Re: Touch Flo 3d Music Library Problem
the key ring_tone_path is a hint for audio manager to skip that directory. If you deleted it you'll actually get all your ring tones added into your library automatically. So put the key back.
Here's my setup.
I have ring-tones in
/Storage Card/Downloads/Rings
It appears, /Windows/Rings gets skipped automagically, but I didn't mention earlier that I did NOT delete that key but rather I updated key ring_tone_path to /Storage Card/Downloads (didn't define the Rings directory)
If for example you have ring-tones at
/My Documents/My Ringtones
/Storage Card/Ringtone
then maybe trying adding a second ring_tone_path_0 (following the pattern of scan device) argument for each of the directories you want skipped. It may work. Please post if you try it out.
Also, try putting back the device_scan_path_path_0 key. I didn't delete mine, I updated it to the value same as device_scan_path
Additionally, double check that your device_scan_path registry edits are sticking. I was trying to duplicate the behavior you were describing and noticed when I'd change a key here and there the value wouldn't stick or maybe I didn't save my changes. At any rate, just take a second look that both are updated and matching.
Good luck.