Re: Update verizon PRI and Sprint AGPS
Reporting back from yesterdays Results: (Alltel radio) Tried again today it was 45 seconds to lock. Its still better then my 2 minute to lock average.
I also have a 6900 with sprint rom radio that a flashed earlier today and applied the inquestion fixes. Im not sure if it was the initial lock, but it took me over 5 miutes. Horrible. **Both phones using nexvisions vzw3.7 rom.** |
Re: Update verizon PRI and Sprint AGPS
Well I tried it with my own rom (20270 kitchen) running Sprint 3.42.30 radio (went right from stock to Sprint 3.42 on this phone, never Altell) and it locked in just under a minute with GPS Today as a primer. Google Maps and Live Search can't seem to get a lock on their own. Soft reset, got lock in 50 secs. Very pleased. While there is room for improvement if I can get consistent locks at 1 min or less at least I have something usable. I'll report after more testing.
I did: -GPS Mode was already at 4 (so didn't really do anything) -Added Reg key that was missing ("EnablePDEIPFromNV "=dword:00000001) -Installed 3 files from the thread I did not: -Change the server IP (still at Last edited by rolandroland; 07-25-2008 at 04:40 PM. |
Re: Update verizon PRI and Sprint AGPS
Now for the bad news. While this helped be get a quick lock initially after the phone was not in use for about an hour I can not get a lock again, even after waiting 5 minutes, even after a soft reset. So this is bassically what happened on the initial Alltel GPS radio with the OMJ rom I was running at the time on my old 6900 (except lock was 5 min plus). After flashing it works and then stocks and never works again w/o flashing (didn't bother with hard reset). So this is not the fix, or certainly for for everyone. I hate Verizon. Last edited by rolandroland; 07-26-2008 at 09:27 AM. |
OK does anyone have an more specific explaination of what each of the 3 files do?
![]() After loading them again and soft resetting my GPS worked flawlessly again. Locks even after an hour idle. I'll see if after being idle overnight if they require being loaded again, but clearly these files are having a direct impact (along with the other changes) on GPS for the 6900. Maybe a closer look will reveal a conistent, reliable fix for everyone. ![]() This is coming from total gps/Vzw sceptic. This is the first time I have seen signs of consistent relatively quick performance (under 2 min, usually about 60 to 75 secs). Still hate Verizon though. ![]() Update: GPS still workin, looks like this may be a real fix. Going to throw up poill to see if can get other Vzw users to try. Last edited by rolandroland; 07-27-2008 at 07:03 AM. |
Re: Update verizon PRI and Sprint AGPS
Roland, Does not work for me did you do anything different? What rom and radio are you using? it work with sprint 3.41? And you just clicked on the files 1,2,3 then added the regkey?
Re: Update verizon PRI and Sprint AGPS
Also after you try it please update the poll in this thread if you haven't already. Trying to see if this is just a fluke or will help people out: http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=33156 |
Re: Update verizon PRI and Sprint AGPS
I didn't change anything other than the ROMs. |
Re: Update verizon PRI and Sprint AGPS
did you rin PPST.exe? what other AGPS setting you use? e.g. IP address of the server? Last edited by tichi; 07-29-2008 at 01:40 PM. |
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