceeds to the next phase. I seem unable to get it to extract correctly. I've never seen it do this before on any other devices I've unlocked all which were done via my vista powered laptop. If I try installing via the manual option I get as far as the loading progress bar but it never moves off of 0%. I've let it sit there for several min. and nada. I unplug it and it's no worse for wear because I've never got the dang thing extracted in the first place from the application in hspl file. I've tried it in bootloader and not. My imagio has been hard reset before I tried anything. Any suggestions?
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Old 03-13-2010, 08:00 PM
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Re: Custom ROM's\HSPL General Discusion\Requests\Instrucions

Originally Posted by cbreze View Post
Wow, I'm feelin' rather noobie right outta the gate here. I D/L'd the hspl file and installed it on my desktop. So I plug in my imagio to sync. It syncs fine then I proceed to open the hspl file. Opens fine, but when I click on the application I get a very quick flash of the extracting box then it proceeds to the next phase. I seem unable to get it to extract correctly. I've never seen it do this before on any other devices I've unlocked all which were done via my vista powered laptop. If I try installing via the manual option I get as far as the loading progress bar but it never moves off of 0%. I've let it sit there for several min. and nada. I unplug it and it's no worse for wear because I've never got the dang thing extracted in the first place from the application in hspl file. I've tried it in bootloader and not. My imagio has been hard reset before I tried anything. Any suggestions?
Try right clicking and "Run as administrator"... always seems to be the issue with Vista...
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 03-13-2010, 08:13 PM
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Re: Custom ROM's\HSPL General Discusion\Requests\Instrucions

Originally Posted by Zeddicus View Post
Try right clicking and "Run as administrator"... always seems to be the issue with Vista...
thanks for the suggestion,but still a no go. Are you guys who have got this to work using bootloader mode or not? cmonex in her instructions indicates you must be synced. In bootloader the winmo device center shows "not connected" Just wondering. I'll keep playin' with it. If any more ideas, I'm all ears.
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