Originally Posted by Jyounya
OK I took my malfuntioning TP to a sprint repair store and they replaced the top part of my TP (the screen) with another TP, and installed a new keyboard. The screen had severe scratches, and the chrome was cracked at the mic piece. I am not mad, It works fine and at night you cannot even see tht scratches...I am aware though that because of the wear and tear of the top part that problems are on the way. I was hoping for a new TP. While I was there I fiddled with the Palm Pre, its actually not a bad phone, with the exception that you can only read MS office files and not create or manipulate them. I liked the Pre but its like comparing a 2009 camaro to a 2009 Honda Accord, both nice cars but the camaro can definitely out perform the accord. My 2 cents
 I added this GIF because its cool. I like cool things. Even ice.
Well sir, regarding to the parts.. we at times have phones to harvest parts from so the tech did this to help out and not have you wait 3-5 days without a working unit.. Major Nate an myself have done this to prevent customers from not having a phone and getting more irrate especially when there is not on stock to replace. We get "some" for Seed Stock but if can fix the issue and service the customer's phone then they leave satisfied and that gives us the satisfaction of helping. The Palm Pre is nice the only thing it needs is SD slot and video recording capability with a slight wider keyboard, then I'd be sold as long as we start creating apps or porting em from the Iphone that would be adequate.
Be Safe and God Bless bro.. I likes the car comparison :P