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Old 08-18-2009, 04:09 PM
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Re: Losing Faith in Windows Mobile 6.xx

Originally Posted by hpdrifter View Post
I feel your pain. A few weeks ago I posted a Thread asking if it was HTC or WMxx that sucked? I 've had a Q with WM on it and a 6800 and now the TP. Even with a cooked ROM this phone doesn't work the way it should. I constantly try and use one app/service and end up opening 5 others and then spending 5 minutes to close everything and just get the dam phone to work. Meanwhile my wife on her Curve posts endless away direcly to facebook, browses the net without trouble and never has to do a soft reset. (a Daily occurance for me! ) I still can't send a MMS text yet and the next time I put my phone in my pocket (locked of course) and it doesn't butt dial 2-3 people, change all my settings, screw up my contacts, ect, ect....will BE THE FIRST! UGH! I am so sick of this crap! I just want a phone that plain works!
Go get the EnV2 or some BREW Phone if you want to live in Mussolini's Italy. Just like an Iphone User

The trains run on time, but the OS owns you.

For the record, Android and WM are equal in power and capabilities. It's ALWAYS about the device. The first Android Device was a failure. HTC seems to be trying to balance cost, with abilities, and ends up screwing both.

The problem is the power WM needs to run decently these days. 6.1 is a vista-era OS, and acts like one. We never had lag on our PDAs because those things had 624 MHZ processors, but drank battery life faster than one can imagine. RAM is another, pricey, battery sucking issue.

In the end, the TP2, fine tuned to a new era of devices (where usability beats the perks). It has a fine tuned OS that offers more open RAM. Remember, a device can have a gig or RAM, but if doesnt manage it correctly, it can act like its running 256. HTC needs to get their STUFF together, otherwise I don't see them succeeding.

Of course, you can do what Mighty, Me, and a whole bunch of other users here do, and customize your phone at the registry level, to make sure it does what you want and saves on battery life.

Originally Posted by michd View Post
Im in the same boat as the OP. My love for wm goes as far back as the 6600 (w/camera), 6700, Vogue and now, the Touch Pro (Mighty ROM6). I plan on skipping the Touch Pro2 until a wm7 device.

I know Snapdragon and Tegra (outperforms snapdragon) look amazing, to me wm7 got me alittle worried. From the pictures I've seen, it looks like a glorified wm6.xx. Same old taskbar and bottombar w/a new twist. I'm wishing that they revamp wm7 like they did w/the Zune HD http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0_WPdg6zUeE The Zune HD OS is awesome (I ever use that word).

For meantime, I'm out of contract w/Sprint. I plan on buying the HTC Hero when it comes to Sprint or even get a Palm Pre on ebay to hold me over. Lets hope wm7 can bring the most of us back to windows mobile.
The Zune HD Operating System is Windows CE, it's running the same skeleton software your TomTom uses,

proving my point that its about the Device more than an OS, as the device needs to be fine tuned for said OS
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