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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 06-29-2009, 02:39 PM
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Re: Can we stop the ROM madness?

uhmmm maybe you should be around a little bit longer. u think there is a lot of roms out for the cdma tp? lol look at the diamond, or the mogul or the touch. abviously u havent been around long enough to know why there are so many. and there is only about 4-5 real chefs doing roms, the other ones just take a kitchen and rls a rom with their own name without doing any work.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 06-29-2009, 02:56 PM
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Re: Can we stop the ROM madness?

I don't see it ever happening and I hope it doesn't. Alot of the ROM chiefs do share ideas behind the scenes with the other ROM chiefs out there and help each other out. One of the beauties of having multiple ROM's to choose from is that everyone is different and chances are there is a ROM out there that suits your needs.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 06-29-2009, 02:57 PM
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Re: Can we stop the ROM madness?

Originally Posted by indagroove View Post
The beauty of many different ROMs is that there is a flavor for everyone. One "unified" rom would be boring, bland, and very much a compromise in many different aspects. If you want a stock rom, just go with the -- well, with the stock rom.

For me, my rom is best, but for others the worst. Mine doesn't have Manila (which I hate and others can't do without), and is a black based rom (some can't see as well and need white -- I hate white keyboards and dialers).

See where I'm going with this..
i hear ya, but i just think the base needs to be common...when i say unified. most of what you say is customization that could be done with a cab file after installing the base. i do not like the stock rom as it is bloated and doesnt work that well. if i were to head this project...i would create 4 roms (or more if needed) - 6.1 and 6.5 base w and w/o tf3d then offer a list of cabs that would be managed...this would allow everyone to be on a similar platform but still give the level of customization each end user wants.

i see all the questions and requests in 1000's of pages of these forums...i would think doing this would allow you guys to do what you are good at an limit the implied support you get hit with.

i guess not a popular idea...i work in software design and management and was just trying to make things even better.
AP all day!
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 06-29-2009, 02:57 PM
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Re: Can we stop the ROM madness?

Originally Posted by bigkenny View Post

My suggestion is the creators of all of these ROM's should form a partnership and create one group of ROM's all based on the same thing. There could be sprint builds, alltell builds, no TF3d etc, but it is all off the same base. This would be by far the best for the end user as it would eliminate the confusion of which one to pick. This would require a lot of working together, but imagine how much more progress would be made if everyone were working for the common good, not just themselves! not only would the roms be better and get better faster, but fixing issues would be much easier as well.

I know everyone has thier opinions of what should be in there, but this whole thing reminds me of why linux really doesnt take off...there are too many flavors!

So, all of the ROM cookers, this is my challenge to you....can you work together for the common good, or is haiving your name on a rom more important to you???

Didint hitler and stalin make similiar comments about communisim.

So we should all adhere to your standard and make ROMS that you want?

I shouldnt have wasted my time posting in this thread as it will cause a flame ware...

BUt oh well. had to laugh.

Maybe all the interior decotrators of the world shoudl unite for one common living room?

Its called personality man. If you want us to loose ours then instead, just flash a stock ROM. Your phone will be like ALOT of other peoples ;c)

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Last edited by scrosler; 06-29-2009 at 03:00 PM.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 06-29-2009, 03:07 PM
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Re: Can we stop the ROM madness?

Originally Posted by scrosler View Post
Didint hitler and stalin make similiar comments about communisim.

So we should all adhere to your standard and make ROMS that you want?

I shouldnt have wasted my time posting in this thread as it will cause a flame ware...

BUt oh well. had to laugh.

Maybe all the interior decotrators of the world shoudl unit for one common living room?
u bring up hitler...great example of working together and making the best of the best...in the 1930s and 40s the germans produced by far some of the best engineered items of thier time...look at the technology they were producing...i do not think there was a better engine in the world at that time. now i know you were trying to use hitler in the traditional "evil person" way. comparing someone who wants standards in software to a person who wanted standards in humanity is sad.

when did i ever say the standards would be mine?

sorry i tried sharing my ideas that may help things. never once did i say we had to do this...it was a suggestion. trying to suppress free speech sounds more like communisim to me...

mods...feel free to lock or even delete this thread...it has already derailed!
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 06-29-2009, 03:11 PM
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Re: Can we stop the ROM madness?

Originally Posted by bigkenny View Post
u bring up hitler...great example of working together and making the best of the best...in the 1930s and 40s the germans produced by far some of the best engineered items of thier time...look at the technology they were producing...i do not think there was a better engine in the world at that time. now i know you were trying to use hitler in the traditional "evil person" way. comparing someone who wants standards in software to a person who wanted standards in humanity is sad.

when did i ever say the standards would be mine?

sorry i tried sharing my ideas that may help things. never once did i say we had to do this...it was a suggestion. trying to suppress free speech sounds more like communisim to me...

mods...feel free to lock or even delete this thread...it has already derailed!
Dont take it personal man. I was just poking fun. Nothing to be offended over.

Your ide is not a solid one though. Thats my opinion on your opinion. It would send us backwards in ROM development.

BTW: WE do share alot of info. Just the other day MIghty MIke was helping me out. We do help each other.

And you are correct about hitler. very ingenious.

I was only poking fun. Dont stop your thread because others disagree!!! (including myself)
I have an odd sense of humor. My apologies if I offended you!
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old 06-29-2009, 03:17 PM
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Re: Can we stop the ROM madness?

Originally Posted by scrosler View Post
Dont take it personal man. I was just poking fun. Nothing to be offended over.

Your ide is not a solid one though. Thats my opinion on your opinion. It would send us backwards in ROM development.

BTW: WE do share alot of info. Just the other day MIghty MIke was helping me out. We do help each other.

And you are correct about hitler. very ingenious.

I was only poking fun. Dont stop your thread because others disagree!!! (including myself)
I have an odd sense of humor. My apologies if I offended you!
sorry...i may have overreacted a bit...the second comment about communism in this thread.

i have worked for software companies where we worked on 10 different bases of software and it was very slow to progress. when we consolidated bases it took time, but a year later we were rocking things out in record time.

oh, you dont even know my sense of humor...you are all good. i am just trying to share some of my thoughts based my experience. the software i manage is completely custom at every location while using a common base...i guess i was using that as my way of thinking...just because its the same doesnt mean it has to look the same!

no offense taken, hopefully u take none from me! i can argue all day then go out for a beer with ya when its all said and done!
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old 06-29-2009, 03:59 PM
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Re: Can we stop the ROM madness?

why do people complain when these chefs spends hours on hours to make a better rom for FREE.....did i mention Free and never demanding a dollar in return but yet so many complains.... every hear the old saying" beggars cant be choosers." simply if you dont like it go back to a stock or better yet make a custom rom of your own...enjoy
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old 06-29-2009, 04:01 PM
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Re: Can we stop the ROM madness?

Originally Posted by 98classic View Post
uhmmm maybe you should be around a little bit longer. u think there is a lot of roms out for the cdma tp? lol look at the diamond, or the mogul or the touch. abviously u havent been around long enough to know why there are so many. and there is only about 4-5 real chefs doing roms, the other ones just take a kitchen and rls a rom with their own name without doing any work.
hmm not true using a kitchen takes some time to get used to and then you have to sometime make different OEMs and maybe add some tweaks and ect. just because they dont make a kitchen dose not mean they dont do work..why does everyone have to make a kitchen to become a cheif thats some real bull ****
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old 06-29-2009, 04:09 PM
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Re: Can we stop the ROM madness?

I agree with the "so many options is needed" side of things.

Each ROM has a different design. Some look different, some are loaded, some are light, some are designed to be stable, others are designed to showcase what your device "can" do. Some are designed to improve over the stock rom's known flaw's, and others are designed to completely replace it. Some are designed to be loaded for a specific carrier, and other's are designed to be universal.

The idea is that there are so many "want's" that people have in their device that tying it down in any way would be detrmimental since there are numerous carriers and an insane amount of users that the only way to find what suits you is to try them all.

I would like to see more partnership ROM's (like the Silence/MM one that was recently done) but just so you can get a mix of designers, but i wouldn't want to limit my ROM choices are sometimes I dont even think of something, but once I find it in a ROM I'm hooked.

Sure, we have crappy ROM's that pop up from time to time... everyone want's to be a star. Overall though there are tons of solid ones that each offer something new. Be it various incarnations of 6.1 or 6.5 or their loaded applications. There's just so much to offer out there giving us all those choices not only bolsters ROM makers to be better, but it also makes us think when we haven't seen something before and really like it after we see it.

So... i agree some collaborations here/there may be "fun" but I wouldn't want those makers to stop their own projects by any means.
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