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Re: How do I Use Sprint Touch Pro as a Modem
not for nothing, but this has nothing to do with being new. it has to do with being lazy. not checking back a couple of pages of threads or not using search. quit coddling lazy people and shrouding their laziness with newness. please. I read threads here for months before posting the first time. I am not saying that everyone should do it like that, but it wouldnt hurt for people to read a little more and stop being so damn lazy. btw, 100% of people on here were new at some point. not sure how you arrived at 98%. I guess the other 2% were just born knowing everything. good for them. |
Re: How do I Use Sprint Touch Pro as a Modem
It appears that he has searched but he has still been unsuccessful in getting this to work so I would cut him a break. Install the ICS cab I have attached soft reset and you should be good to go I will attach wmwifirouter aswell just in case, its a very useful piece of software.
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Re: How do I Use Sprint Touch Pro as a Modem
I owe this fix to Skeegcpp for encourging me to have fun and not give up. Here is the the fix with all of the components for the "Non-Geek".
![]() Start buy down loading for the free Reg Editor Run the exe. Very easy to use for us Non-Geeks Connect your phone via USB and click Connection and connect. This will show the Reg files on your phone. Click Tools and Unlock Registry. Now follow the Reg changes listed below: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Comm\InternetSharing] Extension="" Delete the "isext.dll" entry [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Comm\InternetSharing\settings] ForceCellConnection="Sprint PCS" [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Comm\InternetSharing] MaxCMCon=0 2. Start the Internet Sharing application. 3. Hit Connect In the Internet Sharing application. 4. Connect the Diamond to the Laptop/PC via USB 5. Done. No other applications needs to run on the PC/Laptop. For those of you that used to have to start the phone modem and then start the PC modem this does it all with the connect on the phone, VERY COOL. Thank you all for putting up with me for 12 hours, (yeah it took that long for me to find stuffthat I could figure out how to use). I hope that this very easy fix can help others to have a life after TP Modem set up. |
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Re: How do I Use Sprint Touch Pro as a Modem
If you read the thread since I first posted you will see that I did try and try and try for 12 hours. I must not be as smart as you but maybe someday. It was not that I did not look but what I found I did not under stand. After I finally did get it together and made it work I posted the step by step for Non-Geeks. And Skeegcpp gave me the best advice of everyone, have fun and dont be afraid to wipe out everything and start over.
Re: How do I Use Sprint Touch Pro as a Modem
"that skeeg dude with the black girl"
F.I.Y.A.M Last edited by skeegcpp; 01-26-2009 at 02:25 AM. |
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Re: How do I Use Sprint Touch Pro as a Modem
Also, someone/people had to think up and create this site(theres your 2%), remember, i said 98% on this site were new to this site. not new to PPCs period
Last edited by skeegcpp; 01-23-2009 at 09:27 PM. |
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Re: How do I Use Sprint Touch Pro as a Modem
true, my bad just have to remember to take it eazt sometimes. Im learning as I go too so..
![]() FORUM FAQ | FORUM RULES | NEW USER GUIDE |TIPS FOR SEARCHING | RULES FOR SALES ON SITE “Semper Fidelis†(Always Faithful) is the motto of the Corps. That Marines have lived up to this motto is proved by the fact that there has never been a mutiny, or even the thought of one, among U.S. Marines. |
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Re: How do I Use Sprint Touch Pro as a Modem
Working good for me..
![]() Just plugged it into the ubuntu lappy, fired up ICS, and the lappy connected right up. Seems pretty snappy! Faster then the mogul for sure.
Re: How do I Use Sprint Touch Pro as a Modem
Dont we have FAQ's on how to use the forum. Wouldnt one start there? The word and ideaoligy behind stickes doesnt ever catch ayone's eye? Serious: "Touch Pro FAQ's - READ BEFORE POSTING! (Last Update 1/10/09)" Not following simple instructions is just as offensive to me as it is to you when you see a noob get blasted. Which by the way, didint happen here. We have all seen it MUCH MUCH worse than this. i agree, dont balst people but.... Give them the answers they seek and show them a better way.Try to do it in a non offensive manner. but realize what is offensive to one may not be to another...... One man's freedom fighter is another mans terrorist. Think about what that means in terms of perspective. My two cents... No more or no less impoirtant than anyone elses. Now if my new neighbor was knocing on my door and flashing lights in my winodws because he couldnt find his garage....... hehehehehe.... Please dont feel I am taking sides one way or another... But man, how many posts can we get about ICS????????? Last edited by scrosler; 01-24-2009 at 09:57 AM. |
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