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Old 03-22-2009, 07:48 PM
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Re: I think I need to exchange my you agree?

Originally Posted by gearjunkeez View Post
If you flash back to stock and relock, and have the same problems, then you MAY have a hardware problem. I wouldn't be so quick to blame your problems on a custom rom, since I haven't seen anyone else post about the same or similar problems you have. I would go to the advanced exchange website and swap out your phone.

I don't understand why there are people answering you by bashing on custom roms. This site was built on the fact that people are "customizing" their phones. And - since there aren't a whole bunch of people using MightyRom or JuicyRom reporting those issues, I think its more with the phone and not with the software.

So yes - exchange your phone. I think you have a hardware problem.
Very well be a problem with the phone. In that case, YES, it should be taken back. I know this is a "customization" site and I'm all for it! I customize the heck outa my phone, just not with custom roms.

It doesn't matter "what" problems they are having, it's just that 99% of people with hardware issues are using custom roms. And more with the phone and not with the software? How many posts have you read? Before you make a statement like that, go read the 1000's of post's concerning software related issues with custom roms! I'm not bashing customization or the chefs and their work.....But before wanting to send back a phone, costing us more money for our insurance, revert back to stock and see if it fixed the problem.
Just Brilliant, Quietly....
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