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  #31 (permalink)  
Old 06-29-2009, 06:24 PM
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Re: Can we stop the ROM madness?

Originally Posted by info[]box1 View Post

Can we stop the ROM madness? Yeah...Let ppcgeek's finest chefs in Microsoft's best kitchen lock them in and tell them money not a objective...I WISH

Hahahah, good one.

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  #32 (permalink)  
Old 06-29-2009, 06:34 PM
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Re: Can we stop the ROM madness?

Originally Posted by scrosler View Post

Everyone will want something differnt.

Why dont the users come up with a list of what they want and post it, no seriosuly... thats a good idea as well.
Lets thread it up../!\
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  #33 (permalink)  
Old 06-29-2009, 06:45 PM
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Re: Can we stop the ROM madness?

Originally Posted by dodge_longhorn View Post
hmm not true using a kitchen takes some time to get used to and then you have to sometime make different OEMs and maybe add some tweaks and ect. just because they dont make a kitchen dose not mean they dont do work..why does everyone have to make a kitchen to become a cheif thats some real bull ****
no no no, just because u add some oems you're not a chef, i can get the already cooked rom from the chef and just add cabs. adding splashes and a few programs doesnt make you a chef. i dont care what you say.
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  #34 (permalink)  
Old 06-29-2009, 07:10 PM
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Re: Can we stop the ROM madness?

Since when is having options and variety a bad thing? I like the variations and competition as it gives me an option to find exactly what I'm looking for (well as close as I can get without cooking anyways). You mentioned that perhaps a chef having their name on a ROM is more important than "the greater good," as if it was all about ego. I think many chefs cook a ROM to their liking and then decide to share it with the community which I am grateful for.

Wrong section by the way, this is not a ROM, kitchen, or radio.
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  #35 (permalink)  
Old 06-29-2009, 07:15 PM
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Re: Can we stop the ROM madness?

Originally Posted by scrosler View Post

Everyone will want something differnt.

Why dont the users come up with a list of what they want and post it, no seriosuly... thats a good idea as well.
haha if you was to read my thread you would see i have asked numerous times to pm me a list of what they want included.... one person actually done that the rest declined the offer......

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  #36 (permalink)  
Old 06-29-2009, 07:15 PM
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Re: Can we stop the ROM madness?

Originally Posted by dodge_longhorn View Post
I am up for it.. i dont care if my name is in it or my themes but we have to get the big dogs into this haha
Why remove the variety? Your ROMs and themes add a bit of flavor that many enjoy (as well as you I'm sure or you wouldn't have added them in). Why take this option away from the community?
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  #37 (permalink)  
Old 06-29-2009, 07:16 PM
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Re: Can we stop the ROM madness?

Originally Posted by 98classic View Post
no no no, just because u add some oems you're not a chef, i can get the already cooked rom from the chef and just add cabs. adding splashes and a few programs doesnt make you a chef. i dont care what you say.
I actually enjoy seeing so many folks taking the same SYS, someones kitchen (most every kitchen has 98% of the same files/tools) and sit back and see how many different variations we get.

True, most roms folks drag-n-drop OEM's into and call it done, some may add a skin to their rom as well. But it is these subtle color changes, and different selection of added programs that keep many of the users here busy flashing.

Knowing the differences in the roms (as I still peer inside them), It's still that personal tweak, personal pink dot that's makes all these roms unique.

Maybee I need some tutorials on tweaking rom components, like incorporating your own OEM settings to that program with your features. But folks, using the XIP/SYS as your selling point...You leave yourself up to the mercy of Micro$oft and whatever the original creator was and there is not that much difference. Let's see more users complaining because the chef has the alarm in g-alarm waking them up with a rooster at 6:15AM... (Oh, that was one of my roms! lol...)

Ever compared the stuff when a chef post the info located at:
HKLM\Software\OEM\MASD ????

edit: and now my short train of thought below on the subject matter at hand...

Drag Away the Drag-N-Dropper Chefs!!!
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  #38 (permalink)  
Old 06-29-2009, 07:22 PM
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Re: Can we stop the ROM madness?

My vote is for what we have. Variety is the spice of life. If you don't want a particular ROM, just ignore the user and all of his ROMs.

Pay close attn to the REAL rom pieces and you can determine exactly how different or similar the ROMs are. Also if you don't like the different ROMs, find a kitchen with the base you like.....then build a basic ROM off of that.

So many possibilities

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Funniest thread ever!!

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  #39 (permalink)  
Old 06-29-2009, 09:05 PM
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Re: Can we stop the ROM madness?

Originally Posted by lllboredlll View Post
haha if you was to read my thread you would see i have asked numerous times to pm me a list of what they want included.... one person actually done that the rest declined the offer......
I did that on my site and go so many answers I couldnt keep them all straight!

SSKUers are not afraid to speak there minds I guess!
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  #40 (permalink)  
Old 06-29-2009, 09:07 PM
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Re: Can we stop the ROM madness?

Originally Posted by rstoyguy View Post
I actually enjoy seeing so many folks taking the same SYS, someones kitchen (most every kitchen has 98% of the same files/tools) and sit back and see how many different variations we get.

True, most roms folks drag-n-drop OEM's into and call it done, some may add a skin to their rom as well. But it is these subtle color changes, and different selection of added programs that keep many of the users here busy flashing.

Knowing the differences in the roms (as I still peer inside them), It's still that personal tweak, personal pink dot that's makes all these roms unique.

Maybee I need some tutorials on tweaking rom components, like incorporating your own OEM settings to that program with your features. But folks, using the XIP/SYS as your selling point...You leave yourself up to the mercy of Micro$oft and whatever the original creator was and there is not that much difference. Let's see more users complaining because the chef has the alarm in g-alarm waking them up with a rooster at 6:15AM... (Oh, that was one of my roms! lol...)

Ever compared the stuff when a chef post the info located at:
HKLM\Software\OEM\MASD ????

edit: and now my short train of thought below on the subject matter at hand...


Drag Away the Drag-N-Dropper Chefs!!!
You preset a ROM to wake people up? Is that what you are saying?
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