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  #51 (permalink)  
Old 12-26-2007, 08:33 PM
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Originally Posted by seidioseidio View Post
First of all, I have to say that I’m more than a bit offended at some of the ridiculous accusations being thrown around on public forums. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but making up phantom theories and attempting to speak as if you have some kind of inside information about our intent is bordering on slander. I would hope that other forum members can look past these false claims and understand that they are simply unsubstantiated banter.

There are many posts on this thread, but the subject seems to have changed a lot. I will try and handle each one of these issues individually and state the facts. Afterwards, you’ll have to believe what you want.

First of all, we do not create or seek out individuals to promote our products under false names on this or any other forum. This is an absolute falsehood and it’s not done here. We don’t need to. Believe it or not, we have thousands of satisfied customers that purchase from us every time they get a new device and are more than willing to post positive things about our products and our company.

Secondly, it was never our intent to upset anyone by posting positive reviews from public forums on our site. This is done all the time and it’s simply called marketing. Many of our reviewers do know their posts are up and have no problem with it. I do apologize to those of you who liked our product but didn’t want anyone outside the forum to know. We were wrong in assuming that a person who had something good to say wouldn't mind us linking their opinion in our site. We’ve been doing it for a couple of years now, but for some reason it has just now become an issue. We’re now pulling these reviews and will make sure no more are posted without the writer’s consent.

I’d also like to apologize for the misunderstanding about the stars on our site. They were not at all an indication of the reviewers rating, which is why all of them are the same. They were simply a bitmap used to link the review. While your assumptions were incorrect, I will speak with someone about possibly changing the bitmap to avoid any more confusion.

In regards to the battery, we are very proud of it and everything else we manufacture. I cannot go into our “recipe”, but I can tell you that we use top quality Japanese cells that are among the best in the business. We also do extensive testing on all our batteries and don’t just make up numbers off the top of our heads. I understand that for some of you this won't be good enough, but we simply cannot divulge confidential information on how our batteries are manufactured. We’ve sold hundreds of thousands of them to end users, wholesalers, and companies like Palm and AT&T Mobility. Our reputation is very solid in this industry, despite what a few here are saying.

The ACB testing program that has been used in some of the claims here is a simple application used to find which programs are using the most battery on your device. Here’s a quote from the developer.

While a few of you are not seeing the results you’d like, many others are happy with the extended life. Simply denying their results as some sort of placebo affect or acting like they’re unintelligent isn’t going to help anyone.

While we’d like to make every customer completely happy with their purchase, we know this is impossible. This is why we stand behind all of our products.

If you’re not happy with your battery for any reason, please feel free to contact customer service within the first 14 days. They will send you instructions to return it for a full refund. If you’re past 14 days on this battery and are unhappy with it, email your contact and order information to forum@seidio.com and I’ll make sure you’re taken care of.
Slander... no way... maybe your "feelings are hurt" and your not sure how to defend your marketing programs? Are you threating the posters of this site with a lawsuit of slander? Just curious if that tone, comment or threat is in your best interest and worth the the fight (for any of us)? As "just guys and gals on the street" we have a limited means to test and measure the batteries you sell. We compare the best we can an "apples to apples" comparison and your 1500 battery is basically the same as the stock 1100 battery. Why do you not publish a 3rd party independent test refuting our tests? No one has stated your "goals or business plan" was to defraud people, but that people should be aware of other user's experiences and personal testing?

One would think that if your such a big supplier to the industry (as you quote above)... prove to all of us, beyond a reasonable doubt, that your right and we are wrong.

I love how you use a recent post by the ABC battery meter company as a "defense" of your claims and their limitations... but claim you can not release or divulge your own testing? Surely you have the means to "test" the OEM to your battery cells using industry accepted methods and not release "trade secrets"?

Thank you for your appology regarding the misleading "user reviews" on your website. As of this afternoon, they were still up... so are they down now? Please delete my the post you used (Review #4 - Beachbumcook).

Just remember... if a consumer has a good experience with a retailer he tells 1 to 3 people. If that same consumer has a bad experience they tell 10 people!!! This is why a "bad reputation" in an industry travels faster than a "good reputation". This is "Business School 101" stuff!!!!

Thanks for replying, but you have only posted in a defensive manner not offered any "real defense" to your 1500 mAh marketing claims... please do so. This would allow us to have a civil discussion about your battery and not a "he said, she said" disagreement.

Nothing personal... this is business for you and hard earned money spent for me.

Thank you for approving my RMA request in a timely manner.
Sprint Touch Diamond
Sprint AC/DC Mini USB Travel Charger

Last edited by Beachbumcook; 12-26-2007 at 08:40 PM.
  #52 (permalink)  
Old 12-26-2007, 08:54 PM
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Just went to Seidio's website and all but one user review has been deleted.

What is fuuny (before they deleted these "cut & paste" comments and suppossed reviews)... is that their own website states the following (under their terms section)...

Copyright Information

Permission to use documents delivered from this website and related graphics is restricted. The name of Seidioonline.com or any of the trademarks or logos may not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of this information without specific, written prior permission. The information contained in this website is subject to change without notice.

They can, and did use other's posts from other sites, but no one can use theirs!!!!
  #53 (permalink)  
Old 12-26-2007, 09:18 PM
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Originally Posted by seidioseidio View Post
First of all, we do not create or seek out individuals to promote our products under false names on this or any other forum. This is an absolute falsehood and it’s not done here.
Again, you are either lying or are grossly misinformed. A Seidio employee was busted on pdaphonehome for logging in under various usernames (confirmed by IP address) and posting false "user testimonials" about Seidio products.
  #54 (permalink)  
Old 12-27-2007, 12:13 PM
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Lets not get off track.

The issues currently are:

1) Poor battery performance and/or people questioning the accuracy of being 1500 mAh.

2) The "made up "user reviews" on Seidio's website.

I hate to say it... but forget the past... it is not relevant (for now at least).

SeidioSeidio has replied to this forum (an others) and that is fine. They are offereing RMA returns to those that ask for them and that is great and should be done for those that request it. They have also deleted all but one "user review" on the site for the battery in question and that is becuase the one remaining person stated in a different forum that it is OK to still use.

The issue before us are the two points above... and only those. As long as the Seidio Company posts using the screen name above, then we know we are dealing with a Company person and no one else... and their not hiding behind another screen name.

Even though I have requested an RMA and they approved it 2 days later (I sent back last week)... I would still like to see their testing or 3rd party verification of why they believe that their battery claims are truthful and why those that use the ABC battery program on their phones are some how not truthful or the program/application is faulty?

At this point, they have taken care of MY problems/concerns, but curiousity has me wondering what their battery is really rated at and why they do not want to publish their own testing reports??????

For the sake of this forum and not wanting to get this thread closed (it was closed on a different site due to you making it personal)... lets just stick to the facts and the "current issues". By you getting the other forum thread closed, Seidio wins as it ends the discussion of this issue and it will eventually blow over. Keep it open and force them to respond keeps it current and out in the open.

I am sure you wish to keep this thread, and other open, so please keep it civil and to current issues we can document.

Thank you,
  #55 (permalink)  
Old 12-27-2007, 12:39 PM
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I have a hard time believing that 20% longer-lasting is noticeable........making me wonder if it's worth buying or not.
  #56 (permalink)  
Old 12-27-2007, 01:03 PM
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Will this work with the T-Mobile Wing? (HERA110)

I am pretty much a n00b at this and have been trying to find a battery solution since I got the phone. T-Mobile doesn't offer an extended battery and I couldn't find one on the HTC site or any other site I searched for
  #57 (permalink)  
Old 12-27-2007, 01:07 PM
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Originally Posted by InsertUserAlias View Post
Will this work with the T-Mobile Wing? (HERA110)

I am pretty much a n00b at this and have been trying to find a battery solution since I got the phone. T-Mobile doesn't offer an extended battery and I couldn't find one on the HTC site or any other site I searched for
Go online and look or call some retailers selling phone accessories.

Call Seidio, call others... ask, listen and research.

There are so many phone and batteries, that it would be impossible for one of us to know 100%.
  #58 (permalink)  
Old 12-27-2007, 07:13 PM
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It's especially not slander, because if it's written it's libel.
  #59 (permalink)  
Old 12-27-2007, 08:49 PM
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OK guys…let me first apologize for my tone in the previous post. While it may have come across that I was mad at those of you testing the battery that was not my intent. Most of the bashing about our company was being done by a couple of individuals that didn’t own the product. The thread got off topic and out of hand and I guess I took it personally. Again…I apologize if I offended anyone.

In regards to logins, I can only speak about the present. I volunteered to watch the forums to answer general questions and offer assistance to anyone not being taken care of by normal channels. There are only three people allowed to post on these forums and they all do it under the seidioseidio login. I was told that there were some occurrences in the past, but we took necessary precautions to make sure it doesn’t happen again. We’ve also sent emails to forum administrators to let us know if they see anything suspicious.

In regards to battery testing, all of our batteries are tested using very expensive equipment and multiple calculated tests. The environment is completely controlled, which is very hard to duplicate in the real world. I wish I had a better answer for you, but I don’t. For most of you, that leaves real world testing as your only option.

I’ve actually tested my extended Touch battery twice and got two dissimilar results. I used Windows Media Player to play a movie with the phone and Bluetooth off. I got around 5 hours the first time and around 5½ the second. Both times the phone was sitting on the desk next to me in the same place. I tried to control the environment as much as possible, but still got two different outcomes. The variables were invisible to me, but they were obviously there somewhere.

I can tell you is that when I travel my OEM battery is usually at 15-20% by the time I reached my hotel. With my extended battery it’s usually closer to 40%. I understand I’m a little biased, but a full day is what I was hoping for. I also charge my battery every night. Just because the indicator turns green doesn’t always mean your battery is fully charged.

We’ve actually received very few complaints about the battery and it’s doing very well. We're looking again to make sure there are no problems, but as of now we haven’t found any. For those of you not seeing any differences, I will definitely have our engineers take a look at your batteries once we receive them. If we find something, you’ll be the first to know.

We’ve always stood behind our products, and this one is no different. If you're unhappy for whatever reason, please contact us for a full refund.

Someone alluded to the fact that we don’t care about our customers here because we’re now dealing with larger companies and carriers. Nothing could be farther from the truth, and I think the fact that we’re here proves that. Your opinions are very important to us, whether or not we always agree with them.

  #60 (permalink)  
Old 12-27-2007, 11:45 PM
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Originally Posted by seidioseidio View Post
OK guys…let me first apologize for my tone in the previous post. While it may have come across that I was mad at those of you testing the battery that was not my intent. Most of the bashing about our company was being done by a couple of individuals that didn’t own the product. The thread got off topic and out of hand and I guess I took it personally. Again…I apologize if I offended anyone.

In regards to logins, I can only speak about the present. I volunteered to watch the forums to answer general questions and offer assistance to anyone not being taken care of by normal channels. There are only three people allowed to post on these forums and they all do it under the seidioseidio login. I was told that there were some occurrences in the past, but we took necessary precautions to make sure it doesn’t happen again. We’ve also sent emails to forum administrators to let us know if they see anything suspicious.

In regards to battery testing, all of our batteries are tested using very expensive equipment and multiple calculated tests. The environment is completely controlled, which is very hard to duplicate in the real world. I wish I had a better answer for you, but I don’t. For most of you, that leaves real world testing as your only option.

I’ve actually tested my extended Touch battery twice and got two dissimilar results. I used Windows Media Player to play a movie with the phone and Bluetooth off. I got around 5 hours the first time and around 5½ the second. Both times the phone was sitting on the desk next to me in the same place. I tried to control the environment as much as possible, but still got two different outcomes. The variables were invisible to me, but they were obviously there somewhere.

I can tell you is that when I travel my OEM battery is usually at 15-20% by the time I reached my hotel. With my extended battery it’s usually closer to 40%. I understand I’m a little biased, but a full day is what I was hoping for. I also charge my battery every night. Just because the indicator turns green doesn’t always mean your battery is fully charged.

We’ve actually received very few complaints about the battery and it’s doing very well. We're looking again to make sure there are no problems, but as of now we haven’t found any. For those of you not seeing any differences, I will definitely have our engineers take a look at your batteries once we receive them. If we find something, you’ll be the first to know.

We’ve always stood behind our products, and this one is no different. If you're unhappy for whatever reason, please contact us for a full refund.

Someone alluded to the fact that we don’t care about our customers here because we’re now dealing with larger companies and carriers. Nothing could be farther from the truth, and I think the fact that we’re here proves that. Your opinions are very important to us, whether or not we always agree with them.

Thank you for your reply above.

The "tone" of this post is completely different than the previous one. Thank you for offering to look into this "issue" and to advise all of us what you find (if anything).

Again, thanks...
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