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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 03-22-2009, 07:27 PM
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Re: I think I need to exchange my TP...do you agree?

gator, i agree with your post.

when you change anything not just in our phones but in cars etc. you will have issues.

like my car, it only has 9k miles but i installed a air ride suspension. it has given me some problems even tho my car only has 9k miles on it. got it brand new.

but i wouldnt say my car sucks and i want to use the lemon law. i did a lot of custom changes to the car, and i pay the price

same thing for the phones, im running the last Juicy ROM, no problems at all, like it a lot... well i take that back, i cant add ringtones from my files but i know i am using a custom ROM. so no worries.

its part of the game
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 03-22-2009, 07:29 PM
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Re: I think I need to exchange my TP...do you agree?

amen brother...
6700(2nd Backup)-------Kirvin C&S 3.5 WM5 "Still Kicking"
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 03-22-2009, 07:32 PM
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Re: I think I need to exchange my TP...do you agree?

Originally Posted by Mayonesa View Post
gator, i agree with your post.

when you change anything not just in our phones but in cars etc. you will have issues.

like my car, it only has 9k miles but i installed a air ride suspension. it has given me some problems even tho my car only has 9k miles on it. got it brand new.

but i wouldnt say my car sucks and i want to use the lemon law. i did a lot of custom changes to the car, and i pay the price

same thing for the phones, im running the last Juicy ROM, no problems at all, like it a lot... well i take that back, i cant add ringtones from my files but i know i am using a custom ROM. so no worries.

its part of the game
Thanks man!
Just Brilliant, Quietly....
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 03-22-2009, 07:32 PM
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Re: I think I need to exchange my TP...do you agree?

If you flash back to stock and relock, and have the same problems, then you MAY have a hardware problem. I wouldn't be so quick to blame your problems on a custom rom, since I haven't seen anyone else post about the same or similar problems you have. I would go to the advanced exchange website and swap out your phone.

I don't understand why there are people answering you by bashing on custom roms. This site was built on the fact that people are "customizing" their phones. And - since there aren't a whole bunch of people using MightyRom or JuicyRom reporting those issues, I think its more with the phone and not with the software.

So yes - exchange your phone. I think you have a hardware problem.

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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 03-22-2009, 07:45 PM
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Re: I think I need to exchange my TP...do you agree?

IM sorry to bust the bubble Gator, but remember most of the people on here are tinkerers and people that want to load custom roms. You will not get a general population census if you just look at people on this site.

If you only asked a community of pickle haters how much pickles suck, you cant use that information to form a basis on the genpop.

On the same token, you have alot of inexperienced people on here (including myself) trying things they have never done. But thats where we all have started.

The hardware is the hardware. If you load a new OS on your computer that was working fine, and it doesnt agree with it, you wouldnt blame the hardware components (unless overclocking/overvolting were involved). It would be the fault of somethign not acting right. Then you would wipe the hard drive and start over.

If you are using a custom rom and you think that it may be messing with your phone... Load a stock ROM, relock the phone, do a couple hard resets, and see if you still get the problem. If it doesnt arise then slowly add back proggies til you find what happened.

Our Chefs are geniuses, scholars, gentlemen, and all around peers of ours. They only try to help and make things better for not only themselves, but the community. Most of us would not use these phones if it were not backed up with this (and other) wonderful communities.

If its too much for you, stay away from the custom ROMS. and if you dont have any helpful input, then really... you shouldnt be saying much.

Custom ROMS dont kill phones, people getting in over their heads and not knowing what they are actually doing kills phones.
Good Luck and Happy Modding.

I love: Swype, Pandora, AmonRa Recovery and Touiteur.
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 03-22-2009, 07:48 PM
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Re: I think I need to exchange my TP...do you agree?

Originally Posted by gearjunkeez View Post
If you flash back to stock and relock, and have the same problems, then you MAY have a hardware problem. I wouldn't be so quick to blame your problems on a custom rom, since I haven't seen anyone else post about the same or similar problems you have. I would go to the advanced exchange website and swap out your phone.

I don't understand why there are people answering you by bashing on custom roms. This site was built on the fact that people are "customizing" their phones. And - since there aren't a whole bunch of people using MightyRom or JuicyRom reporting those issues, I think its more with the phone and not with the software.

So yes - exchange your phone. I think you have a hardware problem.
Very well be a problem with the phone. In that case, YES, it should be taken back. I know this is a "customization" site and I'm all for it! I customize the heck outa my phone, just not with custom roms.

It doesn't matter "what" problems they are having, it's just that 99% of people with hardware issues are using custom roms. And more with the phone and not with the software? How many posts have you read? Before you make a statement like that, go read the 1000's of post's concerning software related issues with custom roms! I'm not bashing customization or the chefs and their work.....But before wanting to send back a phone, costing us more money for our insurance, revert back to stock and see if it fixed the problem.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old 03-22-2009, 07:51 PM
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Re: I think I need to exchange my TP...do you agree?

Originally Posted by mbell75 View Post
I think the short answer here is just leave your phone stock. Its clear alot of these ROMs I have seen are glitchy. If you dont like the stock phone, buy another brand. Just because you are installing hacked apps doesnt mean its a problem with the phone, its what you are installing onto it.
And you speak from your extensive experience with custom roms?
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old 03-22-2009, 07:54 PM
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Re: I think I need to exchange my TP...do you agree?

Originally Posted by rawdikrik View Post
IM sorry to bust the bubble Gator, but remember most of the people on here are tinkerers and people that want to load custom roms. You will not get a general population census if you just look at people on this site.

If you only asked a community of pickle haters how much pickles suck, you cant use that information to form a basis on the genpop.

On the same token, you have alot of inexperienced people on here (including myself) trying things they have never done. But thats where we all have started.

The hardware is the hardware. If you load a new OS on your computer that was working fine, and it doesnt agree with it, you wouldnt blame the hardware components (unless overclocking/overvolting were involved). It would be the fault of somethign not acting right. Then you would wipe the hard drive and start over.

If you are using a custom rom and you think that it may be messing with your phone... Load a stock ROM, relock the phone, do a couple hard resets, and see if you still get the problem. If it doesnt arise then slowly add back proggies til you find what happened.

Our Chefs are geniuses, scholars, gentlemen, and all around peers of ours. They only try to help and make things better for not only themselves, but the community. Most of us would not use these phones if it were not backed up with this (and other) wonderful communities.

If its too much for you, stay away from the custom ROMS. and if you dont have any helpful input, then really... you shouldnt be saying much.

Custom ROMS dont kill phones, people getting in over their heads and not knowing what they are actually doing kills phones.
Wow you dont know how wrong you are.... Its nothing like a PC and Windows XP/Vista (or whatever)... There is a reason they call it firmware. When you flash you rom you are actauly flashing the microcontroller. Look into windows CE embedded...
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old 03-22-2009, 07:56 PM
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Re: I think I need to exchange my TP...do you agree?

Originally Posted by rawdikrik View Post
IM sorry to bust the bubble Gator, but remember most of the people on here are tinkerers and people that want to load custom roms. You will not get a general population census if you just look at people on this site.

If you only asked a community of pickle haters how much pickles suck, you cant use that information to form a basis on the genpop.

On the same token, you have alot of inexperienced people on here (including myself) trying things they have never done. But thats where we all have started.

The hardware is the hardware. If you load a new OS on your computer that was working fine, and it doesnt agree with it, you wouldnt blame the hardware components (unless overclocking/overvolting were involved). It would be the fault of somethign not acting right. Then you would wipe the hard drive and start over.

If you are using a custom rom and you think that it may be messing with your phone... Load a stock ROM, relock the phone, do a couple hard resets, and see if you still get the problem. If it doesnt arise then slowly add back proggies til you find what happened.

Our Chefs are geniuses, scholars, gentlemen, and all around peers of ours. They only try to help and make things better for not only themselves, but the community. Most of us would not use these phones if it were not backed up with this (and other) wonderful communities.

If its too much for you, stay away from the custom ROMS. and if you dont have any helpful input, then really... you shouldnt be saying much.

Custom ROMS dont kill phones, people getting in over their heads and not knowing what they are actually doing kills phones.
It is helpful input...if I can save 1 person from sending back a phone they destroyed and not raising our TEP's anymore, Then I have done my job. But really....adding wrong or faulty software has and does kill hardware. Sometimes a clean wipe helps but sometimes not. Are Tp's any different?
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old 03-22-2009, 08:11 PM
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Re: I think I need to exchange my TP...do you agree?

I agree with you in the sense that you dont want people sending in phones for repair when it was them that messed it up. I pay for insurance, and I know where you are coming from.

IM also agreeing that you are being helpful. It was more of an all around statement to people in general.

Also I understand that the phones arent really like our PC's... Its more of an all around statement. Again, to be taken with a lick of salt.

I just take offense to people jumping on custom roms as the culprit for our woes... Im standing by the fact that it has more to do with inexperienced people tinkering and then freaking out when things dont go as expected than a custom ROM.

I run custom ROMS all the time... always have, and hope to always will. Ive had odd issues, perfectly working systems and everything in between. The only thing you can do is exactly what I suggested... Wipe to stock and start over.

BTW... when i had the stock rom, i customized the bejesus out of it... and loved it. but now that I run a Cooked ROM... I love it even more.
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