Originally Posted by TheRealHotshot
LMAOOOOOO I love when ppl can give an opinion about other ppl opinion's but can't take it when someone have an opinion about there opinion. So what they do? Lash out I'm just saying bro everyone have they own opinion about the tp2 keyboard some think better some think worst just don't see how you get a kick out of ppl who said the keyboard looks better when you used an half a** example and think someone wasn't gonna check you on it? Yea righttttt. Bottemline you don't like the KB. I like the KB end of story. Right? Let agree to disagree  before they close this thread down ok /facepalm
Listen idiot, I need you to focus because this is wasting my time. I have allready said I don't give a **** about your opinion...Its yours, do what you want with it. This was never the "my opinion is better than yours" that you made it out to be. I voiced my opinion after making the comment and I even pointed out that I knew what he meant, and I just found humor in the irony, nothing more. The only thing you need to be "checkin" is your own grammar. FYI, I agreed to disagree with you before you even posted. Knowing your opinion is not a prerequisite to disagreeing with it and it was a given that we would disagree. Way to point out the ****ing obvious. Now for the love of Christ, STFU allready.