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Old 07-13-2009, 06:38 PM
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Re: Who else hates the Touch Pro 2's keyboard??

Originally Posted by TheRealHotshot View Post
Hey you! Stop that right now! Beating that dead horse! Its DEAD you looking childish and like a hurt woman you need an E-hug or something? I love ppl who wear there hearts on there sleeves on an online forum amazing. I really got ya going this morning/afternoon but its ok I know I know seem like I'm picking on you and your opinion and wack and lame post its ok *rubs thumb and middle finger together* you see this...this is the world smallest violin playing world saddest song just for you and your emo post lmaooooo loser you can't even be CIVIL with lames anymore online before they go in a fit Bi***'in...Whine'in... And Complaini'n boo hoo I'm done with this. Back on topic I like the tp2 keyboard +1 in my book for the offset keys. I'm gone
LOL and you call me childish. Glad you're done, I was getting tired of reading your drivel.
"There is no such thing as a stupid question" is just as ridiculous as saying "There is no such thing as a stupid answer". This proves there are also "stupid statements". There are probably alot of "stupid ideas" too. And what do all these things have in common? Stupid people.

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