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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 06-09-2009, 03:31 PM
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Re: Touch Pro Screen not working

Originally Posted by wsguede View Post
So I bought my touch pro on 1/1/09 and havent had many problems with it at all. Some minor stuff, could be a rom issue w/e

The biggest thing that has been pissing me off lately is the touch screen.
when i have the keyboard out, the touch screen no longer works. I thought this could be a bug in the ROM i used, but i switched roms and i still have this problem. Does anyone else have this problem? is there a solution other then to get a new phone?

ps. sorry if this has been asked and answered, i dont know what to search that wont bring up 4000 threads...
If it started right after flashing to a new ROM, flash a different one. If it started happening after you had been using a ROM for awhile, then I'd try a hard reset. Be careful after hard resetting to check for the problem after installing each of your programs to make sure one of them didn't booger it up.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 06-09-2009, 03:40 PM
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Re: Touch Pro Screen not working

Definitely seems like a hardware issue. Sounds like something Sprint should be able to replace if you have TEP. If you don't and all ballsy enough to open the TP up and snoop around, you can use the HTC service manual.

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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 06-09-2009, 03:49 PM
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Re: Touch Pro Screen not working

I'm going to side on it being software related. I don't think the screen rotate switch in the slider affects the touch screen other than orientation. He said it does work in portrait mode, which probably wouldn't be a bad touch screen.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 06-09-2009, 03:52 PM
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Re: Touch Pro Screen not working

Originally Posted by veedubguru View Post
I'm going to side on it being software related. I don't think the screen rotate switch in the slider affects the touch screen other than orientation. He said it does work in portrait mode, which probably wouldn't be a bad touch screen.
Its very possible that the sliding action somehow loosens some connections in the screen. It's very odd that he can change ROMs and still experience the same exact problem however.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 06-09-2009, 04:04 PM
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Re: Touch Pro Screen not working

Oh crap! I misread that! Well in that case, yeah. I would still go the route of dropping a stock ROM back on and see what happens, but most likely... notta.

Do you think you'd feel comfortable cracking the case open? If not, I'd be interested in buying the broken one if you buy one to replace it.

And thanks has been given to the user who pointed out that some days I'm just down right illiterate.
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 06-09-2009, 04:32 PM
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Re: Touch Pro Screen not working

Originally Posted by veedubguru View Post
If it started right after flashing to a new ROM, flash a different one. If it started happening after you had been using a ROM for awhile, then I'd try a hard reset. Be careful after hard resetting to check for the problem after installing each of your programs to make sure one of them didn't booger it up.
i was using jaggalo rom from sometime late jan early feb and nothing was wrong until about a week or 2 ago. first when i went to txt msgs the reply box was half off the screen, i figured that to be a rom thing tho, even though it started so late. then randomly the screen wouldnt work. BUT! if i "massage" the screen i would find a "sweet spot" that would work, and thus enabling the rest of the screen to work while open. then if i closed it, and opened it again, it wouldnt work again... if i get home at a reasonable time, i might be able to show you what i mean (video).

do we still think a hard reset might fix it?

Originally Posted by darkjedi007 View Post
Definitely seems like a hardware issue. Sounds like something Sprint should be able to replace if you have TEP. If you don't and all ballsy enough to open the TP up and snoop around, you can use the HTC service manual.

I dont think i have TEP mostly becuase i have no clue what it is... and i dont have the proection plan either (if thats different )

Originally Posted by veedubguru View Post
Oh crap! I misread that! Well in that case, yeah. I would still go the route of dropping a stock ROM back on and see what happens, but most likely... notta.

Do you think you'd feel comfortable cracking the case open? If not, I'd be interested in buying the broken one if you buy one to replace it.

And thanks has been given to the user who pointed out that some days I'm just down right illiterate.
i do not think i will do surgery... i cant afford to break it.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old 06-09-2009, 04:38 PM
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Re: Touch Pro Screen not working

Originally Posted by darkjedi007 View Post
Its very possible that the sliding action somehow loosens some connections in the screen. It's very odd that he can change ROMs and still experience the same exact problem however.
actually i think this is the case, if i push it closed just a little (1mm maybe) then the touch part works. i wonder if this is an easy fix thing that sprint can do at the repair desk for like $15
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old 06-24-2009, 10:00 AM
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Angry Yet another broken TP for me...

Sorry guys, but I really have to gripe about this somewhere. I got my first Touch Pro from Sprint on May 2nd of this year, and was extremely happy with it. The phone was brand new, and after about a week I got tired of the lagginess of the stock ROM, so I hopped on here and started looking into my options, eventually flashing it with a few different WM6.5 ROMs, trying out different things. Well, on June 4th I started experiencing the not completely uncommon keyboard failure (started out as the phone lagging and then pressing a key over and over again, like I'd try to text "What's up" to somebody in a text message, but it'd end up more like Whatttttttttttttttttttt's up", eventually leading to the keyboard not working at all.) As luck would have it the keyboard finally up and died somewhat late in the afternoon, and later that night I was supposed to be on a plane going out of town, so I drove to the local Sprint store. I got there at 7:20PM, and as far as the sign on the outside of their store says, they close at 8PM. I walked up to the counter, explained my problem, and the guy at the counter looked at my phone and said "Sorry, it's too close to closing time, you can either leave your phone here overnight or come back tomorrow." This was quite frustrating seeing as I had already explained to him that I was going to be leaving that night. Anyway, I stormed out of the store and called Sprint, where they had another phone sent out to me, this one refurbished. What a nightmare this one was. During the two days that I had that phone, it randomly power cycled while in my pocket at least six times, it was hit or miss as to whether I would be able to pair with bluetooth (it would say "Bluetooth hardware failure" when it didn't want to connect), just about every other time I looked down at the phone it would say that "Device.exe has stopped responding", txt messaging was hit or miss as to whether or not it would even send, calls would drop, etc. Well, once again I called Sprint, and once again they sent me out a refurbished phone. This one seemed to work alright for about a week, but now any time I set the phone down for 10-15 minutes or more, it completely shuts itself down (when I try to bring it back from standby it has to completely turn itself on). Well, now Sprint's sending me YET ANOTHER refurb, but I got the guy on the phone with me to agree to notate my account saying that if this refurb doesn't work like it's supposed to, they're going to send me a new handset. I was just wondering if anybody else has had this kind of nightmare with refurbished Touch Pros. I really don't have any faith in their refurbs right now. IDK, I'm just kind of ed in this lack of quality for a phone that I paid $400 out of pocket for (with $100 mail-in rebate).
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old 06-24-2009, 10:11 AM
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Re: Yet another broken TP for me...

many of us have experienced problems with refurbs. there are many threads on it.
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old 06-24-2009, 10:34 AM
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Re: Yet another broken TP for me...

holy wall of txt !

this would be better suited for here

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