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  #91 (permalink)  
Old 12-25-2009, 04:05 AM
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Re: VZW replacing TP1 with TP2!

After calling back and being offered a 3rd refurb in less than a week, and a lot of complaining, I was finally offered a TP2, which I agreed to take. It was practically shipped. But then for some reason she tranferred me to someone who said I was not eligible for a replacement becuase my account was elegible for an upgrade. Basically why give you a TP2 when you can buy one... But after speaking with a supervisor they finally agreed to honor the TP2 offer, but only after extending my upgrade period (but not my contract). I suppose this is an ok deal. See you on the TP2 forums...
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  #92 (permalink)  
Old 12-25-2009, 05:15 AM
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Re: VZW replacing TP1 with TP2!

Wow this thread got long! I've been over in the TP2 forums for so long I forgot I posted it! Sorry guys. Loving my TP2!!

The thing is, there's no reason for the rep not to give any TP1 user a replacement TP2, even if it's their first replacement. Verizon doesn't even offer the TP1 on their website anymore, mainly because it had so many problems.

Just be persistent with any rep you're on the phone with, and if they ask to send you out any replacement other than the TP2, politely tell them you're going to try to go through HTC for a warranty claim. They don't know that you're not going to do that.

Then wait a little while - 2 hours, 2 days - it doesn't really matter...and call back. Because you're going to get a different Rep every time you call them back! And if you can talk to a customer service rep and get them to agree that you've had a bad experience with the TP1 and that you should be upgraded to a different device, TELL THEM TO PUT IT IN YOUR CALL NOTES, so that when you get transferred to tech support you don't have to explain your whole situation again. I believe this is what inspired the tech support rep to upgrade me to the TP2.

Keep calling different reps until you get them to agree to send you a TP2!! Good luck guys and Merry Christmas!

06 GTO Quicksilver/Red leather/M6, 1 of 104
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  #93 (permalink)  
Old 12-25-2009, 05:38 PM
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Re: VZW replacing TP1 with TP2!

Originally Posted by n8mack33 View Post
After calling back and being offered a 3rd refurb in less than a week, and a lot of complaining, I was finally offered a TP2, which I agreed to take. It was practically shipped. But then for some reason she tranferred me to someone who said I was not eligible for a replacement becuase my account was elegible for an upgrade. Basically why give you a TP2 when you can buy one... But after speaking with a supervisor they finally agreed to honor the TP2 offer, but only after extending my upgrade period (but not my contract). I suppose this is an ok deal. See you on the TP2 forums...
I was forced... very strictly and insistently... to extend my contract another 2 years. Unreal... I didn't like that, and it killed the excitement I had for them upgrading me to the TP2. I understand it was nice of them to 'give' me a TP2, but after everything I went through they were simply doing what any billion dollar company should do for a loyal frustrated consumer who has been a patron of that company for years upon years - so I hated the fact they added their "We'll make your problems go away.... BUT here's what you HAVE TO DO in order to have us do what we should have done in the first place." Blah.....
August 12th... Droid-2! Still undecided; but leaning toward purchasing, as a phone to "tide" me over (according to great advice from ckeegan) until truly remarkable devices are released from Verizon fully operation on 4G networks in 2012!
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  #94 (permalink)  
Old 12-29-2009, 04:47 AM
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Re: VZW replacing TP1 with TP2!

Originally Posted by HTC Touch-Pro View Post
I was forced... very strictly and insistently... to extend my contract another 2 years. Unreal... I didn't like that, and it killed the excitement I had for them upgrading me to the TP2. I understand it was nice of them to 'give' me a TP2, but after everything I went through they were simply doing what any billion dollar company should do for a loyal frustrated consumer who has been a patron of that company for years upon years - so I hated the fact they added their "We'll make your problems go away.... BUT here's what you HAVE TO DO in order to have us do what we should have done in the first place." Blah.....
I just have to say man, there's no reason for Verizon to have made you sign a new contract, and they know it. I'd be on the phone with them everyday until that contract is null and void. There was no contract for me to sign, I wasn't asked to sign one, AND I got to keep my Touch Pro 1! I would so be calling them back to protest them making you sign an agreement!
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  #95 (permalink)  
Old 12-29-2009, 12:23 PM
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Re: VZW replacing TP1 with TP2!

Originally Posted by bullhead00 View Post
I just have to say man, there's no reason for Verizon to have made you sign a new contract, and they know it. I'd be on the phone with them everyday until that contract is null and void. There was no contract for me to sign, I wasn't asked to sign one, AND I got to keep my Touch Pro 1! I would so be calling them back to protest them making you sign an agreement!
I know.... ugh, man it makes me sick and mad every time it comes back into my mind and I start to dwell on it. I am the kind of person that loves good customer service and will go out of my way to raise up an associate or business if they supply a great experience or product, but the opposite holds true as well.

I know and understand their marketing corporate tactics they executed here, its obvious - give the customer a shiny new phone, and in the midst of their excitement, make them sign on the dotted line. Doh!

I did email in a very well written and thoughtful account of my feelings on the matter, and was given a call by a representative in response... but in short, I was just battle fatigued, if I can use that term loosly, after 6 weeks of back-and-forth with Verizon.

THE SILVER LINING is that, at least in 22 months when I can 'upgrade' at their 'discount' who knows what insanity willb be available then! 2 years from now, we might have veritable mini-laptops dressed up as phones, oled multi touch with 12mp cameras, and wifi-n networking!!! One can hope......

PS: Regarding my TP2, I admit.... I LOVE it. I typed this entire post on it, WITH gloves on, waiting in my dentist's office!!!
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