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  #21 (permalink)  
Old 05-26-2009, 02:18 AM
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Re: Sprint wants $120 to replace my defective Touch Pro (D-Pad Broken)

You get the insurance. You cant claim the phone for 30 days but they might let you swap it out for free as soon as you have insurance. If that doesnt work get insurance activate an old phone and once you have your insurance for 30 days you can reactivate the TP and then have that swaped out for free at the repair center.

The only time you pay a deductable with insurane is if the phone is physicly damaged. Other wise all swaps are free. I have had insurance on all my phones. I have paid maybe two deductables over the last 4 or 5 years. I have swaped probably 20-30 phones in that time. The insurance is worth the cost when you are buying pricey phones like these.

Oh and the reason the deductable went up is because of all these people out their making these fraudgulent claims and what not. Thanks cheap pricks. You already have great sprint phone service at a great price compaired to other companys and you have what I consider good insurance and yet you still have to find away to beat the system as if its some sort of game or something.
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old 05-26-2009, 09:25 AM
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Re: Sprint wants $120 to replace my defective Touch Pro (D-Pad Broken)

Originally Posted by nerdtalker View Post
Well today my Touch Pro's D-Pad stopped working. All of the buttons are completely unresponsive, with no explanation whatsoever. Yesterday I noticed that the dial button stopped working, but thought nothing of it since it's usually finicky to begin with. When I woke up today, however, everything stopped working.

I went into the Sprint (corporate) store I always go to and explained the situation to them. They took it to the repair desk, and the guy came back, asked me if I had insurance (Ironically I canceled it this last billing cycle because of the increased deductible), and then told me that it would cost $120 to replace. I immediately told him that I'd have to think about it.

Last time I checked, this kind of thing was covered to begin with (since it was defective), and repairs were $50. I asked the rep, who said that the cost of smartphone repairs had been increased to $120. Does anybody know about this? I'd like to get the phone replaced as using it without a D-Pad is odd, and the device itself is acting very slow (I think it thinks buttons are being constantly pressed).
I own a Sprint Authorized service center and most of what everyone has said is correct. Sprint now charges $119 for replacement of defective units that do not have ESRP or TEP. Along with this change in policy though, Sprint now covers all in warranty units at no charge. The eTicket application automatically shows if the phone is in warranty or not. If it is and there is no physical damage to your phone, it should get replaced at no cost to you. Hope this helps.
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old 05-26-2009, 09:35 AM
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The USB connection on my TP is broken. Sprint store looked at it and said I need to deal with Asurion or pay them $120. Did not even check my account to see if I have insurance. I do have TEP and phone is in great shape. Any recomendations on what I should do. phone syncs and charges but for how long.
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old 05-26-2009, 10:18 AM
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Re: Sprint wants $120 to replace my defective Touch Pro (D-Pad Broken)

There is no way I would pay $120 to fix this phone or $100 deductible and $7 a month for insurance. I canceled my insurance when they raised the deductible. I would just get a cheapy phone to use while my phone is getting fixed under the 1 year warranty.

$7 a month x 24 month contact + $100 deductible = $268 for 1 phone fix. Too much money! I can get a used Touch Pro from eBay for about $180 or less.
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old 05-26-2009, 10:21 AM
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Re: Sprint wants $120 to replace my defective Touch Pro (D-Pad Broken)

Originally Posted by z06vette View Post
The USB connection on my TP is broken. Sprint store looked at it and said I need to deal with Asurion or pay them $120. Did not even check my account to see if I have insurance. I do have TEP and phone is in great shape. Any recomendations on what I should do. phone syncs and charges but for how long.
Unfortunately, if there is any issue of physical damage (ie: the port being loose, cracked, or missing), then you do have to either go through insurance or pay the $120. If it is just that the port doesn't connect, then there should be no charge. If I have helped please click on thanks.
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  #26 (permalink)  
Old 05-26-2009, 05:38 PM
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Re: Sprint wants $120 to replace my defective Touch Pro (D-Pad Broken)

Looks like I'm going to have to pay the $120. Admittedly, that isn't the end of the world, and considering how many times they've given me a new replacement phone with no questions asked, I guess I should stop my b*tching and just do it

I tried clicking on the "Take advantage of open enrollment in Total Equipment Protection during May" link, but this leads me to my phone/plan overview page with nothing else to click. I bet it checks whether you got the phone in the last 30 days or not. Either way, I guess I'll sign back up for that.
Ev-Do Rev. A Tethered on my TP:

A box of mine:
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  #27 (permalink)  
Old 05-26-2009, 05:42 PM
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Re: Sprint wants $120 to replace my defective Touch Pro (D-Pad Broken)

Hmmz, actually, I think I found the link and requested the Total Equipment Protection plan. I'll check back. I might head in-store today or tomorrow and see.

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  #28 (permalink)  
Old 05-26-2009, 05:47 PM
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Re: Sprint wants $120 to replace my defective Touch Pro (D-Pad Broken)

Originally Posted by nerdtalker View Post
Hmmz, actually, I think I found the link and requested the Total Equipment Protection plan. I'll check back. I might head in-store today or tomorrow and see.

just call *2 and tell them you want tep.
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  #29 (permalink)  
Old 05-26-2009, 05:51 PM
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Re: Sprint wants $120 to replace my defective Touch Pro (D-Pad Broken)

its open enrollment month
call sprint, get it added and go to the store to get your phone replaced for free. theres only a deductable if theres physical or water damage otherswise your paying ZIP

Mogul > Diamond FREE, $75 inconvenience credit
$42/mo 1250 min unlimited txt/data + TEP
<sprint tech>
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  #30 (permalink)  
Old 05-26-2009, 06:02 PM
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Re: Sprint wants $120 to replace my defective Touch Pro (D-Pad Broken)

Should I do that even though I already signed up on the website?
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