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  #41 (permalink)  
Old 08-08-2008, 08:08 PM
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Re: New Official rom & live & gps bug.

Originally Posted by denasqu View Post
And the answer is... maybe.

Normally no, but sometimes yes. AGPS, by definition, connects to an Assistance Server (a big compter) via the cellular network. The Assistance Server is connected to the satellites and it uses the cell towers to roughly figure out where you are, then the Assistance Serve sends you info about the satellites so your GPS can lock in quicklier.

Whether or not the data connection is required is up to the cell carrier and how they are utilizing the Assisstance Servers. It sounds like the Sprint guys are getting data connections automatically with AGPS. Verizon certainly is not (at least in S.Florida). However, having a data connection established with Verizon may help according to some. I don't notice any difference myself. Lord knows what the other carriers are doing.

I think the issue here is not whether these updating apps intefere with actual data connections but the issue is that they interfere with the transfer of "data" from the AGPS Assistance Servers... whether it be via the cellular network or the data network. Just my two cents.
thank you... I'm not an expert, and just do not know in a
technical detail the difference between
"cellular network" and "data network"...
it turns out, AGPS can use both to connect to an IP?
it makes things more clear then..
  #42 (permalink)  
Old 08-08-2008, 08:43 PM
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Re: New Official rom & live & gps bug.

Originally Posted by tichi View Post
it turns out, AGPS can use both to connect to an IP?
it makes things more clear then..
Sure can. It's all digital dude!

The big difference is that one is "designed for" voice and the other for data. Voice channel transmissions are measured in tens of Kbps and Data channels are measured in Mbps. Another big difference is that Data channels are designed for error-correction and dormant periods.... Voice channels are not. If you think about it, it makes perfect sense. If that file your downloading has a packet error it would be a disaster and you want it fast. But who cares if my voice sounds a little different than it does in person or how quickly it is delivered to your earpiece so long as you can "hear me now"?

So if my theory that Sprint is using the data channel for AGPS is correct and Verizon is not then it would certainly help explain why Sprint users are locking their GPS programs in a few seconds and others.. (Verizon) are taking tens of seconds or minutes.

BTW, I'm not expert either. This is just kinda' along the lines of what I do for a living and it's interesting to try and reverse engineer.

Last edited by denasqu; 08-08-2008 at 08:46 PM.
  #43 (permalink)  
Old 08-08-2008, 09:16 PM
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Re: New Official rom & live & gps bug.

Originally Posted by denasqu View Post
Sure can. It's all digital dude!

The big difference is that one is "designed for" voice and the other for data. Voice channel transmissions are measured in tens of Kbps and Data channels are measured in Mbps. Another big difference is that Data channels are designed for error-correction and dormant periods.... Voice channels are not. If you think about it, it makes perfect sense. If that file your downloading has a packet error it would be a disaster and you want it fast. But who cares if my voice sounds a little different than it does in person or how quickly it is delivered to your earpiece so long as you can "hear me now"?

So if my theory that Sprint is using the data channel for AGPS is correct and Verizon is not then it would certainly help explain why Sprint users are locking their GPS programs in a few seconds and others.. (Verizon) are taking tens of seconds or minutes.

BTW, I'm not expert either. This is just kinda' along the lines of what I do for a living and it's interesting to try and reverse engineer.
thnx for a primer... now I know better

now about Bell... about new ROM, I mean,
where GPS locks now in seconds,
and where there`s is a proprietary "PDE IP" so- i guess,
AGPS is functional

What seems curious to me - I do not see any data activity when AGPS
locks... (no taskbar icon change, at least, also I tried to watch
net stats in dotfred task manager)..

so it does NOT use data, and still locks in seconds?
  #44 (permalink)  
Old 08-08-2008, 09:54 PM
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Re: New Official rom & live & gps bug.

Sounds like it's working like mine with Verizon. I think AGPS data is being transferred over the voice channel so there is not data connection activity indicated.

I get GPS connections usually within 30 seconds, always within a couple minutes.

It takes forever without the EnablePDEIP entry in the registry though.
  #45 (permalink)  
Old 08-08-2008, 10:03 PM
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Re: New Official rom & live & gps bug.

Originally Posted by denasqu View Post
Sounds like it's working like mine with Verizon. I think AGPS data is being transferred over the voice channel so there is not data connection activity indicated.

I get GPS connections usually within 30 seconds, always within a couple minutes.

It takes forever without the EnablePDEIP entry in the registry though.
this makes since, as agps need the cell signal info and evdo is built ontop of 1x.
with the new 6800 sprint rom, however it triggers the data arrows and prevents data if the gps triggered first, but the gps connections is brief <1min
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  #46 (permalink)  
Old 08-08-2008, 10:14 PM
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Re: New Official rom & live & gps bug.

Originally Posted by denasqu View Post
Sounds like it's working like mine with Verizon. I think AGPS data is being transferred over the voice channel so there is not data connection activity indicated.

I get GPS connections usually within 30 seconds, always within a couple minutes.

It takes forever without the EnablePDEIP entry in the registry though.
EnablePDEIPfromNV setting is PRESENT in current Bell ROM..

and, it probably uses it, too this PDE IP..

BTW, why then does one need another server related to AGPS
(in the /HKLM/Software/HTC/SUPL AGPS branch?)

P.S. I probably slighly exagerrated the speed of GPS lock for Bell:
"couple of dozens of seconds" would be better estimation for a time to lock,
rather then "in a few seconds"

Last edited by tichi; 08-08-2008 at 11:02 PM.
  #47 (permalink)  
Old 08-08-2008, 11:36 PM
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Re: New Official rom & live & gps bug.

Originally Posted by tichi View Post
EnablePDEIPfromNV setting is PRESENT in current Bell ROM..

and, it probably uses it, too this PDE IP..

BTW, why then does one need another server related to AGPS
(in the /HKLM/Software/HTC/SUPL AGPS branch?)

I'm not sure what you mean "another server". The server ip in the SUPL branch should be THE AGPS server. In my case, Verizon appears to be others using Alcatel but I'm sure there are plenty of others.
  #48 (permalink)  
Old 08-09-2008, 08:33 AM
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Re: New Official rom & live & gps bug.

Originally Posted by denasqu View Post
I'm not sure what you mean "another server". The server ip in the SUPL branch should be THE AGPS server. In my case, Verizon appears to be others using Alcatel but I'm sure there are plenty of others.
as far as I learned there are TWO servers:
one is in the registry:

and another - directly in the radio - (readable with QPST)

(the numbers are for Bell)..

The first one does not seem to play any role -
it was all the same in the older Bell ROMs, and also the same for other carriers... For Bell, b4, it did not matter what its IP is (I changed it a coupel of times - like to - no sign of AGPS working whatsoever..

The second one has been introduced in the new bell ROM only
(IP is dated from mid-may), and it is the one that does the
job of faster locks via AGPS (at least this is what I suspect)

that is why setting EnablePDEIPfromNV is important too...
  #49 (permalink)  
Old 08-09-2008, 09:18 AM
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Re: New Official rom & live & gps bug.

Originally Posted by tichi View Post
Which is Alcatel, just like Verizon.

and another - directly in the radio - (readable with QPST)
What is QPST?

that is why setting EnablePDEIPfromNV is important too...
Sooooo... you are using the Radio to get some info "fromNV" for AGPS. A wild guess that "NV" is Navstar.
  #50 (permalink)  
Old 08-09-2008, 10:05 AM
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Re: New Official rom & live & gps bug.

Originally Posted by denasqu View Post
Which is Alcatel, just like Verizon.

What is QPST?

Sooooo... you are using the Radio to get some info "fromNV" for AGPS. A wild guess that "NV" is Navstar.
QPST is an in-house software from Qualcomm to control
settings of their chips... I was told it is pretty dangerous,
but i tried and nothing is dead so far... you can easily find it either using google or I can pm it to you..

as for "NV", it stands for something in phone's radio ,
as I guess, that
registry settting it just tells the phone to use the latter IP (PDE IP)
(the former IP from the registry is ignored anyway)

the weird thing is that I switched phone`s radio OF
(airplane mode),
and STILL GPS works as fast AS if it uses AGPS..

how the hell can AGPS communicate with the server if the radio is OFF???
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