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  #21 (permalink)  
Old 07-13-2009, 08:19 AM
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Re: Who else hates the Touch Pro 2's keyboard??

I must say, I love my Touch Pro keyboard. I went from my mogul to this one, and I feel the best addition that they made was the Ctrl key. I'm glad they'll be keeping it on the TP2, but I can't really see spending another $400-500 on a newer version of my phone that has a lil bigger screen, bigger speakerphone, and a zoom bar at the bottom of the screen. Also, I enjoy the liberal use of my "tab" key on my pro as well, which is not pictured on the TP2. Plus the closeness of all the keys makes it easier for me personally to text one handed.
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old 07-13-2009, 08:21 AM
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Re: Who else hates the Touch Pro 2's keyboard??

I liked the keyboard of my Mogul better than the TP. The TP is just a little cramped. I've gotten use to it, but i was much more comfortable holding that Mogul. I had no issue with hitting that FN key to get to my numbers. Really don't need a seperate row for numbers on my TP. It's not like I'm typing numbers most of the time.

Someone mentioned if the Mogul had a better resolution and more memory they would get back on it. Well I probably would too.
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old 07-13-2009, 10:06 AM
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Re: Who else hates the Touch Pro 2's keyboard??

Id be happy as long as the keyboard ......works. My 4th tp is staaaaaarting to go out
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old 07-13-2009, 11:00 AM
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Thumbs down Re: Who else hates the Touch Pro 2's keyboard??

Originally Posted by AceXMachine View Post
Sorry, but I had to laugh at some of these. Especially the comment about how the keyboard "looks" better. Because thats what really matters for a keyboard...how it looks. The only thing that looks matter on are chicks, cars and my *** and not necessarily in that order. Don't flame me, I know that you meant that the keyboard looked like it would be better (for typing on), not just look asthetically better...it just made me laugh. The OP made a good point. With the bigger screen for on-screen typing to handle normal stuff, they could afford to put a more complete/functional keyboard on the device instead of giving me a Rant/Rumor/*enter cheap *** LG/Samsung/etc POS Qwerty device here* keyboard. As mentioned before, missing the top row of numbers is a no go, hated using the Fn keys on the 6700, 6800 etc and will hate it on the TP2. No flash, gimped keyboard, and the only plusses are a bigger screen? I think I will wait until the TP3...or 4. Going back to the TP2 keyboard, I question the helpfulness of it being offset. PC keyboards are offset for ergonomics since you are using, in most cases, both hands and most if not all your fingers. Since I doubt any of you use any more than your thumbs on both hands I do not see the benefit from an offset. However, since the thumb is generally the biggest "finger" on the hand that does make the argument that bigger keys = easier typing, no dispute there. +1 to the OPs post.
Lmaoooo at your post...so your whole post is about how some ppl think they keyboard looks better? But you use a poor excuse for only thing that matters when it comes to a woman looks? Hey my friend not everything that looks better so she's a pretty woman but might have a shi*** attitude so is her looks worth it now? Ummm no I have USED tons of phones before and I myself perfer spaced out keys cause I pump out a lot of texts/emails. So I have a feeling a feeling the tp2 keyboard will be better for me. But hey it might not be won't know til I buy it. So next time you post blindly on another person opinion just remember its an opinion you have yours everyone else have they own. So imma give u a -1 for your blind rage post hahaha so attacking ppls opinion's /facepalm
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old 07-13-2009, 11:24 AM
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Re: Who else hates the Touch Pro 2's keyboard??

Originally Posted by TheRealHotshot View Post
Lmaoooo at your post...so your whole post is about how some ppl think they keyboard looks better? But you use a poor excuse for only thing that matters when it comes to a woman looks? Hey my friend not everything that looks better so she's a pretty woman but might have a shi*** attitude so is her looks worth it now? Ummm no I have USED tons of phones before and I myself perfer spaced out keys cause I pump out a lot of texts/emails. So I have a feeling a feeling the tp2 keyboard will be better for me. But hey it might not be won't know til I buy it. So next time you post blindly on another person opinion just remember its an opinion you have yours everyone else have they own. So imma give u a -1 for your blind rage post hahaha so attacking ppls opinion's /facepalm

Wow...I cannot believe I have to explain myself on this. I'll go slow so you can keep up ok? The whole "chick" etc comment was a punchline...a ****ing joke...you caught me. I'm married, so if my wife were to risk being caught dead here an read that she would kick my ***...or make me wish she could. Are you happy? Jesus Christ. I did not "post blindly" on anyone's opinion nor could what I said be misconstrued as "blind rage" (you got something against the blind, or do you just like using "blind" statements/stereotypes that don't apply?). And of course I am posting my opinion, who elses opinion would I post wiseass? I don't give a flying dimple pig **** what you want in your keyboard, but you sure as hell won't see me posting behind you saying "ohhhh but thats only your opinion"......I allready ****ing know that and so does everyone else here, thanks for nothing? Do me a favor, either take a joke/comment or leave it alone. I don't think anyoe here needed you to rescue them from my "blindly posted, blind rage induced opinion".
"There is no such thing as a stupid question" is just as ridiculous as saying "There is no such thing as a stupid answer". This proves there are also "stupid statements". There are probably alot of "stupid ideas" too. And what do all these things have in common? Stupid people.

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  #26 (permalink)  
Old 07-13-2009, 11:44 AM
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Re: Who else hates the Touch Pro 2's keyboard??

all this complaining and *****in over something none of us have even tried yet lol!! its like saying you hate someone that you never met or havent even had a conversation with. calm down guys at least get the thing in your hands first
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  #27 (permalink)  
Old 07-13-2009, 11:58 AM
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Re: Who else hates the Touch Pro 2's keyboard??

Maybe it's not a big deal to some of you guys, but not having a Tab key is a real dealbreaker for me. You don't know how good that key is until you lose it (I went from Sprint TP to VZW TP)
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  #28 (permalink)  
Old 07-13-2009, 12:03 PM
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Smile Re: Who else hates the Touch Pro 2's keyboard??

Originally Posted by AceXMachine View Post
Wow...I cannot believe I have to explain myself on this. I'll go slow so you can keep up ok? The whole "chick" etc comment was a punchline...a ****ing joke...you caught me. I'm married, so if my wife were to risk being caught dead here an read that she would kick my ***...or make me wish she could. Are you happy? Jesus Christ. I did not "post blindly" on anyone's opinion nor could what I said be misconstrued as "blind rage" (you got something against the blind, or do you just like using "blind" statements/stereotypes that don't apply?). And of course I am posting my opinion, who elses opinion would I post wiseass? I don't give a flying dimple pig **** what you want in your keyboard, but you sure as hell won't see me posting behind you saying "ohhhh but thats only your opinion"......I allready ****ing know that and so does everyone else here, thanks for nothing? Do me a favor, either take a joke/comment or leave it alone. I don't think anyoe here needed you to rescue them from my "blindly posted, blind rage induced opinion".
After reading you post than understandin I can't read you post imma give you a chance to "edit" it if you want. I'm just saying you posting about how me or whatever thinks the offset keyboard looks better and will work better as wrong cause we going off only on looks than use a tasteless "chick look joke" post would only make me or soon somebody else post about your post. That's all I'm saying bro..cheers
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  #29 (permalink)  
Old 07-13-2009, 12:52 PM
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Re: Who else hates the Touch Pro 2's keyboard??

The TP2 looks good but I got my sights set on the Omnia Pro. If its stats match the Omnia then the added hard keyboard, I will drop HTC and Sprint and never look back.
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  #30 (permalink)  
Old 07-13-2009, 01:29 PM
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Re: Who else hates the Touch Pro 2's keyboard??

Get rid of the 'favorites' and 'email' key and give me a freaking underscore key and I'll be happy.

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