Re: Touch Flo 3d Music Library Problem
Originally Posted by Bernhard005
Hi @all!
I think I've found the solution für this problem.
At first I've got to mention that I've first tried the recommenced steps of pringlet in Post #2, but they didn't take effect for me. However, these settings are on my device still present. So if my solution doesn't work for anyone, you could try to change these settings additionally but it shouldn't be necessary.
Ok, let's go to my solution. Please read all the steps first before applying them. I'm not responsible for any damage made to your device or lost data!
First: Close Manila!
Second: Delete the whole library:Deleting HTC Music Library:
- Go to the folder "\Application Data\HTC\AudioManager_Eng\"
- Try to delete the file "AudioManager_Eng.vol".
Maybe this will not work because AudioManager is still running in the background. So kill it first (if you have the necessary program) or just rename the file to something similar, for example to "AudioManager_Eng-1.vol". (You now also have a backup if everything fails)
- You don't have to delete the folder "playlists". However, if you have playlists with files you don't want to have in your library anymore, delete these playlists or remove these tracks.
Deleting Windows Media Player Library:
- Propably this isn't necessary. Since I don't use Media Player at all, I deleted the whole library to be sure, it doesn't have an effect on HTC's library.
- Warning: If you delete the MS-Media Library, all additional information of your tracks will be lost, for example play count, rating etc.! If you want to keep these informations, don't delete this file! (But perhaps you won't get the expected results at the end)
- Go to the folder "\Application Data\Microsoft\Media Player\"
- Delete the content. (Probably the file is not deleteable. Check if Media Player is closed completly. If it still doesn't work, try to rename the file as mentioned above)
- Go to the folder "\Storage Card\MSMETADATA\"
- Try to delete "". If it can't be deleted try to rename it again. On my device, this failed to. But renaming the folder "MSMETADATA" to "MSMETADATA-" worked quite fine.
Checking, if everything was successful (really not necessary!):
- If you open Media Player now, the whole library should be empty. (Don't try to rebuild the library now!)
- You also could check, if the HTC library is now empty. But please don't try it now, the library could then be rebuild and you would have to start at the beginning again!
However, I still will mention this step:
If the process "AudioManager_eng.exe" is still running in the background and you open Manila again, the database should not be rebuild. If you go to the music tab, there should be the message, that no music files could be found.
If the process isn't running, the library will be rebuild and you should see the text "Scanning..." or "Searching..." (or something like that). If you read this text, you really have to start at the top again: Close Manila and delete the HTC Libraray. (Media Player Library still should be empty.)
Third: Setting folder to be scanned or to be skipped:This is the propably most important step. You need an advanced file explorer. I recommend a tool called "Total Commander" (great utility ).
So, let's talk about the "secret trick" :
- Your whole device will be scanned for music again, but you are able to exclude some directories.
- Just open Total Commander, go to the directory you want to be excluded (don't open it, just go to the above directory so you can see the excluded directory listed as an subfolder)
- Open the context menu of the folder (tab and hold on it) and click on properties.
- Active the option "Hidden" by setting a checkmark. (Perhaps open the properties again to check if the change was successful)
- Repeat these steps for every directory you want to be excluded (also subdirs are excluded).
- Note: Every folder marked as hidden is skipped during the scan. Propably your standard file explorer will not display these folders anymore. Of course the files still exist, they are only hidden. You can set your file explorer that it also displays hidden files/folders. Other programs shouldn't have a problem to find these files because they still exists under the same path. (So ringtones set to a contact aren't lost.) But perhaps if you want to set a new ringtone, the files aren't displayed anymore. So if you want to change some settings and the files are gone, don't worry: just set the setting back to visible temporary, make the changes you want and don't forget to set it back to hidden again!
- Note: Don't forget to exclude directories containing a backup or so of the file, too. I first wondered why a special file still exists and then noticed, that i forgot to exclude my backup-dir
The last step: Rebuild your music library:- You now can rebuild your HTC music library. To do this, you have two options to choose from:
a) Softreset your device
b) Kill the background process "AudioManager_eng.exe". (You will need a special program to do this)
- Enable/Start Manila again. (After you closed AudioManger, if you have chosen option B!)
When you switch to the music tab, you should see the message, that a scan is performed. After a while the music files are displayed again.
Check if still files exist you don't want to have in your library. See in which folder they are located and exclude this directory, too.
Note: Because I don't use Windows Media Player, I didn't rebuild the Media Player Library. If you need to rescan for files, please do that later. It is possible, that some files are added to HTC Library again you don't want to. So please check first if your HTC Library is working now. After that, you can try to rescan your Windows MP Lib. Please check again (after a reboot), if your HTC Library is still ok. If it isn't you will have to choose which program is more important for you.
I hope this explanation helped you and you have a clean library now. 
Enjoy it!
Tags: HTC, Manila, Touchflo 3D, Audiomanager, Music, Library, Exclude, Directory, Folder, Ringtones
I'll admittedly plead *ignorant* to all things cab/exe related, but any chance of each step, or both, being made into a cab/exe file so your music library could be cleaned up with a single touch?
TP2 - US Cellular
Stock WM6.5/2.1 ---- for now!!!!