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  #191 (permalink)  
Old 05-05-2008, 07:22 PM
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Re: Ghettofreeryder v7 Roms - Rev A, GPS

The "Large Title Bar" I think is what it's called
  #192 (permalink)  
Old 05-05-2008, 07:27 PM
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Re: Ghettofreeryder v7 Roms - Rev A, GPS

nvm it comes from the large start menu....
  #193 (permalink)  
Old 05-05-2008, 07:52 PM
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Re: Ghettofreeryder v7 Roms - Rev A, GPS

Props for this rom, loaded it up needed to softreset to get gps working once it was up got 7-10 satellites AWESOME!
  #194 (permalink)  
Old 05-05-2008, 08:27 PM
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Re: Ghettofreeryder v7 Roms - Rev A, GPS

Originally Posted by cyberderf View Post
Will this rom work on telus ?

Yep it will!!
  #195 (permalink)  
Old 05-06-2008, 04:22 AM
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Question Re: Ghettofreeryder v7 Roms - Rev A, GPS

ok i just flashed to this rom last night and i love it.
my internet seem faster but gps don't work.
but what's really bothering me is that when i try to connect my phone to my pc it won't connect.
it will connect and the icon will show up for a second and disconnect.
i tried going to start>settings>system>usb to pc and unchecking the
enable advance network fuctionality. also tried it to check it.
nothing seem to work.
active sync worked before, having this rom.
any1 one have a suggestion?
  #196 (permalink)  
Old 05-06-2008, 12:16 PM
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Re: Ghettofreeryder v7 Roms - Rev A, GPS

By far this is the BEST ROM I've tested. Ive used OMJ, JD, Dereks, but Ghettos works great. I can always get a fix using Google Maps and only GM. ROM is very stable, XT9 Keyboard works! Ive tested this for 4 days and the GPS always works. I open Google Maps, enable gps, may have to wait 2 min tops, gets the fix. I always disable GPS thru GM, then exit. This has worked great for me. Other ROMS, GPS was flaky. Im using 3.37.
  #197 (permalink)  
Old 05-06-2008, 12:32 PM
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Re: Ghettofreeryder v7 Roms - Rev A, GPS

Originally Posted by n1co35 View Post
ok i just flashed to this rom last night and i love it.
my internet seem faster but gps don't work.
but what's really bothering me is that when i try to connect my phone to my pc it won't connect.
it will connect and the icon will show up for a second and disconnect.
i tried going to start>settings>system>usb to pc and unchecking the
enable advance network fuctionality. also tried it to check it.
nothing seem to work.
active sync worked before, having this rom.
any1 one have a suggestion?
All you had to do was connect your phone to your PC via USB, and on your phone go to Start, Programs, Internet sharing. Click connect, and you should be good.
  #198 (permalink)  
Old 05-06-2008, 03:03 PM
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Re: Ghettofreeryder v7 Roms - Rev A, GPS

Originally Posted by ghettofreeryder View Post
So here is my rom updated to support rev A and GPS

Base - 5.2.19209
Contains the following:
Supports User Customizations
Patched HTC Home 2.1 by N2A. Allows for custom cities. Vista or Vogue Theme
HTC Album
HTC Random Access **Black or Blue Color**
HTC Comm Manager Vista or Vogue Skin
Remote Desktop
Esmertec Java 0.0.20080115.4.1
HTC Enlarge Start Menu
Adobe Reader 2.00.288531
HTC Audio Manager. With Vista or Vogue Theme
HTC Streaming Media
HTC Task Manager 2.0
HTC Touch Keyboard with dictionary fix
PHM Registry editor
MS Voice Command
Vista Today Theme
no2chem 1% battery increments
Windows Live
WMP Vista or Vogue Skin
Registry Cleanups and Hacks
Vista or HTC wait animation

Thanks goes out to JD, no2chem, ImCokeMan, OMJ, anyone else i am forgetting, thank you too.

The link errors out.

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  #199 (permalink)  
Old 05-06-2008, 05:52 PM
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Re: Ghettofreeryder v7 Roms - Rev A, GPS

I'm using this rom now, but I just noticed something.

Before this I was using Tomtom with a bluetooth puck and have been able to receive calls while using it as well as dialout.

Ever since the REV A/GPS roms came out I continued to use it assuming things would be the same except I would have internal GPS. I then tried Garmin and had problems with dialing out on my bluetooth headset (it would hang up after 1 ring and then go to my handset, 1 ring before finally terminating the call, but the number I called would still ring and if answered, I wouldnt be there). I then tried calling me while I was on Garmin and I would not be able to get a call, it would go to my voice mail after the set number of rings. This doesn't help if I'm using GPS and not getting my calls. I never had this problem with Tomtom as I stated above so I thought it was Garmin, but just to confirm my suspicion, I tried tomtom and although I could call out without the problems like Garmin, I couldnt receive any calls. Using GPS won't do me any good if I don't even get any of my calls. I didn't even get any miss calls or voice mail notifications. I tested it and nothing. Has anyone else noticed this?

I didnt notice it before as I assumed it was working but when I tried it wasnt working. Now I'm thinking that GPS is useless since I lose the functionality of having a phone. I think it may be the rom or the radio as I didn't have this problem before the alltel flash but I was using the bluetooth gps puck.
  #200 (permalink)  
Old 05-06-2008, 06:33 PM
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Re: Ghettofreeryder v7 Roms - Rev A, GPS

Originally Posted by aspalaasn View Post
I'm using this rom now, but I just noticed something.

Before this I was using Tomtom with a bluetooth puck and have been able to receive calls while using it as well as dialout.

Ever since the REV A/GPS roms came out I continued to use it assuming things would be the same except I would have internal GPS. I then tried Garmin and had problems with dialing out on my bluetooth headset (it would hang up after 1 ring and then go to my handset, 1 ring before finally terminating the call, but the number I called would still ring and if answered, I wouldnt be there). I then tried calling me while I was on Garmin and I would not be able to get a call, it would go to my voice mail after the set number of rings. This doesn't help if I'm using GPS and not getting my calls. I never had this problem with Tomtom as I stated above so I thought it was Garmin, but just to confirm my suspicion, I tried tomtom and although I could call out without the problems like Garmin, I couldnt receive any calls. Using GPS won't do me any good if I don't even get any of my calls. I didn't even get any miss calls or voice mail notifications. I tested it and nothing. Has anyone else noticed this?

I didnt notice it before as I assumed it was working but when I tried it wasnt working. Now I'm thinking that GPS is useless since I lose the functionality of having a phone. I think it may be the rom or the radio as I didn't have this problem before the alltel flash but I was using the bluetooth gps puck.
which radio rom are you using? I was using the Titan 3.35 ROM and experienced the same issues. Then I moved back to the default alltell radio rom which is 3.37 and the issue is resolved... I think. I can call out no problem while using Garmin and all the times I've called myself have worked.

The only issues I'm having is the stupid clock reset while using Garmin.
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