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  #21 (permalink)  
Old 05-17-2008, 09:10 PM
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Re: lost data no internet! please help

okay, i figured out that it was in Settings/Phone. I ran it, and it tried to connect to the data network, and of course it didn't connect. So this method didn't work either.
i found a couple threads at HTCWikiki.com or whatever it is... and a few people have had the same problem with missing Data in the Username and PW field in the ##778# /security section. Wish i knew how and where i can get this information back..
there must be a way to... lol
  #22 (permalink)  
Old 05-17-2008, 09:41 PM
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Re: lost data no internet! please help

YES YES YES YES!!!! ohhhh yeah babby!!..
i FINALLY got it working!! Yeeee hawww... if only you knew how happy this makes me... deer gawd...
I'll post what i did in the AM.. i can hardly keep my eyes open...
Thanks for all your input!
  #23 (permalink)  
Old 05-18-2008, 04:00 AM
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Re: lost data no internet! please help

Please please post your fix. Mine's screwed right now too!
  #24 (permalink)  
Old 05-18-2008, 04:31 AM
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Re: lost data no internet! please help

Put the phone in DMMode Connect it to PC and use QPSt SOftware and go to Mip

Setting Tab

For EVDO use MIP Only
For Pure CDMA 1x use Simple IP
For Both and Roaming use MIP Prefered

in PPP Setting see that Atleast 1 Profile is Enabled and it is Selected
  #25 (permalink)  
Old 05-18-2008, 08:47 AM
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Re: lost data no internet! please help

Okay... the reason why i haven't posted what i did to fix this, is because after tinkering around a little more, i realized that my phone is now only working in 1X mode LOL
When i boot it up, it shows EV no problem... As soon as i flash up the browser, during the connection process to the Data line, it switches to 1X and stays there. So, until i figure this out, I'm just going to hang tight so I can explain how i fixed that as well.. and also to make sure what i did to fix the original problem didn't create this one.if i can..

Anybody have any ideas? Thanks again.
  #26 (permalink)  
Old 05-18-2008, 08:49 AM
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Re: lost data no internet! please help

What does DMMode mean? never heard that one before... how do i get it into this mode?? Thanks

EDIT- Never mind.. i got it.. tinkering around now to see what i can break...

EDIT#2- I put it into DMMode with ##3424# and my computer detects it as "Generic Serial" but can't find/install a driver for it... Any ideas??

EDIT#3- Nevermind, i got it...

Originally Posted by hetaldp View Post
Put the phone in DMMode Connect it to PC and use QPSt SOftware and go to Mip

Setting Tab

For EVDO use MIP Only
For Pure CDMA 1x use Simple IP
For Both and Roaming use MIP Prefered

in PPP Setting see that Atleast 1 Profile is Enabled and it is Selected

Last edited by grashoper; 05-18-2008 at 09:34 AM.
  #27 (permalink)  
Old 05-18-2008, 09:13 AM
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Re: lost data no internet! please help

dmmode is ##3424#
sorry i cant type tommy john surgery makes it hard so just bare with me for a little
  #28 (permalink)  
Old 05-18-2008, 10:04 AM
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Re: lost data no internet! please help

Okay, i finally got QPST to connect and read the phone. I checked these settings and it is set at MIP only already, and there are two profiles and both are active/turned on.

It is still forcing it into 1X Mode. I just went into settings/phone/services/mode of operation and selected EVDO only, and it switches back to EVDO mode.... When i attempt to connect to Data, it ditches the connection all together and comes up with error saying it could not connect to Data network. Bummer....
Still looking for answers..

I'm wondering if anybody is on the Bell network, that would consider doing me a really big favor, I think it has something to do with the MIP profiles.

hit up ##778#
go to Security and tell me what it says in the very top field after the @ i don't need your phone number <g> Also, how many characters is in the Password field... And if there is anything in the two PPP Fields??

Under the MIP Default profile is it enabled or Disabled?? If its Enabled what information is there?? Everything excluding your number of course...
Also, same thing for #1, #2 and so on... only looking for the information if the profile is enabled...
I know its alot to ask for, but your help is very appreciated...I'm pretty sure something got screwed up in these at some point in time. How?/ i'll likely never know... I think a couple weeks ago when the problem first started, i had a few too many brewskies when i was playing around with Radios.. <g> I'm determined to get this.. Thanks alot everybody for your help..

Originally Posted by hetaldp View Post
Put the phone in DMMode Connect it to PC and use QPSt SOftware and go to Mip

Setting Tab

For EVDO use MIP Only
For Pure CDMA 1x use Simple IP
For Both and Roaming use MIP Prefered

in PPP Setting see that Atleast 1 Profile is Enabled and it is Selected
  #29 (permalink)  
Old 05-18-2008, 12:33 PM
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Re: lost data no internet! please help

OKAY... i FINALLY got it working again, on EVDO full time. Holy sweet merceful!! LOL
Absolutely amazing what i went thru.
OKay... here we go... I'll do my best to retrace my steps and explain why this all went down.

Somewhere along the line, everything in the Security field (in ##778#) AND M.IP Profile #1, #2, and #3 or whatever got lost, or changed or something. Most likely lost as i had alot of fields blank. Now.. from what i understand the information in the
AAA Shared Secret field is an encrypted figure that is generated by Bell... and impossible to recreate. The Username is simple, it is simply your ESN in HEX format.
It is these fields tat are required to be able to use the EVDO Data network.. PERIOD. This is done during boot up of your phone. if it doesn't pass, then your phone will automatically revert to 1X for all Data because it doesn't require any kind of Authentication (from what i understand) So here is what i did.....
I'll completely omit what i did first time, when i lost ALL data to get it back, as i'm not sure if it will cause any problems, and not be able to use EVDO as what happened with me...
Hammer in ##786#

Tap Menu
Reset It will Prompt for MSL Enter MSL

Once your device boots back up,

Hammer in ##yourMSL#
MDN = your9 digit Cell Number
MSID = your 9 digit Cell number
Home SID/NID#1 = 16420 / 65535 (I believe this is for Ontario, and i think that if you call any bell store or CS they will easily give you the SID for your province pretty easily, but i could be wrong, it could be the same across the whole country, this worked for me tho and i'm in NS, i'm going to switch it to 16390 because that is what is on my wifes phone)

MENU/then OK

NOW.. I would HIGHLY recommend ONLY following this procedure if you are using a stock Bell ROM and Radio, and of course on the Bell Canada network. I'm only saying this because its what i was using. If anybody tries this method using a Custom rom to regain EVDO, or Data PERIOD, or using another network please share your experiences here so others can learn..
definitely learned something from this experience... Just not sure what yet.. LOL Now.. back to the 3.37 radio and my own cooked ROM.. LOL That will keep me busy for the next hour or so...
I sure hope this experience and repair job helps somebody else out.

Last edited by grashoper; 05-18-2008 at 01:02 PM.
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  #30 (permalink)  
Old 05-18-2008, 01:50 PM
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Re: lost data no internet! please help

Thank you, that worked perfectly!. The SID that I'm using for alberta is 16384. Cheers!
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