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  #21 (permalink)  
Old 07-16-2009, 09:25 PM
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Re: Q & A for Touch pro's on TEP (Service and Insurance)

Originally Posted by Hex View Post
just a suggestion to all...

I have noticed and personally proven that the attitude and stance you take with the store/phone rep make a definate difference to how far above and beyond they will go for you. I sat right behind someone with a TP at my local store who was being an a-hole to the rep and using expletive after expletive. He was told that there was "nothing we can do for you"... I followed right behind him to the SAME rep with the exact same issue (malfunctioning usb port) and said "i hate to be a burden but i am having the same problem... is there any way to get this issue resolved?" (from past c.s. experience the word "problem" is cause for instant defensive behavior). I was cordial and unnecesarrily patient but walked out with a new-in-box TP that was going to be sold that afternoon.

the moral is... people will only go as far to help you as you are willing to let them. if it means swallowing some pride and sucking up a little, it most definately moves the process thru.

personally i went thru 3 PPC6700's 4 Vogues and am on Touch Pro #3... all handled in store and at no cost to me
Originally Posted by Sporkman View Post
i agree fully i have all ways been a nice guy and kept my cool when i really wanted to EXPLODE
Originally Posted by Hex View Post
its tough... i worked for at&t and earthlink for 2 years. the first thing they tell you in training is that nobody calls up tech support to say thank you and everything is working (although it did actually happen once). i have had people rip me a new one as if i personally was keeping them from their email. the nice people got a lot more help from me in general (though i used to love taking the irate calls for my supervisor... i was just really good at letting crap roll and not getting offended. i just see it WAY too often to not make the previous post.
Thank you all for these posts. It is true, you will get further if you have a nice attitude, and approach the issue with a positive outlook rather than going ape on someone that just wants to help you. You can catch more flies with honey than with salt.(i know the saying is a lil off, but i figured it matches up with the amount of success you would have, lol...)

But yes, I'm also here to help. Thanks Godzson!
Want to change the camera sound on your Touch Pro? Check my thread here: http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=60470

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  #22 (permalink)  
Old 07-16-2009, 09:27 PM
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Re: Q & A for Touch pro's on TEP (Service and Insurance)

Originally Posted by GODZSON View Post
I know how hard it is to be on the other side to get assistance, this is actually how I met my wifey, she was a customer and I gave her the service I would have looked for as a customer. Till this day we joke around and I tell her friends n fams that she was breaking the phones on purpose to come and talk to me and she says I was the one that would do a temp fix so she would come back :P

Well that's how it is ladies and gents.. just treat others how you'd like to be treated, and all will go well. So if your ever around Fl we would be glad to help out as best we can..

Major Nate and myself work in the same store so if any of you have a question about anything other than TEP, we would give you "real" feedback.

As always Be Safe and God Bless
No doubt, any chance we get to help out customers, we jump for it.
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old 07-16-2009, 09:30 PM
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Re: Q & A for Touch pro's on TEP (Service and Insurance)

OK I took my malfuntioning TP to a sprint repair store and they replaced the top part of my TP (the screen) with another TP, and installed a new keyboard. The screen had severe scratches, and the chrome was cracked at the mic piece. I am not mad, It works fine and at night you cannot even see tht scratches...I am aware though that because of the wear and tear of the top part that problems are on the way. I was hoping for a new TP. While I was there I fiddled with the Palm Pre, its actually not a bad phone, with the exception that you can only read MS office files and not create or manipulate them. I liked the Pre but its like comparing a 2009 camaro to a 2009 Honda Accord, both nice cars but the camaro can definitely out perform the accord. My 2 cents

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  #24 (permalink)  
Old 07-16-2009, 10:00 PM
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Re: Q & A for Touch pro's on TEP (Service and Insurance)

Originally Posted by Jyounya View Post
OK I took my malfuntioning TP to a sprint repair store and they replaced the top part of my TP (the screen) with another TP, and installed a new keyboard. The screen had severe scratches, and the chrome was cracked at the mic piece. I am not mad, It works fine and at night you cannot even see tht scratches...I am aware though that because of the wear and tear of the top part that problems are on the way. I was hoping for a new TP. While I was there I fiddled with the Palm Pre, its actually not a bad phone, with the exception that you can only read MS office files and not create or manipulate them. I liked the Pre but its like comparing a 2009 camaro to a 2009 Honda Accord, both nice cars but the camaro can definitely out perform the accord. My 2 cents

I added this GIF because its cool. I like cool things. Even ice.

Well sir, regarding to the parts.. we at times have phones to harvest parts from so the tech did this to help out and not have you wait 3-5 days without a working unit.. Major Nate an myself have done this to prevent customers from not having a phone and getting more irrate especially when there is not on stock to replace. We get "some" for Seed Stock but if can fix the issue and service the customer's phone then they leave satisfied and that gives us the satisfaction of helping. The Palm Pre is nice the only thing it needs is SD slot and video recording capability with a slight wider keyboard, then I'd be sold as long as we start creating apps or porting em from the Iphone that would be adequate.

Be Safe and God Bless bro.. I likes the car comparison :P
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old 07-17-2009, 10:07 PM
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Re: Q & A for Touch pro's on TEP (Service and Insurance)

I bought my phone new in box from ebay, not from the store. Can I add TEP to my line and have it covered?
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  #26 (permalink)  
Old 07-18-2009, 12:31 AM
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Re: Q & A for Touch pro's on TEP (Service and Insurance)

yea you can add it...thats exactly what I did.
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  #27 (permalink)  
Old 07-18-2009, 07:55 AM
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Re: Q & A for Touch pro's on TEP (Service and Insurance)

Just dropped my TP in the pool. sat down there for about 1 minute. when i got it out i dried drying (towel, air, etc.) when i put the batter back in the phone just started vibrating constantly. then the camera flash light came on and would stay solid, then flash.

after trying to dry a little more i tried to replace the battery and the vibrating eventually stopped but the light is still flashing.

i have it in a tupperware of dry rice now waiting to see the outcome.
the water mark on the batteries lines are still solid smudged red.

if the phone does not make it what do i do about it being unlocked with a custom ROM? is that a problem? can i send it back to asurian like that?
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  #28 (permalink)  
Old 07-18-2009, 10:03 AM
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Re: Q & A for Touch pro's on TEP (Service and Insurance)

Originally Posted by nejohnson View Post
I bought my phone new in box from ebay, not from the store. Can I add TEP to my line and have it covered?
Yes you can, 30 days within activation.. thx Jyounya for the reply, glad it wasn't a bogus Touch Pro..
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  #29 (permalink)  
Old 07-18-2009, 10:12 AM
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Cool Re: Q & A for Touch pro's on TEP (Service and Insurance)

Originally Posted by bignadad View Post
Just dropped my TP in the pool. sat down there for about 1 minute. when i got it out i dried drying (towel, air, etc.) when i put the batter back in the phone just started vibrating constantly. then the camera flash light came on and would stay solid, then flash.

after trying to dry a little more i tried to replace the battery and the vibrating eventually stopped but the light is still flashing.

i have it in a tupperware of dry rice now waiting to see the outcome.
the water mark on the batteries lines are still solid smudged red.

if the phone does not make it what do i do about it being unlocked with a custom ROM? is that a problem? can i send it back to asurian like that?
This would need to go through Asurion, once liquid is in the circuit board you will always have issue on the phone. If the unit powers on flash it with a .EXE Rom from sprint you won't need to lock it after completion, but if it doesn't then I see no worries.. If you have doubt's then turn into a D.B.R. (Damage Beyond Repair) aswell.. Smash It lol have at it, It dopped out the window while driving and ran vehicles ran over it several times before you where able to get it.. Give us feed back once you make the claim.. but gotta make sound legit.. I'd just tell the truth about the pool and send it once I receive the replacement.. do it before 5pm business days so they can overnight, don't know if they can on weekends. They can't fix it so don't worry bout them turning it on and finding out just add more chlorine pool water in your tupperware until you receive it so the board is done.

Hope this helps, God Bless
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  #30 (permalink)  
Old 07-18-2009, 10:50 AM
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Re: Q & A for Touch pro's on TEP (Service and Insurance)

Originally Posted by GODZSON View Post
This would need to go through Asurion, once liquid is in the circuit board you will always have issue on the phone. If the unit powers on flash it with a .EXE Rom from sprint you won't need to lock it after completion, but if it doesn't then I see no worries.. If you have doubt's then turn into a D.B.R. (Damage Beyond Repair) aswell.. Smash It lol have at it, It dopped out the window while driving and ran vehicles ran over it several times before you where able to get it.. Give us feed back once you make the claim.. but gotta make sound legit.. I'd just tell the truth about the pool and send it once I receive the replacement.. do it before 5pm business days so they can overnight, don't know if they can on weekends. They can't fix it so don't worry bout them turning it on and finding out just add more chlorine pool water in your tupperware until you receive it so the board is done.

Hope this helps, God Bless
it was through verizon, not sprint. it has been in the rice for about 3 hours and when i turn it on it just turns the camera flash light on and off. i have a ssk rom on it now. should i keep it in water till i send it back or try and get it to turn on so i can flash stock rom and relock.

what happens if i send back with ssk rom and they are able to find out? is this illegallllll??? been flashing custom roms for a year or so now. i guess its a little late to be asking that question right???
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