Maybe I'm shooting the pics wrong, but the Touch's camera sucks compared to the Mogul's camera. Especially in low light. It's not even a close contest. And the Mogul's camera is not particularly mind blowing either.
The Touch camera has piss poor low light performance. No matter how still you hold it won't compensate for the excessive gain that causes a lot of noise and vertical banding. Only way to get around it is to do minus exp and turn on more lights, but the picture will be very dark. The Mogul's camera was more sensitive. Not a stellar camera by any means, but certainly alot better than the Touch's craptacular camera. But yeah, pics taken on the Touch are good for utility use. If I want beautiful pics, I'll use my multi thousand $$$$ Nikon DSLR setup. But most webcams take much better pics than the Touch. Of course, The rest of the phone is better than the Mogul, but I'll say that the Mogul wins hands down compared to the Touch in the camera dept. |
i NOTICE THAT THE mOGUL TAKES WAY CLEAR PICTURE than my Touch. I did some test shots with both phones and the mOGULS CAMERA BEATS THE tOUCH HANDS DOWN. Only way you can get OK pics with the touch is if you really hold the cam steady. Otherwise you just add more blurriness to the already out of focus pic. Sad, bu I like everything else on it.
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Not to sound like a pest or anything but I understand that your SLR cameras take great pictures. I understand that the little click and shoot take better pictures, and even web cameras take better pictures. But unfortunatly I dont carry my SLR, point and shoot or even web camera with me all the time. What I do carry all the time is my $400 dollar sprint touch that claimed 2.0 megapixel camera. I know not all hardware are created equal but my wifes samsung upstage sometimes takes better pictures. I cant even put our camera in the same catagory as the iphone camera. By the way I had the Mogul for about three months and image quality on the Mogul is just as crappy as the touch.
I can attest to these general sentiments. I recently performed a camera test between my touch and mogul. I took at least 10 identical shots with each and organized them on my laptop. The mogul camera blow the touch to pieces. Much sharper and richer pics as well as better low light performance. Funny thing I never used my mogul for taking pic as it didn't meet my expectations for a 2 meg camera. I had to use it since it was all i had at amonday night game and was pleasantly surprised with the results. Recently I took some pics of my son in the mall and was equally impressed. Now the mogul camera has me considering if I should keep the touch. I will be keeping the touch though since I have a 7 meg Canon SD 750. If the mogul only had more Ram and working bluetooth........
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I took 5 identical pics with a mogul and a Touch. I manualy configured both for optimun lighting. And no matter what i did, the touch pictures just dont come out as sharp as the moguls. As for the colors, i Managed to get the touch to take richer colors and more accurate than the mogul. So in a nutshell, mogul takes sharper pics but touch takes more richer and accurate colors.
I didn't mean to say that the Touch takes great pics. It doesn't, obviously. What I meant to say was that I personally don't care. I don't even remember that the Touch or the Mogul I used to have or the 6700 before that even have a camera until I'm at a concert or something where I can't bring the SLR. Then I whip it out, take a couple of crappy pictures and a little video. Oh, I have a complete recording studio too and I have to say the the mic on the Touch is the worst I have. Wish it was better, don't much care that it isn't because my expectations are very low for cameras on cell phones.
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