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Old 02-20-2008, 03:08 PM
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Cook your own Custom Touch ROM

This is just a quick guide on how to cook your own Custom Touch ROM. This kitchen should only be used for those that want cook the "old school" way. If you're a noob looking to cook a rom, I recommend using the Official PPCGeeks Kitchen, which is gui based, and very easy to use.

This is my method, others may have their own method. I am not re-writing a kitchen tutorial, I am merely condensing it into simple steps. If you can follow instructions, you can cook your own ROM. The tricky part is, what do you do when you get an error? That's where the real fun begins, lol. It's trial & error.

All these tools are already out there, I only packaged them for convienience.....Thanks to DogGuy, Lattisimo, No2Chem, jakdillard for making these tools available!

Step 1. Download & extract the Vogue_Kitchen_tools

Step 2. Copy you donor .nbh to the root of your kitchen. Run prepit.bat (doubleclick it). This will decompile the rom into OEM/SYS/ROM folders.

Step 3. Copy your OEM's into the OEM folder. Many OEM's can be found here http://ppckitchen.org/packages/PPCGeeks_OEM.rar . You may have to search the forum/FTP to gather the OEM's you want. You can also use the OEM pkg creator to convert your cab to OEM.

Step 4. Run BuildOS, make sure there's a checkmark for each program you want to include in the ROM, then click the green "play" button at the top. It will say done at the bottom when finished. If you don't add any OEM's, there will be nothing to "check" in BuildOS. BuildOS uses the OEM/ROM/SYS folders to create a dump, located in \temp\dump.

Step 5. Run "buildit.bat" (doubleclick it). This will take the dump & convert it to a flashable rom. When complete, your ready to flash ROM will be in the RUU folder, named RUU_signed.nbh.

Step 6. Run the ROMUpdateUtility.exe in the RUU folder, you may want to 1st use the included PagePool changer to set the pagepool higher. I use 32, stock default is 12.

If this is your first attempt to build a rom, start simple. Just to get the feel of it, follow the above steps, but skip step 2 (dont add any OEM's). Run Prepit.bat, BuildOS, buildit.bat, then flash. Next time around, add in your OEM's.

I hope this guide will help anyone that has interest in building their own custom ROM.....good luck

Breaking down the leaked Sprint rom.....

Step 1. Use WinRAR to extract the RUU_Vogue_4350_PPST_SpeciallNBH_SPRINT_WWE_3.02.65 1.2_Radio_435011_3.37.15_AM_NV_SPCS_1.33_0823_Test .exe, this is what it will look like:

Step 2. Copy the largest .nbh to your kitchen, in this case 2.nbh. If you want to break down 2.nbh, use NBHExtract, it will look like this:

You can also use NBHTool which can convert NBH to NB & NB to NBH.

Last edited by OMJ; 05-12-2008 at 07:21 AM.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 02-20-2008, 03:19 PM
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Re: Cook your own Custom Touch ROM

Originally Posted by Old_Man_Jenkins View Post
This is just a quick guide on how to cook your own ROM. This is my method, others may have their own method. I am not re-writing a kitchen tutorial, I am merely condensing it into 5 simple steps. If you can follow instructions, you can cook your own ROM. The tricky part is, what do you do when you get an error? That's where the real fun begins, lol. It's trial & error.

All these tools are already out there, I only packaged them for convienience.....Thanks to DogGuy, Lattisimo, No2Chem, jakdillard, dharvey for making these tools available!

I have put together 2 versions, one that is based on a stock Sprint ROM, and one that is based on no2chem's v107 basekit (clean). These kitchens are based from DogGuys Kitchen, I would recommend reading his readme for more detailed information. I have made it alittle easier by including the .nbh and running prepit.

Step 1. Download & extract the Touch Kitchen of your choice. ftp://ppcgeeks:ezupload@up.ppcgeeks..../OMJ/Kitchens/

Step 2. Copy your OEM's into the OEM folder. Many OEM's can be found here http://ppckitchen.org/packages/PPCGeeks_OEM.rar . You may have to search the forum/FTP to gather the OEM's you want.

Step 3. Run BuildOS, make sure there's a checkmark for each program you want to include in the ROM, then click the green "play" button at the top. It will say done at the bottom when finished.

Step 4. Open a command prompt window, make sure to change directory to where buildit.bat is located. If you're running WinXP, you can right click on the folder, then choose, "open command window here". Once you're in the correct directory, type "buildit.bat input.nbh" without the quotes. When complete, your ready to flash ROM will be in the RUU folder, named RUU_signed.nbh.

Step 5. Run the ROMUpdateUtility.exe in the RUU folder, you may want to 1st use the included PagePool changer to set the pagepool higher. I use 32, stock default is 12.

If this is your first attempt to build a rom, start simple. Just to get the feel of it, use the stock kitchen, follow the above steps, but skip step 2 (dont add any OEM's). Run BuildOS, buildit.bat, then flash. Next time around, add in your OEM's.

I hope this guide will help anyone that has interest in building their own custom ROM.....good luck

If you would like to build from scratch, the oiginal Kitchen can be found here:
Shhhhh! You are telling the secret! lol

Nice simple guide. Don't forget to remind them that if they do run in issues, suggest that they search XDA and here.

Also, I just do buildit at the command line and don't include the nbh filename. Have you given that a shot?
  #3 (permalink)  
Old 02-20-2008, 08:32 PM
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Talking Re: Cook your own Custom Touch ROM


Great work, i been looking for somthing like this....thanks
  #4 (permalink)  
Old 02-20-2008, 10:37 PM
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Re: Cook your own Custom Touch ROM

Excellent! Downloading now and will give it a try.

I used one of the Apache kitchens, and made several of my own OEM's for it.

Due to BT and freezes with my Mogul, had abandoned it by the time kitchens came available.

Now look forward to cooking ROMs for my Touch.
  #5 (permalink)  
Old 02-20-2008, 11:29 PM
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Re: Cook your own Custom Touch ROM

Thanks for the quick guide OMJ. I've downloaded the OMJ Kitchens twice now and keep getting CRC / unexpected end of archive errors when extracting.
  #6 (permalink)  
Old 02-20-2008, 11:36 PM
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Re: Cook your own Custom Touch ROM

Originally Posted by IsLNdbOi View Post
Thanks for the quick guide OMJ. I've downloaded the OMJ Kitchens twice now and keep getting CRC / unexpected end of archive errors when extracting.
The FTP kept disconnecting on me too, giving me partial files like you have.

Use a download manager like Free Download Manager and you'll get the whole file.
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Old 02-21-2008, 12:54 AM
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Re: Cook your own Custom Touch ROM

Dude if this works for me im going to be a happy dude! MAke my custom ISO for my boxes, and now my wm! Im taking it that I can add all the 3rd party apps and etc I want pending memory right. I can make an evil lil rom with all kinds of goodies for all. Any other tips would be helpful!
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Old 02-21-2008, 01:00 AM
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Re: Cook your own Custom Touch ROM

Ok i know i have a sprint mogul but i figured that shouldnt stop me from asking this anyways.........What does it do when you change the pagepool? Does it free more memory or does it make the device snappier or what? Inquiring minds want to know lol.

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Old 02-21-2008, 01:26 AM
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Re: Cook your own Custom Touch ROM


Working great, just flashed my Touch looking good man.....thanks
  #10 (permalink)  
Old 02-21-2008, 03:13 AM
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Re: Cook your own Custom Touch ROM

Originally Posted by king_tee View Post
Ok i know i have a sprint mogul but i figured that shouldnt stop me from asking this anyways.........What does it do when you change the pagepool? Does it free more memory or does it make the device snappier or what? Inquiring minds want to know lol.

Just like the page file on your computer or "swap" file. Think of it as an extension to your memory, instead of it being separated its located on your hard drive or in this case you storage space.
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