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Old 01-23-2009, 08:21 PM
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Re: How do I Use Sprint Touch Pro as a Modem

Originally Posted by henbone11 View Post
not for nothing, but this has nothing to do with being new. it has to do with being lazy. not checking back a couple of pages of threads or not using search. quit coddling lazy people and shrouding their laziness with newness. please.

I read threads here for months before posting the first time. I am not saying that everyone should do it like that, but it wouldnt hurt for people to read a little more and stop being so damn lazy.

btw, 100% of people on here were new at some point. not sure how you arrived at 98%. I guess the other 2% were just born knowing everything. good for them.
Originally Posted by jpcboca View Post
I owe this fix to Skeegcpp for encourging me to have fun and not give up. Here is the the fix with all of the components for the "Non-Geek". I tried the Internet Share Fix from the link above and it did not work for me and I lost the Connect ability with INS. I took Skeegcapp's advice and did a hard reset on the phone and started over. No problem for me with the HR I just got the phone, major FYI for others.
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"that skeeg dude with the black girl"

Last edited by skeegcpp; 01-26-2009 at 02:25 AM.
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