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Old 08-08-2008, 08:08 PM
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Re: New Official rom & live & gps bug.

Originally Posted by denasqu View Post
And the answer is... maybe.

Normally no, but sometimes yes. AGPS, by definition, connects to an Assistance Server (a big compter) via the cellular network. The Assistance Server is connected to the satellites and it uses the cell towers to roughly figure out where you are, then the Assistance Serve sends you info about the satellites so your GPS can lock in quicklier.

Whether or not the data connection is required is up to the cell carrier and how they are utilizing the Assisstance Servers. It sounds like the Sprint guys are getting data connections automatically with AGPS. Verizon certainly is not (at least in S.Florida). However, having a data connection established with Verizon may help according to some. I don't notice any difference myself. Lord knows what the other carriers are doing.

I think the issue here is not whether these updating apps intefere with actual data connections but the issue is that they interfere with the transfer of "data" from the AGPS Assistance Servers... whether it be via the cellular network or the data network. Just my two cents.
thank you... I'm not an expert, and just do not know in a
technical detail the difference between
"cellular network" and "data network"...
it turns out, AGPS can use both to connect to an IP?
it makes things more clear then..