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  #31 (permalink)  
Old 07-18-2009, 12:11 PM
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Re: Q & A for Touch pro's on TEP (Service and Insurance)

Originally Posted by bignadad View Post
it was through verizon, not sprint. it has been in the rice for about 3 hours and when i turn it on it just turns the camera flash light on and off. i have a ssk rom on it now. should i keep it in water till i send it back or try and get it to turn on so i can flash stock rom and relock.

what happens if i send back with ssk rom and they are able to find out? is this illegallllll??? been flashing custom roms for a year or so now. i guess its a little late to be asking that question right???
As informed you can leave it in the pool to totally fry the circuits and it will not power on, or loose it. No matter what you will be requesting a replacement. Regarding to it being illegal, it's not.. the only thing is that it will void the warranty on the phone and the carrier will not work on it with third party apps or custom Rom's.
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  #32 (permalink)  
Old 07-18-2009, 12:39 PM
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Re: Q & A for Touch pro's on TEP (Service and Insurance)

Hey, so lately, my phone has not been charging properly because it's been getting really hot. Whenever I get home from school, I'll plug it in, and within 10 minutes, it's stopped charging and is really hot. So I'll leave it off the charger for like half an hour and plug it back in and it's fine. Is there anything I can do? I've taken it in before for this when it was fully stock and they said that there was nothing wrong with it just because it gets hot.
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  #33 (permalink)  
Old 07-18-2009, 01:49 PM
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Re: Q & A for Touch pro's on TEP (Service and Insurance)

Originally Posted by GODZSON View Post
As informed you can leave it in the pool to totally fry the circuits and it will not power on, or loose it. No matter what you will be requesting a replacement. Regarding to it being illegal, it's not.. the only thing is that it will void the warranty on the phone and the carrier will not work on it with third party apps or custom Rom's.
put the phone in the sun within the tupperware and rice and it works!!!

already filed the claim with asurian and only cost $50 and will be here monday.

i am about to flash with the mr1 rom from verizon website and lock. is that all i have to do?

Last edited by bignadad; 07-18-2009 at 02:11 PM.
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  #34 (permalink)  
Old 07-19-2009, 12:32 AM
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Re: Q & A for Touch pro's on TEP (Service and Insurance)

Originally Posted by A-to-the-J View Post
Hey, so lately, my phone has not been charging properly because it's been getting really hot. Whenever I get home from school, I'll plug it in, and within 10 minutes, it's stopped charging and is really hot. So I'll leave it off the charger for like half an hour and plug it back in and it's fine. Is there anything I can do? I've taken it in before for this when it was fully stock and they said that there was nothing wrong with it just because it gets hot.
Mine was acting like that this weekend, it would get hot and die out within an hour without using it.. I found out it was an application and took it off. It can also have an app in the background running and making it overheat, you can also have the Sprint store check your battery they "should" replace it for you if its poor, bad, mariginal, or toast..
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  #35 (permalink)  
Old 07-19-2009, 02:10 AM
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Re: Q & A for Touch pro's on TEP (Service and Insurance)

what is the cheapest addon other than TEP7 to have my
motoQ replaced or refurbed?

also, once i file a claim.. can i esn swap to a backup handset until the replacement arrives?


Originally Posted by GODZSON View Post
Thought I'd help out with question's in this thread regarding your service and repair benefits, or what steps to take and what's covered. Feel free to ask questions and I will be glad to assist. I would've placed this thread in question link but this is directly to just Total Equipment Plan for Touch Pro.

Hope to be of some assistance,

God Bless

Major Nate and myself would be answering any questions you have

Asurion (Insurance Claims)
WebSite: http://asurion.com/
(800 ) 584-3666

Sprint Self Service Phone Replacements

Sprint Tech Support
(888 ) 788-4727

Retensions (Cancellations/ Account Services)
(877 ) 775-4886
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  #36 (permalink)  
Old 07-19-2009, 11:47 AM
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Re: Q & A for Touch pro's on TEP (Service and Insurance)

Originally Posted by badsez View Post
what is the cheapest addon other than TEP7 to have my
motoQ replaced or refurbed?

also, once i file a claim.. can i esn swap to a backup handset until the replacement arrives?

$7 a month for full coverage is pretty cheap already. but if you just want service its 3 or insurance for 4.. Its worth the 7$ trust me.

Once you file a claim you can place another unit on the line with no problem, just make sure when you switch to inform rep that its not an upgrade.
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  #37 (permalink)  
Old 07-20-2009, 03:44 AM
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Re: Q & A for Touch pro's on TEP (Service and Insurance)

i have been reading alot about the insurance and things with sprint.. however im still confused on 2 things. first of all i had insurance on a phone years ago, the fone broke and sprint came up with some b.s of why the insurance was not applicable in that case.. long stoy short i havnt insured another phone since. now i have the touch pro and absolutely love it, however, the keyboard broke, my guess is the ribbon might be damaged,
my questions are simple: can i get a NIB if i have no insurance and 2: when/if i go to replace the phone should i flash it back to stock rom or wont it matter?...

if anyone can help id apreciate it,, thanks!
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  #38 (permalink)  
Old 07-20-2009, 05:00 AM
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Re: Q & A for Touch pro's on TEP (Service and Insurance)

Originally Posted by GODZSON View Post
Mine was acting like that this weekend, it would get hot and die out within an hour without using it.. I found out it was an application and took it off. It can also have an app in the background running and making it overheat, you can also have the Sprint store check your battery they "should" replace it for you if its poor, bad, mariginal, or toast..
I'm leaning toward the battery since it's been doing it since my phone was stock and has been getting progressively worse. I always make sure I close all my apps before shutting off the screen. I'll check out the Sprint Store tomorrow after school. Should I uninstall all my apps before taking it in? Oh yea, I'm still on the stock rom.
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  #39 (permalink)  
Old 07-20-2009, 02:03 PM
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Re: Q & A for Touch pro's on TEP (Service and Insurance)

Originally Posted by spidrweb View Post
i have been reading alot about the insurance and things with sprint.. however im still confused on 2 things. first of all i had insurance on a phone years ago, the fone broke and sprint came up with some b.s of why the insurance was not applicable in that case.. long stoy short i havnt insured another phone since. now i have the touch pro and absolutely love it, however, the keyboard broke, my guess is the ribbon might be damaged,
my questions are simple: can i get a NIB if i have no insurance and 2: when/if i go to replace the phone should i flash it back to stock rom or wont it matter?...

if anyone can help id apreciate it,, thanks!
You would always need to flash to Sprint ROM when taking in a unit, Service & Repair will "not" service the phone with third party ROM's or if a third party app is giving system issues it will be deleted but customer must approve first.

If the repair center has a extra keyboard in stock from a swapped out unit they can switch it to your's if you have service and repair (ESRP) then a new one will be requested if you have insurance (ERP) then it will need to go through Asurion.
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  #40 (permalink)  
Old 07-20-2009, 02:10 PM
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Re: Q & A for Touch pro's on TEP (Service and Insurance)

Originally Posted by GODZSON View Post
You would always need to flash to Sprint ROM when taking in a unit, Service & Repair will "not" service the phone with third party ROM's or if a third party app is giving system issues it will be deleted but customer must approve first.

If the repair center has a extra keyboard in stock from a swapped out unit they can switch it to your's if you have service and repair (ESRP) then a new one will be requested if you have insurance (ERP) then it will need to go through Asurion.

so pretty much since i have no insurance,,, the first time they said its gonna cost me $120 to get a refurbished one,, but i was just thinking about buying the ribbon myself for like $50 and replacing it coz thats my only issue with the phone...

thanks alot for the info, it was an incedibly great help
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